My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2046: Who else can you still have?


Although since seeing the metal nameplate carried by the dumplings, Ye Fan has guessed that there is also a disintegration in this world.

But I really saw someone making it out, after all, it was the first time!

What surprised him the most is that Ye Xiu would use it?

However, Ye Xiu obviously cannot withstand the energy explosion effect of disintegration. It is extremely dangerous for these monks to practice the routine to disintegrate.

Ye Fan took a deep breath and felt that he was a little surprised. The disintegration itself was not created by him. Others would use it, which is normal.

Since Xu Lingshan can occasionally get this practice in the desert, it is estimated that the spread of disintegration is still widespread in the earth.

This door looks like a method that is no different from "suicide". Even if many people know that they are willing to use it, it is estimated to be pitiful.

Not to mention, like Ye Fan, it is used to extend it to the sword...

These thoughts will also be an instant, Ye Fan is not in a hurry, the Emperor Dragon spread out, turned into a dragon scale sword wing, fluttering behind his back!


Ye Fan turned into a golden red brilliance, like a meteor breaking through the sky!

However, at the same time, Ye Fan noticed that there were already more than a dozen golden lights in the direction of Xuanyuan City behind him, showing a pressure of overwhelming the sky and coming to him!

"Trouble..." Ye Fan was in his heart.

Apparently, he and Ye Xiu’s battles were used to repair and they immediately alerted the masters of the city’s Shenlong.

If it wasn't for the night, most of the time, a large group of people had already rushed out.

Ye Fan thought a little, directly burned his shirt with Longyan, directly exposed a strong muscle, not exposed to his clothes because of clothing.

In order to solve Ye Xiu faster, Ye Fan also directly disintegrated at the same time, and the body reached a double disintegration state!

Suddenly, the speed of the dragon scale sword wings increased again!

The night is high and the wind is like a knife.

Ye Xiu was suffering from blood and blood. He thought that he could escape by relying on his life.

But I didn't expect that it wouldn't take long for me to fly, and I felt a savage pressure behind me!

He jerked back and saw Ye Fan in the back unfolding the wings formed by a pair of flying swords. He blinked at a speed that made him suffocate! ?

"No... impossible!" Ye Xiu's eyes were bleeding, and the sword could not be stabilized!

Ye Fan, how this guy is frightened, double disintegration, and the disintegration of the sword, at this time he wants to kill Ye Xiu, it is effortless.

No matter how this guy yells, Ye Fan catches up and directly buckles Ye Xiu's neck from behind!

"Say! What method did you use?!" Ye Fan wants to know, the world, the origin of the disintegration.

Ye Xiu is hard to move, his mouth is full of blood, but his eyes flashed a touch of twilight!

As soon as the hand is lifted, the white dragon sword at the foot draws an arc-shaped trajectory, trying to stab the squat of Ye Fan!

Can Ye Fan not say anything, the other hand grabbed the white dragon sword directly, the hand is like a diamond cast, holding the blade is not hurt!

At the same time, an unparalleled sword was released, and the White Dragon Sword was instantly scared and dizzy, and was no longer controlled by Ye Xiu!

"How... maybe... my white dragon sword..." Ye Xiu was desperate and unbelievable, and his own sword was "betrayed"! ?

This is the imperial sword meaning, the power of Wan Jian surrender! ?

"In front of me, you are not equipped with a sword," Ye Fan said.


Ye Xiu did not know whether he was angry or stimulated. He was shuddering and coughing up two blood. His pressure on his body continued to weaken.

The disintegration just made his body completely overdrawn and even damaged!

At this moment, the flying sword was taken away by Ye Fan. In the face of absolute power, he finally could not hold back.

"I don't answer me, it doesn't matter, I will check it out." Ye Fan said, he planned to deal with it directly.

You can suddenly open the mouth: "The devil disintegrates Dafa!"

Ye Fan frowned. "This is the name of the practice? Where did you learn from it?"

"Ha ha..." Ye Xiu said with a mouth full of blood: "Can match the gods, the wild world, since ancient times, besides the Chiyou Emperor, who else!"

Xiong Xionghuo! Life is endless!

This life can get the true demon of the devil, I die without regret! ! ”

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Xiu’s body ignited from the inside out and ignited the fire! !

not good!

This scene was previously seen at the Hua Tuo Mun stronghold, and this guy actually blew himself! ?

Tianzun triple blew himself up, even if he is extremely weak now, it is not a joke!

Ye Fan instantly lost Ye Xiu, and at the same time, the dragon scale sword wings immediately assembled!

"Folding sword shield!"

When the sword shield was just completed, he heard a loud bang, and the violent real power formed a round of hot sun in the sky!

Countless flying swords made metal crashes, but fortunately they still resisted the impact.

At the same time, Ye Fan’s heart leaps wildly. If Ye Xiu said that it is true, then he is the person of Hua Tuen Mun.

He joined, or is the person of Hua Tuen Mun, so it will be passed down to the law.

This also confirms his previous speculation, the association between Tang Yuan and the Jiu Li family, and the disintegration... Exactly, is the "Dharma disintegration Dafa" created by Chiyou? !

It is no wonder that Xuanyuan Emperor and the Red Emperor are to fight together. If Chiyou is really the creator of disintegration, his understanding of the use of energy is indeed no match!

Is it true that the beast that I got is really the demon god? !

"Hey..." Ye Fan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was accidentally inadvertently. Is there really a relationship with the ancient demon?

Is this the coincidence of fate? Is there any power in the back that pushes behind?

But very quickly, Ye Fan found that this is not the time to think!

At this time, let the dozens of masters of Shenlong catch up!

The foremost of them is the great elder Yao Xingzhi and the wind!

Around them, the body is flowing with golden wind, as if the golden light wings are behind them!

After seeing the Shenlong nine changes, Ye Fan knows that the dragon's blood can use a kind of "Dragon Wing" to master the wind.

It is to let the dragon blood and the wind respond, which can greatly increase the speed of the wind!

The more the blood awakens, the faster the dragon wings will be.

Obviously, Yao Xingzhi and Feng Qing are both blood vessels of the five-claw golden dragon, so the speed is much faster than others!

Ye Fan’s face changed and became a cold star.

Chu Yunyao is not ready yet, and he cannot fully expose his true identity.

The traitor Ye Xiu can kill, but he can't kill the wind and clear them. Therefore, Yi Rong still needs it.

With these elders of Shenlong, Ye Fan felt that it was unnecessary, so the first time, the dragon scale sword wings were unfolded behind them, and they were going to fly far ahead!

However, behind the Yao Xingzhi suddenly embarrassed, a pair of old scorpions in the golden light blazing!

"Dragon Blasting Star!"

In the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, the power of Jinlong's blood is displayed, and a dragon sings through the sky, and the dark night sky, the dark clouds quickly condense, sizzling, thunder and lightning!


Countless lightning light balls, like a group of stars falling, squatting toward Ye Fan! !

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