My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1244: Not self-reliant


Xu Lingshan and the Black Emperor and Black Ji are all looking at Ye Fan.

"You... what are you calling it?"

Ye Fan did not explain it leisurely. He had some drums in his heart. This Xiaojin was staring at his awakening dragon and blood, and almost didn't eat him.

Although he relied on the unparalleled sword, he was tamed, but he lost his cultivation at this time. Wouldn't it be mourning again and eat him?

However, it seems that there is nothing malicious about Xiao Jin’s tongue and his kind eyes.

What is more called Ye Fan feels a relief, is a pretty blue woman behind the meat corner of Xiaojintou.

The girl's long hair flutters, the temperament is fresh and refined, and the two long white legs under the hot pants exude an ivory glow.

"Giggle..." Standing on the little golden head, making a silver bell-like laugh, it was a blue rain!

No wonder Xiaojin will find it here, when it is blue rain, there is a spirit!

Although Ye Fan does not know how to use the rhinoceros, but the blue rain is able to use the spirits to perceive his existence.

The magic sword, Frederick, returned to this moment, realizing that when the blue rain and Xiaojin came to find Ye Fan, suddenly the heart was not good!

"Lucifer! Death!!"

Frederick intends to rush to the front of Xiaojin, killing Ye Fan first!

You can see the hope of living here, and I am prepared to wait for Frederick to send a sword to him. He has already ran in the direction of the Black Emperor!

The Black Emperor knew that he had received strong support and drummed the real yuan. Once again, he forced a condensed Shield to block the sword!


The black emperor's blood and madness in the body, after all, is not as good as Frederick, so strong resistance, or suffered internal injuries.

Fortunately, Xiaojin’s speed is amazing, and this time it has broken through the fence and rushed to the battlefield!

The huge snake head slammed in front of Ye Fan and directly blocked Frederick!

"Giggle... Dear, how are you so embarrassed..."

When the blue rain jumped from the snake's head, she naturally felt that Ye Fan's situation at this time could not help but smile: "When you kneel begged me, how can I save you from the fire?"

Ye Fan is not angry, but I really want to be grateful. When the blue rain is not far away, I will save him.

I did not choose to kill this woman by the hands of the devotees of the gods. I am still kind enough to have a good report, all my own cause and effect!

"Don't be naughty! Without me, Xiao Jinxi will listen to you?" Ye Fan shook his head.

When the blue rain grin, "Hey! Without me, the patron saint can't find you!"

When he saw Ye Fan, he even chatted with Lan Yu, feeling that he was ignored and angered!

"Lucifer!! You dare to despise me!? Wait for me to kill this snake, and take your dog!"

Frederick fiercely spread the spirit wave, the silver-gray lightsaber in his hand, directly to the head of Xiaojin!

The spirit of the attack can not have any effect on Xiaojin.

I saw a little contempt in the eyes of Xiaojin Green Oil, facing a sword that slammed it, not hiding.

The magic sword fell on the scales of Xiaojin, bursting with fireworks, but there was no way to damage it!

"This... how is this possible!? What kind of monster is this snake!?"

Frederick was shocked, even the Black Emperor and Black Ji, also felt incredible.

Ye Fan is a grin, and he has already expected it.

After all, with his original strength, fighting with Xiaojin, almost all have to be disintegrated in order to completely defeat Xiaojin.

The strength of Frederick, I don’t know how much he is, and the level of the dust is small. In front of Xiaojin, there is no difference between the embroidery and the legs!

Not waiting for the reaction of Frederick, Xiaojin has opened a large mouthful of blood, and swallowed away with a slap in the face!

"Do not!--"

Frederick's face is like a white paper. He can't even break the defense of Xiaojin. It can't be beaten at all. He hurriedly turned to escape.

But he is a mage after all, even if he uses a sword, he is only a mage.

At his speed, he couldn't escape Xiaojin's sudden attack!

I saw Xiaojin’s lightning-fast head, and opened his mouth to bite the half body of Frederick!

God knows what kind of horrible experience is being imported by snakes!

The two legs of Frederick exposed on the outside, twitching and screaming, crying for the painful voice of forgiveness, constantly coming out from the snake's mouth!

The screams of screaming, listening to people are flustered!

However, Xiaojin has so many tubes, biting his **** and biting the body of Frederick directly into two pieces!

Xiaojin seems to have no interest in Frederick's flesh. After the biting, he spit out Frederick.

Black Emperor and Black Jimu stunned, the last day of the king's thirteenth rank of the magic sword, their sisters and brothers are not the opponent's magic sword, even ... ... was bitten to death! ?

"It's really not self-sufficient. If you have the ability, you dare to challenge the patron saint," Blue Rain said disdainfully.

Xiaojin seems to be quite proud, raising his head and erecting a huge body. In the sun, the golden scales are shining.

"Ye Fan, this... Is this snake your raise?" The Black Emperor was in doubt, and he was also well-informed and traveled the world, but he had never seen such a huge creature.

Ye Fan said with a smile: "Xiaojin is at least a few thousand years old. How could it be that I raised it... It is a friend who doesn't know each other, but I originally let it stay in Huahai, I didn't expect to run here."

When Lan Yu invited the merits: "Is it not thanks to me? I knew that you were weak in a few days ago and may be in danger. So I said that the patron saint, not far away, went from the river to the sea, then crossed the ocean, came over to find you!

Sure enough, I guessed it. If we are late, the consequences can be disastrous!

Do you know that a girl is a hard **** the road, and there is a storm at sea? I have to avoid the ship..."

Ye Fan heard this, his heart was soft, and he reached out and touched the blue rain hair. He said sincerely: "Know that you have worked hard, thank you, Xiao Yu."

When the blue rain reveals the grievances, pretending to sob: "If people don't care about you, let you die, I will be able to inherit the inheritance of Yin Emperor, and I will save you all the time, and there is no point..."

Ye Fan was speechless and smiled. "I am like this. It is difficult to protect myself. How do you tell me?"

"Well, what a name is, you see, except for me, other women come to save you? Is your wife coming? It’s hard to see people!" When the blue rain waved.

Ye Fan was too lazy to take care of this ghost elf woman, looking back at Xiaojin, laughing: "Xiao Jin, thank you, I just worried that you have eaten me."

Xiaojin blinked and seemed to say that Ye Fan wanted more.

The Black Emperor carefully watched Xiaojin at this moment, saying: "There are really snakes in the world with raw horns. Could it be that the legendary snakes and dragons are true?"

"Who knows... Before I met Xiaojin, I thought it was a legend, but maybe, it really exists," Ye Fan said.

The Black Emperor was quite concerned: "Ye Fan, how did you encounter this snake? Why did it come to help you?"

Ye Fan did not hide it. He briefly talked about the encounter with Xiao Jin.

"It turns out wonder you are so kind to you. You used to be under the sword and didn't kill it. It is now a reciprocal, and it is also grateful to you.

Such a spiritual thing, if it really wants to robbery the dragon as legend, then it is very concerned about karma, if it is arrogant to your benefactor, it is estimated that it will be retribution by God." Black King Road.

Ye Fan was the first to hear this statement. He looked up at Xiaojin and smiled and asked: "Xiaojin, is this the reason? Are you afraid of karma?"

Xiao Jin did not know that he did not understand it, and did not pay attention to the problem of Ye Fan. Its huge eyeballs only looked at the distance, the direction of the pyramid, showing a few splendor.

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