On the other hand, after Ji Rulan came out from the back garden, his face was gloomy.

She came to the yard where she lived, and there was already a long and a little, and two men were waiting for her.

"Sister, how is the situation? Is there news for Feng?" The younger man is Ji Yutang.

Ji Rulan gritted his teeth and said: "He went abroad and found Ye Fan’s revenge on the beast..."

"What? Why go abroad?" Ji Yutang frowned.

"Because... Ye Wuyao does not let him live in China, he does not want to be disturbed." Ji Rulan reveals hatred in her eyes, and she does not want to respect what she claims, directly screaming the name of Valkyrie.

The older man on the side looked ugly and silent.

"Father, I can't have no front! I beg you! I must find a way to find the back!" Ji Rulan directly grasped the arm of the older man and cried.

This man is the father of two sisters, Ji Kangnian.

"Rulan ... Feng is really, practicing the body of the Gorefiend?" Ji Kangnian asked with concern.

"Yes, at least Ye Wu's said so," Ji Rulan said coldly.

Ji Yutang curiously said: "Father, what is this body of the Gorefiend?"

Ji Kangnian shook his head bitterly and said: "On the day when Rulan came home, I heard the practice of the body of the Gorefiend, and I felt that I have heard it before.

In these few days, I have been thinking about it. In the end, what kind of cultivation is it, and now I finally remembered it. When my grandfather, your great-grandfather, mentioned this practice!

The body of the Gorefiend is a magical demon head created three hundred years ago. The wrong method of creation is born out of a method of 'blood drinking power'.

However, the devil's head practiced the wrong way, and practiced this inner door to become a foreign work. It no longer relied on internal forces, but on the blood itself.

By constantly acquiring blood, we constantly strengthen ourselves, and even rely on the blood, and instantly explode a powerful force.

But... Once the time is long, the pollution caused by a large amount of foreign blood will make the practitioners become unclear, gradually become mad, and become more and more crazy. In the end, people are not human, ghosts are not ghosts..."

Hearing these words, Ji Rulan has been like a blank paper, and he can't imagine how his son will be.

"This... how is this good!? Hey! You must save your grandson!!" Ji Rulan cried.

"The poisonous leaves are boundless, and they are so cruel to their descendants... It is clear that we are indifferent to our Ji's..." Ji Kangnian browed with anger and anger.

Ji Yutang sighed. "Who made him a Valkyrie... Since he wants Feng to find Ye Fan’s revenge, then if we stop, or interrupt the cultivation of the front, I am afraid... it will provoke him. dissatisfied."

Suddenly, I heard a scream of an eagle in the air, a majestic raptor flew down into the courtyard.

The three people of Ji are all a glimpse, and Ji Yutang hurried up, taking a roll of paper from the letter on the eagle's ankle.

"爹", Ji Yutang reverently handed this letter to his father.

Ji Kangnian slowly opened it and glanced at it.

"Hey, what's the matter, even the elders in the family will use the flying eagle to pass the book," Ji Rulan asked with tears.

Ji Kangnian beamed his eyebrows and lowered his voice: "Rulan, Yutang, Fenger may have been saved! Your great-grandfather, clearance!!

His old man worked hard to retreat for fifty years, in order to challenge the position of Ye Wuyao and recapture our position in the Shenlong clan! ”

When Ji’s second sister heard it, it’s hard to hide the excitement, but in Ye’s territory, they didn’t dare to speak too loudly.


The residential area on Purgatory Island is a mess.

Broken slabs on the ground, pitted pits, indicate the destructive power of this battle.

The battle between Sally Ye and Ye Feng has been going on for nearly two hours. Both of them are physically strong. They have played thousands of strokes and are not exhausted. Instead, they kill the scores and become jealous.

In the air, the number of sounds thundering like a muffled sound, Sally Ye and Ye Feng are fighting against each other, but they are like Jin Ge.

After fiercely hitting their fists, the two men flew by a reverse force and fell to the top of the two houses.

Ye Feng was full of blood and red, gasping, staring at Sally Ye. "You...what are you monsters!? I can play with me for so long..."

Ye Feng thought that as long as Sally leaves a few hundred strokes, she will definitely be physically weak or suffer serious injuries.

But I didn't expect that Sally's leaves were not only physically exhausted, but also wounded and healed quickly.

Under this circumstance, Ye Feng's two major advantages, physical strength and healing ability, have been targeted and cannot be effective.

The battle was in a deadlock.

"The thousands of people in the world can call me ‘monsters,’ but you, you are a monster, dare to say that to me?” Sally said.

She has already noticed that Ye Feng has a strong reliance on blood, but as long as he does not absorb the energy of blood, he can still deal with it.

"I am the orthodox descendant of the Shenlong clan Yeh! You are a hybrid monster!!" Ye Feng roared.

Sally leaves sneer. "You didn't look in the mirror, look at your appearance? How are you still like a person?"

"Stop!! You have completely irritated me! I want to kill you, and then take Ye Fan's dog life!!" Ye Feng's throat is like a beast-like low voice.

"With you, even I can't beat it, but I also hope to make a move with my king. It's really ridiculous and generous," Sally said.

Ye Feng’s anger is blue, “I didn’t want to use this trick, this is what you forced me...”

Originally, Ye Feng still wanted to keep some secrets of the body of the Gorefiend. It was good to deal with Ye Fan. But this time he couldn’t care too much. If Ye Feng’s men could not beat him, what revenge did he talk about?

Suddenly, Ye Feng’s body burst into a blazing temperature!

"Blood blood!!"

Sally’s eyes looked at Ye Feng’s body suddenly bursting into a circle, and it seemed to burn a **** flame, feeling a gas field bigger than the previous one, and a glimpse!

This guy, even breathed twice as much as before! ?

Not waiting for Sally's thoughts, Ye Feng has already come to Sally in front of a hot jump!

"Go to death!!"

Ye Feng’s pair of blood claws are crazy, and the speed is twice as fast as before!

Sally Ye did not adapt to this speed in the rush, blocked two times, the lower three did not block, the arm was caught by three blood marks!


Sally leaves a cry, but she feels that she has been kicked back by Ye Feng at the waist!


Sally leaves tumbling out and falls from the roof of a house.

Ye Feng is like a ghostly blood shadow, once again catch up, and even to Sally Ye, even if she does not give her a chance to breathe.

After a series of high-speed explosions, Sally leaves finally fell into the wind, and her feet slammed. Sally broke through the four walls and fell to the ground.

"See clearly? This is the strength of Laozi!" Ye Feng stepped forward to Sally, and looked sly.

Sally Ye was kicked and smashed several times, covered with blood, and although it could heal, the speed was slowing down.

Ye Feng saw that Sally had no more resistance, and she saw the killing, and then a thunderous heavy leg, rolling to the heart of Sally!

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