My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3393: A person

"He was injured at the time. It was when he was playing with an elder. He was injured and it was too late to recover."

"This incident, many people were present at the time, it didn't seem like an accident..."

"As for the Hundred Shadows Ghost Hand, his job is actually an assassin. There was work to be done at the time, so I couldn't keep up."

"I checked, Baiying Guishou abstained as many as five times, all because of work, and there seems to be nothing wrong."

Ye Fan disdainfully said: "These two'abstains' seem to be justified, but in fact they can be controlled artificially."

Candlelight nodded, "It is indeed possible, but there is no clue at present, as for the last little fairy fashion design..."

Candlelight covered his mouth and smiled, "Master, who do you think it is?"

"No... is it a white one?"

"Yes, it's just a white one. In order to promote his new brand "Little Fairy Clothing", he went to rank."

"He abstained that day because he was busy with the'fashion show.' He was not in the mood for a few days, so he simply stopped going."

"It's like a white thing..." Ye Fan smiled bitterly.

Patricia said: "Who was it with that remnant sword fight?"

"One person," Candlelight said.

"Of course we know it's a person, so just ask who it is," Ai Er said.

"Aier... is alone" Ye Fan said with a smile.

"I know it's a person, I mean..."

Ai'er was taken aback for a moment, "Then...that person is called ‘a person’?"

Candlelight nodded, "Currently the second on the list of swordsmanship, that is, the first one beaten down by the broken sword before, "a person"."

"How about that match?" Ye Fan asked.

Candlelight took out a tablet computer and said: "The slave maid brought the video of that scene. The master's eyesight is naturally better than the slave maid."

Ye Fan opened the video, it was the battle between Can Jian and a person.

That black cloak, long hair fluttering remnant sword, played very magnificently, although the tricks are exquisite, they also have performance elements.

As for that person, dressed in white, slender, and using a sword, he looked like a simple farmer.

After a dozen moves back and forth between the two, one of them lost half of the move, was accidentally beaten off the ring, and conceded defeat as soon as he handed over.

"It seems... there is no problem," Patricia said after reading it: "I didn't make any moves, the offense and defense were very reasonable. I thought that the broken sword was a fancy, it turned out to be a bit powerful."

Ye Fan shook his head, "A person... didn't play seriously. This is a fake match, but most people really can't see it."

"Then how did you tell?" Patricia said unconvinced.

"He made his move ahead of schedule, which means he is coming soon."

"Quick? Fast is not good? Preemptive strike!"

Ye Fan smiled and said, "The master makes a move, do you expect one move to defeat your opponent? That's not realistic."

"This is the top ten on the swordsmanship list. Currently, Bai Yi and Huang Wanrou have been identified. The strength of these two people is not enough."

"Therefore, if'a person' can be above them, he will definitely not be a rookie, and it will rule out the possibility that he does not understand these principles."

"Unless a flaw is found, this'one's first move is a basic routine, which means that he has not found the opponent's loopholes, and it is simply unreasonable to act first.

"In fact, there are only two cases where the move will be made early."

"The first is to crush the opponent without wasting time."

"The second is that you don't care about winning or losing at all, that is, you just play casually."

"A master duel doesn't care who makes the shot first, but how you hit the backhand."

"It's like playing tennis. Anyone knows how to serve, but catching the ball and hitting it back is the real thing..."

Ai Er said: "I see, it's like playing chess. It takes one step to count the next ten moves, dozens of moves... If you don't think about it, you can make a move, just don't care about winning or losing."

"Yes," Ye Fan said with a smile: "Although a person acted very similarly, but... he just tried his best to act out his defeat."

The women looked at Ye Fan with gleaming eyes. Every time a man explained the cultivation and fighting skills, it was always particularly attractive.

Patricia also appeared in a daze, and stopped speaking.

"Speaking of which, there is some connection between a person and the master... The slave and maid went to investigate, only to find out by accident."

"Oh? Is it an old acquaintance?" Ye Fan was puzzled, disguised?

"His biological father... is Zhuang Biyou! His real name is actually ‘Zhuang He’."

Ye Fan was stunned, "It means..."

"You and him have an enemy to kill your father", the candlelight eyes couldn't hide the excitement.

Ye Fan was expressionless, after all, he had no regrets for killing Zhuang Biyou.

"Why is there a fake match, have you found your eyebrows?"

"The slave and maid can't even tell if it is a fake match, so naturally there is no clue," Candlelight said.

"Mostly it still has something to do with your husband. You must tie the bell to untie the bell..."

Su Qingxue said profoundly.

Ye Fan said with a smile: "My wife, you actually knew that this Zhuanghe is Zhuang Biyou's son? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"There are more descendants of Zhuang Biyou, and this Zhuanghe is a very humble illegitimate son."

"Zhuang He's mother is a mortal, just a rural woman. Zhuang Biyou got such a son purely for fun."

"I even wonder if Zhuang He has seen this biological father..."

"But from the current point of view, Zhuang He may really intend to help that Remnant Sword and target her husband.

Su Qingxue asked, "Why... I'll come to Zhuang He in the name of Lunjiantai, and you can ask him in person?"

Ye Fan watched the video, thought about it for a while, and agreed.

Two hours later, the Human Alliance Building.

A grim-faced young man dressed in a white ranger costume and holding an old flying sword walked into the discussion hall.

"In Xia Zhuanghe, I don't know who is in charge of Lunjiantai, calling me to come?"

Zhuang He looked around, but saw no one.

When he was wondering, he felt someone approaching behind him!

He drew his sword like lightning, and a white rainbow flickered, piercing the eyebrows of those behind him!


A finger gently withstood the sword.

"Ye Fan!?"

Zhuang He's eyes condensed, and he quickly withdrew two steps, waiting for him.

"People in the world are accustomed to calling me the Sword God, but you call me by name?" Ye Fan said with a playful smile.

"Killing his father and enemy is not a common denominator, you are worthy of my respect?" Zhuang He sneered.

"As far as I know... Zhuang Biyou doesn't care about your mother and child at all. You were born by a river, so he called you a single name for the word'he'."

"This Zhuang Biyou wives and concubines are in groups, so many descendants, do not come to avenge him, you illegitimate son, you haven't seen your biological father a few times, how can you care more than anyone?

Ye Fan was a little puzzled.

Zhuang He sneered: "They don't take revenge because they are afraid of you! Greed of life and fear of death!"

"My mother never regretted giving birth to me, and she never regretted having been with her father, the kindness of being born to me, the love of flesh and blood, can you comment at will?"

"Even though my father was only a few faces with me when he was alive, he never starved our mother and son, nor did he forget our mother and son, and gave me this sword..."

With one hand, Zhuang He slowly brushed the flying sword of the inferior spirit weapon that had experienced countless winds and frosts.

This kind of thing, for the ten statues of Zhuang Biyou, there are as many as there are.

But for Zhuanghe, it is priceless!

"Since he recognizes my son, then you... are my father-killer enemy!"

Ye Fan stared at Zhuang He with complicated eyes. After being silent for a while, he asked: " helped Can Jian climb to the top, so I was tricked?"

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