My Clone Empire

Chapter 196: penetration

"Citizen No. 1204112, you have violated Article 32 of the Criminal Law of the Republic of Mali and committed first-degree attempted murder. Please immediately give up your weapon in your arms and kneel on the ground with your hands high, otherwise we will resort to force!" The police officer standing above the fence jumped from the fence to the front of the hooded man, drew a pistol and aimed at the hooded man.

"You...what are you kidding! I'm just walking! Yes, I'm just walking!" The hooded man suddenly became flustered when he saw the black armored policeman in front of him and the pistol in his hand.

"Five days ago, after your girlfriend broke up with you, your mood fluctuated sharply."

"Four days ago, you bought a fifteen-centimeter-long rib knife from the convenience store in shop 241, but you did not purchase any meat that requires this knife during these four days."

"In the three days after you purchased the knife, you have not been to any other place except for the place where your ex-girlfriend must go to get off work every day. At the same time, your facial expressions show that you are making an extremely difficult decision in these three days. !"

"Tonight at 11:32, you took this rib knife and left your residence, and at the same time entered the alley that your ex-girlfriend will pass when she gets off work, and your heartbeat is approaching before your ex-girlfriend gets off work. It has been accelerated by 25%."

"Through these signs, you have been convicted of deliberate murder. You have no right to plead or seek a lawyer."

"According to Article 31 of the new law of the Republic, you will be sentenced to ten years of hard labor! If you choose to resist or run away, you will face the risk of being shot on the spot!" The police shouted coldly to the hooded man.

"I didn't intend to kill anyone! I only carried weapons for self-defense!" The hooded man said, turning around and fleeing.

The policeman who had been aiming at the hooded man decisively pulled the trigger, and a bullet flew past the man's calf, leaving a long blood mark on the man's calf.

The hooded man fell to the ground in pain, and the rib knife in his arms also fell into the drain on the side.

Seeing that the other party really dared to shoot, the man in the hood finally persuaded him. Seeing the policeman approaching with the gun, he raised his hands decisively.

"This is Police Constable No. 3321. The prisoner has been subdued and can be taken into custody." The police took two steps forward and put handcuffs and handcuffs on the hooded man.

Not long after, an **** vehicle converted from a bus arrived outside this alley.

This hapless child was also pressed into the **** vehicle, waiting for him will be ten years of unpaid labor, he will be sent to work in the underground mine of Titan Mining.

Even if he died in the mine, no one would care.

Since the launch of the Titan Group's Prophet Project, the number of free prisoners sent to Titan Mining has reached tens of thousands.

These people thought that they were living in an era of lawlessness, and they did not know that the Republic of Mali had changed!

The rapid reaction force experimentally deployed by the Titan Group in Mogasha, using low-altitude airships as a projection base, can rush to any corner of the city within three minutes.

Anyone who wants to commit a crime or is committing a crime is inevitable, and their every move is monitored by the Titan Group!

After the implementation of the Prophet’s plan and the deployment of the rapid reaction force, the local crime rate in Mogasha dropped to almost zero!

By collecting residents’ daily behavior habits and psychological fluctuations, the Titan Group has been able to predict 99% of criminal behaviors. Anyone caught by cameras with severe emotional fluctuations will be monitored and fundamentally prevented them from leaving. On the road to crime!

The remaining one percent of accidental injuries are really unavoidable, and there is no alternative.

Residents in Mogasha clearly felt the changes in the city they lived in.

I had to wear self-defense weapons when I went out, and I didn't even dare to leave the house at night.

Now they not only dared to take a walk at night, but also no longer have to lock the door and close the window when they sleep!

Especially after several thieves who planned to steal in the house were taken away by the police as soon as they opened the window, the city of Mogasha has truly reached the goal of not closing the house at night!

Suddenly, the voices supporting the new government became louder and louder, and people were grateful that they could choose such a government that was willing to do practical things.

They don't even know that they have no "freedom" long ago, their every move is in the hands of the Titan Group, and even their wives will be monitored in real time!

The earth-shaking changes in the public security situation in Mogasha have also attracted the attention of media from other countries.

These media have begun to conduct in-depth analysis of this private law enforcement model.

People began to have a tendency to privatize law enforcement agencies in their hearts, but concerns about whether private law enforcement agencies would bend the law for personal gain still prevailed.

But it doesn't matter, Tang Shizhe, the mastermind of this wave of propaganda offensive, has achieved his He just wants everyone to accept the fact that private law enforcement agencies exist.

And use actual actions to prove the advantages and rationality of private law enforcement agencies!

In addition to the privatization of law enforcement agencies, the Republic of Mali has performed another "feat" that shocked the world!

While the whole world was still immersed in the shock of the Republic of Mali's privatization of law enforcement agencies, the government of the Republic of Mali suddenly announced that the Parliament of the Republic of Mali had reached a motion to privatize the military with a high number of votes of 94%!

From that day on, the Republic of Mali no longer has an army! Instead, all defense tasks are handed over to the private company Black Mask International!

Although the governments and media all over the world are aware of the fact that Black Mask International has laid down the entire existing territory of the Republic of Mali for the Mali government.

But they never thought that the Republic of Mali would surrender the army!

It is clear who is in power in the Republic of Mali at a glance, but the countries have no evidence and can only find ways to secretly start.

However, they did not know that on the day the Republic of Mali announced the privatization of the military, the transport aircraft carrying the concentrated gc medicine had arrived in many mainstream countries in the world.

These concentrated gc medicines hidden in the tree of purification have successfully entered various countries under the name of the Titan International Environmental Protection Association.

Once a country intends to use force against the Republic of Mali or the Titans, Tang Shizhe will let them know what it means to die.

The gc potions sent in each country are enough to make more than one hundred dead soldiers equipped with enhanced reproductive armor enter the state of abnormal variants!

One hundred extremely agile, powerful, self-repairing, and super combat capable variants can cause damage when entering the city!

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