My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1587: Empty


Ye Fan shook his head and didn't think too much. He didn't have a head.

These days in the ancient fairy world, time is not long, saying short and short, after many times of death, Ye Fan has been eager to return.

As for the few long-lived ancestors, Ye Fan has no interest in killing.

How about killing a few weak people?

It is nothing but the power struggle of the four major sects. It is the mortal who may suffer in time.

As long as they don't do too bad things, and don't go to the world of the world, Ye Fan is too lazy for the time being.

After dressing up, I was about to leave with Xiao Luwu, and Ye Fan thought of something.

After thinking about it, Ye Fan looked around and found that Hongyue Island had been stepped on by his foot, but there were still some huge stones.

After finding a target, Ye Fan directly waved two swords and cut out a rock that was tens of meters long and wide. Put

After Xiao Luwu was put down, he walked to the side of the rock and Ye Fan released a double disintegration. Of course

After that, Ye Fan used a simple body power to set up this incalculable huge stone!

Looking far away, it is like a person who has lifted a hill!

Although most of Lu Wu Nei Dan's essence is only to help Ye Fan recover the dying body, there is still a part of the essence, which has once again improved Ye Fan's physical strength.

Ye Fan feels that his two-year disintegration is generally easy with the original disintegration, and there is no pressure at all. when

However, from the triple disintegration, he still has a long way to go.

Later, Ye Fan took out a big sword and wrote twelve words on the rock...

"Be kind to the people, if not, the soul flies!"

After writing these twelve words, Ye Fan directly put the sword on the rock, and the old guys who measured them did not dare to pull out their swords! leaf

Fans can't stay in the ancient fairyland forever. I only hope that such advice will enable the mortals here to live a better life. This

Some monks see their own messages, and they will surely think that hiding themselves somewhere and staring at them will naturally converge. do

After finishing these, Ye Fan flew directly into the air and quickly planned to go to the exit of the East Emperor. can

After flying for a long time, Ye Fan’s heart tangled for a moment, and the face of Niu Rujia appeared in his mind...

I don't know, how is this woman, although the Tianbao died, the condensation wind is dead, she should be safe, but Ye Fan feels unreliable.

Hesitated for a moment, Ye Fan Yu Jian quietly came to the cold door. Have

In the illusion, Ye Fan is not afraid of being noticed. Search

After asking for it, I found that Nian Rujiao was not behind the cold door. Ye Fan thought about it and flew to the small island where the cold stars were buried.

Sure enough, Ye Fan saw a shadow, holding his knees, sitting alone at the beach, silently...

After the sail looked at the air in the air for a long time, it still did not go down.

In the woman's heart, she must have forgotten the cold star, and she also has her own family.

As Nian Rujiai said, it is better to see each other than to see each other.

Knowing each other's well is also a good result.

What will happen in the future, Ye Fan does not know, maybe both of them will forget this past event, and there may be other fate. but

In any case, on this island where her husband was buried, Ye Fan felt that he should not bother the woman.

After looking at the woman deeply, Ye Fan turned and flew to the distance... the sea

On the side of Nian Rujiao, she seems to feel something, she hesitated to look up, looking at the sky, but it is empty...


Near the wreckage of Hongyue Island.

The four figures flew from the Quartet almost in unison.

It is the four longevity monks of Chi Lian, Han Yu, Xuan Hai and Tai Yu.

Looking at the huge stone monument that stood tall, the twelve big characters on it, and the big sword that was so arrogantly inserted, all looked dignified. he

In our eyes, it is full of shock and incredible color. "

Where is this person sacred..." Too sighed.

The cold rain ancestors frowned: "Under such a fine, you can survive, the ancient fairy spirits... there are such strong." "

It seems... he didn’t plan to care more about us,” said Xuanhai’s ancestors.

The refining ancestors sneered at themselves with scorn. "He wants to kill me, wait for the sacs, and see what is going on with us. This is clearly telling me, he is staring at me and so on..."

Fortunately, this person is not a must-attend person, otherwise, I will wait for a break..." The elder grandfather is relieved.

After watching the stone tablet quietly for a while, the four ancestors did not say anything more, and flew away. Do not

However, even Ye Fan did not expect that after the cold rain ancestors returned to the cold light gate, they specially summoned the doorman and opened a secret meeting.

After seeing the power of Ye Fan, the ancestors of the cold rain are relying on the "square dance" left by Ye Fan. Place

Therefore, the Hanguang Gate turned the square dance into a core practice!

However, the ancient fairy spirits said that the small and the small, not too big, this kind of martial art is almost all the "study" of cultivation, not long after being sneaked by other schools...

After all, square dance only needs to do basic movements, and it is not difficult to learn.

Ye Fan did not know how many days after he left the ancient fairyland, the monks here carried forward the square dance...


Continent, near the pyramid exit. leaf

This time the sail cut a stone and walked out, but there was no one from the Alliance.

I want to come to such a small gap, and the World Alliance will not find it so soon. Do not

In fact, Ye Fan has long been no longer worried about those who are in the World League. Even if he can't use the strongest strength, even if he is slightly exposed, these elders of the World Union are just chickens.

At this moment, Ye Fan is actually the most depressed, this little Luwu holding in his arms.

"Ah! Oh! Oh!-"

The little guy slammed on the sails of Ye Fan, and the small claws scratched Ye Fan. They had been yelling for a long time. Out

On the way, Ye Fan estimated that the little guy was hungry, but he had no food at all, so he had to take a chicken to pay for it.

Ye Fan is not reluctant to directly feed Shenzhi, is afraid that this little guy is still weak, can not bear the drug is not good. small

Lu Wu points out that things are good or bad, eating is eating, nutrition is there, but the problem is still hungry!

Ye Fan grabbed his hair with distress and gave it meat. It is estimated that he couldn't bite it, and it was so small that he didn't know how to eat meat.

I have to go to the city nearby, the whole milk and the like, try to see if you can drink.

It’s just that his communication equipment is running out of power, and he can go to find a phone call and report the peace to his family. leaf

The sail slightly recalled the map here, and got up and turned into a streamer, and soon arrived at the edge of a city.

After finding an inconspicuous place to fall, Ye Fan went to the street. brother

The small town of Lunguo is relatively old, with some graffiti and damaged infrastructure. It is obvious that the security environment is also very general. Do not

If Ye Fan does not care about this, he will go after he finds a small convenience store.

Just after crossing the street, I heard someone shouting in Spanish: "The foreigner! Stop!"

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