My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1529: Got together


This time, the group of inner and outer disciples, have been so angry that they want to eat people, Qi Bin and Han Gang and others, but the forehead blue veins are revealed, the hand has already grasped the hilt.

"Master, have you heard this? This waste... I have to teach him a lesson today!"

"Wait for my first one, no one can grab me!" Qi Bin gritted his teeth.

Han Yuntao seems to be very surprised, and some look at Ye Fan with contempt.

Leng Yu and Mo Xinzhi just ignited a glimmer of hope, but it was shattered.

Mo Xinzhi's body was soft, leaning on her husband, muttering: "It's over... It's all over... Stars, this kid, what is it thinking... He is not eating the wrong thing, his brain is confused?"

"Madam... Don't panic first, at least Tianchi talks about the sword, it won't make people's lives," Leng Yu advised.

"When you look at the group of disciples, even if you don't kill the stars, how hard is the flesh and blood?! The head must punish him!!" Mo Xinzhi's tears filled.

Condensed wind eyes are full of worries: "The younger brother is in a big disaster... How can this be good?"

The head of the cold wrinkled his brows, he has already some guesses, this cold star is what I want to do, so I want to find abuse?

Although the Tianchi sword can not kill, but so many people, it is very possible to make you a disability. If you are too big, you will compensate some of the ruins.

Look at the anger of this group of disciples at this time, the start is absolutely light.

Han Hui sighed a long sigh. "Since the cold star has not planned this, then I feel that there is nothing to say...

If you have any dissatisfaction, keep it, above the Tianchi, speak with your sword!

You, along with this seat, go to Tianchi! ”

As soon as the voice fell, Han Hui took out an ice blue like a translucent flying sword, stepped on his feet and flew outside the hall.

The elders, Leng Donglin, also took the elders and got up and went together.

When Leng Donglin walked past Ye Fan, his eyes looked helplessly and looked at it with care. He said "good self".

Ye Fan looked at the flying swords used by these high-ranking elders and found that many of them were like refining spirits several times, and the quality was not low.

As the elders all set off, Ye Fancai and his heartfelt thoughts, together with his parents, got up and flew in the direction of Tianchi in the distance.

Han Yuntao and a group of disciples who want to go to the sword, as well as many disciples who want to watch the battle, have also taken off.

These disciples also deliberately stared at Ye Fan, for fear that the sails ran halfway.

"French... Do you really think about it? If there is a three-length and two short on the stage, then what should be good..." Nian Rujiao whispered, some of the blame in the United States, complaining that men do not cherish their safety.

Ye Fan stood upright and said: "I am the heir to the cold family. Is it a lesson to teach a bunch of chickens, do you need to think twice? But it is a trivial matter!"

Ye Fan’s voice did not converge, and it was estimated that the disciples would hear it.

"Waste! What do you say!?" Qi Bin angered.

"I can't help it, I want to teach him now!!" The cold eyeballs must be pulled out.

Ye Fan looked disdainful, and his heart was dark music. This group of monks in the ancient fairy spirits, highlighting a battle without experience, whether it is fighting skills or psychological, is very weak.

As long as they are stimulated a little, they will be irritable, the more irrational, the easier it will be to deal with.

Han Yuntao frowned: "Stars and brothers, everyone is the same door, how can you say such a statement?"

Ye Fan glanced at him and smiled and said: "Why, you are not satisfied? Or do you apply for the Tianchi sword?"

"Do you dare to talk to the master!"

"Waste! With you also with the master brother on the sword?!"

"Cold star, I have to beat you to the end today!!" A group of disciples are excited.

Han Yuntao’s face was also cold, silent, looking straight ahead.

Ye Fan does not care about their screaming. What is this cold cloud? He has already met through these two times and almost figured it out.

Although not sure, it is not him who murders the cold star, but this guy is definitely not a gentleman.

Because of what he did, it seems to be prescribing justice and speaking for Leng Xingchen, but in reality it is to provoke the emotions of the crowd and let the spearhead point more to the cold star.

Therefore, Ye Fan is too lazy to give him a good face, you want to be a gentleman, be a good person? I will humiliate you, stimulate you, make your masks hang, see when you can pretend to be!

Ye Fan couldn't help but feel that this guy who helped the ancient fairy spirits lived too simple.

On the intrigue, intrigue, and how to compare the people on the surface of the world, the people who grew up in a complex and diverse society.

Not to mention the age of Ye Fan, but the experience is extremely rich, reading countless old oil.

Tianchi, located in the hinterland of the Hanguangmen, on a towering hill, is like a lake above the clouds.

On the surface of the clear waters, a huge rock was exposed. After the carving of the ancestors of the mountains and the blessing of the phalanx, the square rock became a solid platform.

On the platform, the sword marks of the roads seem to record the vicissitudes of the cold gates for more than a hundred thousand years.

Hundreds of Hanguangmen, now came to the Tianchi, the elders and the head are on one side, the deacons are on both sides, and the other is the disciples.

Elder Liao, the elder of law enforcement, nodded to the head and the elders and flew to the ring.

"Tianchi on the rules of the sword, this elder will say it again...

First, can not kill, second, the emergence of disability, immediately stop talking about the sword, three, take the initiative to abandon the sword to admit defeat, or fall down the ring, are considered defeated! ”

After that, Elder Liao took out two bamboo swords from the storage bag and said: "To ensure fairness, the strength of the flying sword is not allowed to affect the outcome. The Tianchi sword can only use the 'Tiezhu sword', the first game The disciple who went into battle came to the stage to take the bamboo sword!"

The iron bamboo sword is made of a tough bamboo. It is soaked in a special medicine and refined by some secret methods. The material is close to the iron sword, but it is not as sharp as metal.

This kind of sword is used by outside disciples, and the disciples who do not fly swords use this sword to practice daily.

Ye Fan walked on the stage leisurely, took a handful, and looked to the other side, the forty-nine disciples.

"let me try!"

"I will go first!"...

A group of disciples, but they are arguing, rushing to go to the stage to argue.

Everyone is not willing to let go, the first lesson is the opportunity for this young master of waste.

Ye Fan smiled in his heart, and his face was arrogant: "Hey, are you okay? Or can you get it together? A bunch of waste, whoever is the same!"

Just as this group of disciples had to shout again, Han Yuntao said: "All are quiet! Tianchi on the sword, can you shout loudly!?"

The majesty of the chief disciple still made the disciples close their mouths.

Han Yuntao’s face is authentic: “Since it’s going to be on, it’s from the outside disciple, the star teacher is the foundation of the nine, and the other teachers of the outer door are also the foundation of the nine, which is also the most fair.”

Although a group of inner disciples are somewhat unhappy, they have no opinion. In their view, it is also a form of shame to look at the cold stars and the foreign disciples than the swords.

The five disciples of the outer door negotiated, and a thin-skinned disciple with a dark complexion jumped into the ring.

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