My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1274: Gather


Ye Fan’s eyes condensed and guessed: “Is this... this is the clan’s information?”

"Haha, boss, you are really a godsend, how do you know?"

Xie Linyuan said: "This is the master of the dragon spirit. The information of the major clan, including the ancestors of all ethnic groups, has some basic introductions."

Ye Fan took a deep breath, this thing can really help him a lot, after all, after reading these materials, there is an understanding of the true appearance of the clan.

"I think most of the information, Ghost Valley can be found, the blind area of ​​Ghost Valley, is the clan.

The information you are looking for is mostly clan. I didn't expect it to be true." Ye Fan solemnly patted Xie Linyuan's shoulder.

Xie Linyuan nodded: "I learned that Zhou has always been mourning for Daxie, but I have limited ability. Although Xie is a famous five, it is impossible to confront the clan.

So... I think if the boss is coming back, the first thing is to solve Zhou’s problem.

Then what I can do is to help the boss collect the information of the clan and wait for you to come back quietly. ”

Su light snow admire: "The military division is not a military division, even this step has been thought of."

"Oh, I like it a lot. I have been calming down the overseas pattern for a few months, and I have kept this home. I am also very admired by my younger brother." Xie Linyuan is sincere.

Chu Yunyao turned his eyes blankly and said: "Xie Linyuan, Su Guangxue, can you not tout each other, it is so hot outside, can you get on the plane first?"

Xie Linyuan smiled and said: "The original Miss Chu is also ah ... haha ​​... on clever intelligence, it is sure that Miss Chu is doing my part, it is my old thank you neglected... haha..."

Chu Yunyao snorted and squinted at Su Shixue, and Su Xiaoxue also gave her a cold look and did not give each other.

Xie Linyuan laughed and looked at Ye Fan pitifully. It was not easy to think that he was the boss. It is most difficult to suffer the beauty.

Ye Fan pretended not to hear anything. Stepping with everyone on the plane, he asked while walking: "Xie Xie, have you seen these materials, what do you think Zhou’s strength?"

"Boss, it is a pity to tell you that the Dragon Soul only knows the basic information of the major clan, but most of those ancestors are not out of the way for two or three hundred years, their strength ... is not easy to estimate," Xie Linyuan reluctantly said.

Ye Fan was also prepared, nodded: "This is normal, but it has helped me a lot, at least I can understand the depth of them."

"Boss, there is one more thing, the news that I learned yesterday, should be helpful to you," Xie Linyuan said.

Ye Fan frowned. "What is it, god?"

"As far as I know, the ancestors of the four major clan have recently gone out, and I am afraid that something big will happen in the world.

This time you go to Zhou, the ancestors should be there, but they do not seem to be completely for you," Xie Linyuan said.

Ye Fan blinked thoughtfully, and the big clan ancestors went out, most of them were related to the departure of Wushen...

This old guy, where did you go? Is it really not in this world?

After everyone got on the plane, Ye Fan and Su Qingxue, Chu Yunyao, and Xie Linyuan sat at a table.

This kind of luxury private jet is basically the same as a western restaurant, all sofas and solid wood tables.

Chu Yunyao took out the notebook with him and opened the document that Xie Linyuan brought.

When Ye Fan quickly began to look at the information, he asked: "Xie Xie, you said that the ancestors were all out, did you mention Wu Shen?"

Xie Linyuan shook his head. "I have never heard of the Wushen thing, but... I can be sure that the big clan ancestors are going out, you should be a good thing to the boss!"

"Oh? Why do you see it?" asked Ye Fan.

Xie Linyuan's folding fan gently tapped the palm of his hand and smiled and said: "Boss, you think, no matter what the reason, the ancestors can go out, nothing is profitable!

The ancestors of the major clans set out to explain this interest, and every clan does not want to let go!

Nowadays, you go to Zhou, the boss, if they are aging, it will mean lowering the strength.

In this way, Zhou will definitely hesitate, do not want to lose too much strength, and may not dare to fight too hard with the boss.

Therefore, the boss has mastered the initiative right now. If Zhou finds that you are strong, he is likely to take the initiative to seek peace. At that time, you can ask for the boss. ”

Ye Fan sneered: "Is it right? It depends on their sincerity..."

During the conversation, the two planes have already rushed into the sky and flew to the north...


Shenlong clan, Kunlun Nanxun, Ji clan.

In the Xuanyuan Hall, which symbolizes the core of Ji's power, there are hundreds of core members of Ji's family, the lowest of which is the pedigree elders.

On the weekdays, Ji’s family, Ji Kangnian, was only sitting in a chair in the front row, and could not get on the platform.

On the high platform, there are six men who look old and young.

Among them, Ji Pengchun, one of the ancestors, was only sitting in the chair of the third overall.

In the middle of the one, sitting on a gray-haired old man, the crane is a child, not angry.

The old man took a letter from an eagle that flew in, and took a look. The thick eyebrows were close together...

"Uncle Tianliu, how come, other clans have a movement?" Ji Pengchun asked sharply.

This old man is just a day out of the customs. Ji’s current ancestor, Ji Tianliu, is also the uncle of Ji Pengchun.

"Sure enough, the ancestors of the Phoenix clan, the ancestors of the ancestors, and the previous generation, the phoenixes of the previous generation, are still alive...

The two old enchantings of the White Tiger clan also took a dozen old guys out of the customs..." Ji Tian’s eyes are clear.

On one side, another aging ancestor, Ji Tianfeng, then asked awkwardly: "Brother, are they all coming to Kunlun?"

The core members of the ancestors and the following Ji Kangnian are quite embarrassed.

“No...” Ji Tianliu blinked and said: “The spies report that it seems that the phoenix, the white tiger and the other big clan have their ancestors going to the Xuanming clan. If I guess well, the ancient **** Some old friends of the descent, and now they are rushing to the Xuanming clan..."

Ji Pengchun’s face is weird: “Is it because of the Ye’s wild species, Ye Fan, and Zhou’s dispute?”

"It should be the same, otherwise there is no other reason, let go of the Kunlun Dragon's pulse, and go to the Xuanming clan," Ji Tianliu nodded.

"Hey, that kid is alone in challenging Zhou’s group of old guys. It’s tantamount to moths, what can be seen...

Or to say, other ethnic groups think that the kid is also a person of our Shenlong clan, intends to look at his strength, and then come to Kunlun? Ji Pengchun said.

Ji Tian thought about it and said: "Tianfeng, you go to the Xuanming clan and see what happens there."

Ji Tianfeng on the side said: "Older brother, Ye Wuya is not here, this Kunlun is empty, if I am gone, other tribes come over, how is it?"

"They are now staring at the boy named Ye Fan, and will not come over, let alone... The battle of the Kunlun Dragon Vessel is not a matter of one or two days, and it is not something that you can decide alone. You can rest assured." Tianliu smiled.

Ji Tianfeng sighed and stood up with a big sleeve and waved. After taking a step, the figure swayed and blinked, and it was gone from Xuanyuan Hall.

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