My Clone Empire

Chapter 261: Yes it's ours

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Several prisoners walked towards the sea curiously, and when they came to the beach, the seabed not far from them suddenly burst into a dazzling flash.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of these prisoners turned into darkness, and their retinas had been burned by the flash, but these people had no time to feel the pain of being blinded, and the originally calm sea was instantly lifted.

A huge wave of more than 30 meters high rises from below the sea surface, and behind this huge wave is a shock wave with destructive high temperature.

In the blink of an eye, several prisoners on the beach were beaten into mud by the huge waves, and then washed away by the current.

The huge ocean wave followed the shock wave and began to spread wildly around with the flash point as the center, and a large mushroom cloud composed of water mist gradually rose in the sea.

Suddenly, equipment used to detect nuclear explosions in various countries began to alarm frantically, and all countries activated the highest level of combat readiness alarms.

Everyone looked dumbfounded. There hasn't been any conflict between countries that can use nuclear weapons recently. Did Israel throw nuclear bombs on neighboring countries?

When the satellite sent back accurate information about the nuclear explosion, countries around the world were not only relieved but were frightened by the location of the nuclear explosion.

The nuclear explosion occurred on an island more than 100 kilometers off the coast of the Republic of Tanzania, which is one of the territories of the Titan Group!

In other words, the Titan Group has developed nuclear weapons? This is the idea of ​​all countries at a time.

Originally, the Titan Group was already a very dangerous existence. It was extremely aggressive, and now they have even developed nuclear weapons! Do those people in the intelligence department eat shit!

After the outbreak of the nuclear explosion, the Eagle State was the first to stand up and threw dozens of forged materials about the study of weapons of mass destruction in the Republic of Mali and Tanzania to reporters.

At the same time, it was revealed that the location of the nuclear explosion was the place where the hostages of various countries were held!

The actions of the Republic of Mali and the Republic of Tanzania taking hostages to test the effects of nuclear weapons are anti-human! It is cruel!

However, the face is that at the same time that the Eagle State Ministry of Foreign Affairs held the press conference, the Republic of Mali and the Republic of Tanzania also held a joint press conference, claiming that all the hostages have been transferred to a new island resort in the territorial waters of the Republic of Mali. The living expenses given by the countries will be used by the Republic of Mali in the daily life of these hostages. It will never allow the hostages of other countries to be wronged. It has shown the live videos of these hostages as evidence. If countries do not believe, they can make video calls with the hostages.

At the same time, the Republic of Mali also admitted that it tested an experimental small-yield nuclear weapon in its own country's territorial waters.

After the successful experiment, the Republic of Mali has commissioned the Titan Group to begin mass production of nuclear warheads with larger quantities and larger equivalents.

There was an uproar in the media from all over the world. Originally, nuclear weapons were only the killers of major powers, but now they are actually in the hands of a private company!

Has Pandora's box been opened?

All of a sudden, calls for the Republic of Mali, the Republic of Tanzania, and the Titan Group to abandon all nuclear weapons and destroy all relevant information have become increasingly louder.

Amidst the voices, Tang Shizhe's orbiter launch tower was also completely completed.

Tang Shizhe, who used his body to take over and returned to the Republic of Mali, immediately rushed to the original space center of the launch tower without stopping.

The current space center was also completed with the completion of the launch tower. A disc-shaped ten-story high building covering an area of ​​nine square kilometers stands at the very beginning of the launch tower.

The hundreds of kilometers long launch tower extends eastward from the center of this disc-shaped building.

And around the disc-shaped building, there are five factory-shaped buildings five kilometers long, one kilometer wide, and fifty meters high.

These buildings together form the building complex of the space center. The overall shape of the building complex is probably: *This look.

"How are your preparations?" Tang Shizhe came to the control tower of the Space Center.

The original control room of thousands of square meters is already full of staff, everyone is watching the data on the monitors around the control room and discussing quietly.

"Boss, we have used supercomputers to calculate many times in the early stage, and have conducted experiments through a proportional experimental model. If there is no accident, the probability of our first launch is about 85%, but as the launch continues , The success rate will continue to increase."

"According to your instructions, for the first launch, we will launch five large orbital defense satellites at once." Tang Ba came to Tang Shizhe, who is now the CEO of Titan Airlines appointed by Tang Shizhe himself.

"Very well, before the countries have reacted, deploy the satellite directly above their heads!" Tang Shizhe nodded.

"Attention all staff, the launch of A00000001 is about to begin, please return all staff to their posts!" The broadcast suddenly sounded, and all staff trot back to their seats.

The display in the center of the control room suddenly changed, and a hall similar to the spaceship hangar in a science fiction movie appeared in the picture.

This hangar-shaped hall is at least one square kilometer in size by visual inspection.

The staff wearing strong colonial armor and the loading and unloading robots they control are as big as ants in the screen.

On one side of this hall, UU Reading neatly stacked fifteen capsule-like aircraft.

These capsule-shaped aircraft are the "ammunition" of the orbiter launcher!

The length of each aircraft is 100 meters, and the diameter is as large as 20 meters.

The materials that such a huge aircraft can carry are definitely much larger than all existing space vehicles or launch vehicles.

This is why Tang Shizhe dares to launch five large-scale orbital defense satellites at once.

"Prepare to send the spaceship No. 1 into the launch chamber!" As the broadcast came, four sturdy robotic arms hung from the ceiling of the hall in the picture. The robotic arms directly lifted the first spacecraft from the bottom and descended toward the center of the hall. Remove from the sinking launch card slot.

The maximum length of this sunken launch card slot is 500 meters!

In other words, if technology permits, a spacecraft with a length of 500 meters and a diameter of 20 meters can be launched into the earth's orbit at most!

This 100-meter-long spacecraft occupies only one-fifth of the position when it is loaded into the card slot.

"The spacecraft No. 1 has been loaded, close the shield, and start drawing air."

Several layers of transparent composite shields slowly rise from both sides, firmly wrapping the spacecraft that has been stuck in the launch slot.

Immediately afterwards, all the air in the launching card slot was evacuated, and the launching card slot entered a vacuum state.

At this time, the explosion-proof door connected to the external launch track was slowly opened.

The capsule spacecraft began to slowly fly towards the launch orbit under the support of the magnetic levitation orbit.

"The energy injection system is normal! The acceleration orbit is normal! The spacecraft's equipment is operating normally!"

"You can launch!" With Tang Bay's roar, the spacecraft in the launch slot leaped forward and entered the launch orbit.

{Old Rail, please remember New Bayi Chinese Website}

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