My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3037: Long story

No wonder she is shy, because Ye Fan's method is "dating"! He made Patricia pretend to be in love, then hugged Patricia and walked outside the palace.

The guards will naturally come up to stop, but the Dragon Five screamed loudly that he was ordered to deal with the princess. To stop them is against the will of the Divine Emperor! After the guards went to ask for instructions, they really got the "release" instruction.

In Kailand's study.

"Your Majesty, do you really need me to follow?"

The empty place, Liu Sensi asked.

"Now that Dragon Five has discovered you, it means that you and him have a clear gap in strength.

It is worthy of being able to escape from the old Yin monk, although it seems reckless, in fact, he is very careful.

If you go again, with his character, you will not be allowed to kill you directly, it's too dangerous, "Kayland said.

"But the princess ..." "Patricia is a decent child. If she really likes Dragon Five, there must be her reason.

Now the first thing we have to do is deal with Tai Cang and Jianshen.

On Longwu's side, let him go for a while, and look at the situation and then talk about it. "

Kylander leaned over his desk and was carefully constructing a model, as if it were an amusement facility in an amusement park.


Liu Sensi no longer speaks.

On the other side, outside the palace.

Patricia feels incredible, Kyland really let go?

"How powerful is the Dragon Five you played?

Let the father emperor want to win you over? "

"It's nothing, just kill two diamonds and run away from the heart."

Ye Fan didn't tell the whole thing about substitutions. The secret, the less people know, the better.

Rao is so, Patricia feels incredible, even men do not have sword intentions, they have such strength?

After leaving the palace, Ye Fan let Shi Lanyu come out.

Even when Shi Lanyu was in the ring, she did not prevent her from planting some gu in the palace.

As for the left eyeliner, whether it is possible to detect a secret depends on luck.

"Princess Angel! I miss you so much!"

Shi Lanyu couldn't wait any longer and hugged Patricia as soon as he came out.

"Xiaoyu, you haven't changed at all. I thought it would be at least a little bit more mature and still so tender."

"Hee hee, it's moisturizing after all!"

Ye Fan coughed twice, this girl is really open! The three of them recounted the old while hanging out in the Imperial City for a while.

"Patricia, there is a question. I always feel strange. Why are there so many playgrounds in your imperial city?"

Ye Fan and Shi Lanyu have visited many places these days and found this problem early.

"It is the reason of my father and emperor. After he succeeded to the throne, he has been supporting the construction of many amusement facilities.

The father emperor's idea is that if there are more playgrounds, the people will be happier and the children can grow up happily. "

"Do Tenjins care about happiness index so much?"

Ye Fan smiled, "Wouldn't he like to play?

I saw him last time and still had a toy in my hand. "

"It has something to do with my father and emperor's childhood experience ..." Patricia sighed.


What do you mean? "

"My grandfather originally selected my emperor's grandmother as his wife in order to give birth to the most perfect gene.

But at that time, my emperor's grandmother had someone who liked it, and even had a marriage.

But my grandfather went straight to win love, killing and killing that family.

In order to protect the clan, my emperor's grandmother could only marry the Paladiani royal family.

Of course, many outsiders are unaware of this matter ... "" This is too disgusting, how can your grandpa do this?

Don't you just have a baby?

How can there be such a big gap? "

Shi Lanyu hated.

"My emperor's grandfather didn't think that way. Among his courtiers, it happened to be something like looking at the" life ".

He could see that the emperor's grandmother would have excellent children with him. "

Patricia smiled bitterly: "My father and emperor discovered that the relationship between their parents was very poor when they were young.

By chance, they took my father and emperor together, went to a playground, and brought back a few small toys.

That experience was the only happy memory of my father and emperor throughout his childhood, and he went out to play with his parents.

Not long afterwards, my emperor's grandmother could not bear the pain for many years, betrayed my emperor's grandfather and met her old lover.

In order to punish them, my emperor's grandfather killed the emperor's grandmother and the lover.

It's just ... I didn't expect to be hit by my father and emperor and saw their bodies.

My father and emperor were very shocked ... Since then, they have become reticent.

Only when playing with those toys, it becomes a little smile.

He would also go to the playground alone and play all day alone ... "" Perhaps the emperor's grandfather conscience discovered that he was ashamed of my father, so he did not force it to stop.

As long as my father and emperor finished his homework, he would just play outside ... since then, my father and emperor continued this hobby to this day.

When we were young, he often took us to the playground, to be honest ... we were very happy in our childhood. "

Patricia said that there was a glint in her eyes.

Obviously, the thought of his father may die in the war in the near future, and even if he can understand it, it is difficult to accept.

"It turns out this way ..." Ye Fan narrowed his eyes, thoughtfully.

"It seems that Emperor Shen is also very pitiful," Shi Lanyu muttered.

Patricia shook her head, "One yard to one yard, now my father and emperor want to deal with you, you don't have to be kind to this kind of thing, kindhearted, after all, my father and emperor will not be merciful."

"But princess, you must be in a pain in the middle," Shi Lanyu said distressedly.

"Like what you humans said ... it's life, sweet and bitter," Patricia smiled.

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Patricia, I'll take you now to get together with everyone?"

"You said Su Qingxue they?

Far away? "

"I have a way, you don't have to worry about this," Ye Fan said.

"Okay! Then the princess went to see, how did the little nizi I brought out grow up!"

Patricia seemed to have forgotten her troubles for a while, and she was angry again.

Ye Fan suddenly remembered one thing, "Yes, Yun Yao recently got a very high-tech civilization.

She also worked with the Doomsday King before to study a physical body that can transplant souls.

Or go to Yunyao and let her try to make you a flesh? "


Isn't it dead? "

"That's a long story ..." "What the **** have you experienced?"

Patricia feels the same as dreaming, "But ... I really don't care if there is that kind of technology. If you are there, Angel should be able to be resurrected safely."

Ye Fan nodded, let Patricia and Shi Lanyu return to the ring first.

He found a safe place, his sword intentions were transferred back to the Human League.

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