My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2992: Genesis beacon

Regardless of the cost, transform all surrounding particles. Under normal circumstances, the elemental **** does not do this.

But in order to find someone, he couldn't care too much.

"Extreme transformation! Sea of ​​flames!"

The eyes of the elemental dharma radiate a halo of flames.

A force of law, like a tumultuous tsunami, spreading in all directions!

All particles, no difference, are turned into flame elements!

Suddenly, with the elemental **** as the center, the surrounding area turned into a "liquid flame" ocean!

The overwhelming liquid fire enveloped the entire astrological temple.

Astrological temples are not the five traditional temples that existed in ancient times.

At this moment, the destructive power of this liquid fire could not be carried, and it was directly transformed into a part of the flame!

"Not good! This invisible space will be transformed into fire!"

"Let's go, it's because I didn't cherish the opportunity to escape, and I can't drag you down anymore", Ai Er decided.

"Miss Ai ... Do you think I'm going alone, he will let me go?

Don't be naive! Now you should think about it, is there any way to get away!

My divination cannot be wrong! You have drawn the ‘Wheel of Fortune’, indicating that you have at least a lifeline today!

The key is ... can you control your own destiny! ! "

Ai Er stunned, this is the case, she really still have a chance?

She is too far away from the elemental dharma, even the particle magic she is good at is meaningless in front of the element.

It can be said that the element is her nemesis ...

Faced with such a strong enemy, what can you do?

"No, there is no time! To avoid it is to wait for death!"

Astrology realized that the situation was not good, he did not expect that this elemental dharma's means was so brutal.


The card flew out, one black and one white lion-shaped Warcraft, dragging a splendid chariot appeared!

The horoscope takes Ai Er into the chariot, and the two devil lions turn into black and white light, flying towards the distance!

Seeing that the two finally appeared, the element was in the flames of the ocean, with an ironic smile on his face.

"Hum, can you run away?"

As soon as he raised his hand, the sea of ​​flames quickly spread in the direction of the two's escape!

The chariot is flying in front, and the wave of liquid flame in the back is constantly approaching!

The figure of the element, in the flames of the ocean, flashes and catches up at an almost instantaneous speed.

Aier felt the death crisis approaching the two, and the flames seemed to be swallowing them ...

But strangely, Aier was not afraid.

The most emotion in my heart is just a pity ...

Are you desperate?

Too much experience, seems to be used to ...

I do n’t know if I should be fortunate, but I should be sad.

What would he do if he was there?

Ye Fan's figure appeared in front of him, and Ai Er suddenly burst into excitement!


If it were him, he would never give up!

He will fight to the end, and he will try his best to win!

How can there be a winning battle?

Not yet spelled out! ?

Ai Er quickly turned in his mind, sorting out all the knowledge he learned and realized ...

However, after thinking about it, her particle manipulation ability is almost useless in front of the elements!

"All element particles existing in the plane ... will be transformed by him ..."

"Everything that exists ..."

Aier's eyes lit up!

Just when she thought about it, the flames that had been transformed had arrived on the chariot!

The horoscope on the side, with a trace of sorrow, was also somewhat unwilling.

"Element! I fight with you !!!"

The horoscope rose furiously and summoned the Fool's card.

The fool's thought was launched, and the flames were forced to retreat briefly!

"No matter how powerful this card is, it is also a dead creature. You are not my opponent!"

The elemental dharma **** appeared on the huge waves of fire, and a force of law was strengthened again!

The fool tried to stop the transformation of the law, but the gap between the cultivation of astrology and elements was immediately reflected.

The liquid flame is like a mad beast, tearing the obstructed high wall with its claws.

"Betray the traitor ruled by Austrian law, heretic, go to die !!"

In the laughter of elements, the liquid flame engulfed the entire chariot!

The black and white lions also dissipated at this moment.

"I don't know if the sky is thick, hum ..."

Elemental Dharma sneered, and was about to turn and leave.


He felt something was wrong.

When the liquid flame dissipated, a shocking picture appeared!

It's a cube with constantly changing colors.

As if the oil is on the water, the halo is spreading.

On this cube, there are a lot of straight lines.

According to these straight lines, the cube is constantly rotating.

Each of the squares above is constantly flashing different symbols and colors.

"Magic cube?"

The elemental dharma **** realizes that this thing is like some kind of educational toy.

"Miss Air! You did it ?!"

This Rubik's Cube is emitting a light mass at this time, forming a perfect cube.

In the colorful cube, Ai Er and astrology are alive.

Obviously, just a moment ago, this cube blocked the liquid flame.

Ai Er holds this spinning "magic cube" in his hand, and his face can't hide his excitement.

"This is what I ... always wanted to find ..."

Elemental Dharma God felt the power released by the Rubik's Cube and frowned deeply.

"The law of planes? Woman, with you ... can you understand the law of planes before dying?"

"But even if you realize it, it will only temporarily delay your time of death!"

Without saying a word, element again uses element transformation.

"In front of my law, there is no shield !!"

The elemental dharma laughed.

However, a strange scene appeared.

Regardless of how he urges the law, Ai Er's cube shield has no movement.

"How could this be?"

The elemental dharma stunned for a moment, and then shocked: "What ... what kind of particle is this?"

A strange expression appeared on Ai Er's face, "Are you surprised? There are particles you don't know?"

"No ... impossible ... is this the particle you just created !?"

The element shouted a possibility that made him wonder.

Even the astrological **** beside him was dumbfounded.

"Astrology says that you can transform all the elements of 'existence' in the plane.

So, I created an element that was originally 'non-existent' in the plane.

This is my rule, the 'particle cube'.

It can continuously reorganize elements and particles to form completely new element particles. "

Aier smiled: "The particles I created are only known to me, and naturally only I can control them."

Elemental and astrological two dharma gods, stunned when they heard these words!

Create brand new element particles?

This is a crazy plane rule! ?

For the mage, all spells on the plane use all the elements given by the Arcane Master.

Aier apparently has broken this "common sense", because her current spells use elements created by herself!

This is equivalent to ... have broken away from the realm dominated by Austrian law, and opened up a brand new magic world of its own!



It seems that there is some kind of energy fluctuation, which is transmitted from a very distant area.

The speed of this transmission is unimaginably fast, beyond the sound, even beyond the light!

A kind of magic wave of the upper plane, covering the entire arcane domain!

A bright white light rises into the sky like a beam of light piercing the sky!

In a world very far away, appeared!

But even if you don't know how far away, the entire Arcane Divine Realm can be clearly seen!

"Creative light !?"

"Is the Creation Lamp of the Creation Temple !?"

"How many epochs !? Even a Dharma God was recognized by the Temple of Creation !?"

The entire Austrian magical domain, completely boiling!

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