My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 811: Mommy

When he was white, he saw Gu Nianbai standing in the doorway, holding a huge photo album in his arms, his eyes were red like rabbits, and he was still crying constantly. His little face was full of tears and his hair was because of Weeping and being wet.

It looks very pitiful.

Bai Yanyan is lying on the sofa. When she sees the appearance of Gu Nianbai, she instantly sits up from the sofa and rushes to the meteor.

"White, what's wrong?" Bai Yanyan squatted in front of Gu Nianbai.



Gu Nianbai lost his album and plunged into his white arms, holding her neck tightly: "Mummy Mommy"

Bai Xiaoyan had no strength at all. She was rushed over by Gu Nianbai and sat on the floor all at once. She heard the cry of Gu Nianbai, and she was shocked.

"Mummy finally found you a mommy." Gu Nianbai hugged her neck tightly, tears ticking off her neck.

Bai Yanyan was shocked. She looked at Gu Nianbai and found her voice for a long time: "In vain, what do you call me?"

"Mummy!" Gu Nianbai cried a small body and took a pump. "Mummy, is your previous name a white light?"

White lightly stretched out her hand and hugged her, sat on the sofa, and let the moss go to the bathroom and screwed a hot towel.

White light and gentle, while gently licking his face, whispered: "Well, I used to call it white."

"Hey Mommy!" Gu Nianbai was in his white arms and couldn't cry.

White lightly patted her back: "White, don't cry, okay? You see your eyes are crying red, it will be very difficult to get up early tomorrow."

"Mummy Mummy" Gu Nianbai held back his tears, his hands clasped his white neck, and refused to let go.

White gently and patiently helped her wipe her tears and whispered softly: "In vain, why did you suddenly call me Mommy."

"You are Mommy." Gu Nianbai cried and his voice was dumb.

Bai Yanyan handed the lemon honey water prepared by the maid to her lips: "Drink some water."

Gu Nianbai’s lips are slightly smiling, and her hands are drinking, her hands are always unwilling to let go of the white light.

Gu Nianbai looked red and white, and kissed her cheek with a small face: "Mummy."

She held her white hand and tightened her hand.

The face was uploaded with a soft touch, and the white and light heart couldn’t help but follow a soft one. She put down the water cup and looked at Gu Nianbai seriously: “In vain, tell me, why call me mommy?”

"Because you are a white mom. Mommy, do you know what my full name is?" Gu Nianbai's eyebrows bent.


"Gu Nianbai." Gu Nianbai is proud of the road.

White lightly shocked, she could not help but whispered: "Gu Nianbai"

Gu Nianbai nodded like garlic: "Well, Gu Nianbai, Gu is awkward, white is Mommy, Gu Nianbai is very mean to miss Mommy's meaning, Mommy, finally found you."

Bai Guangyan, the whole person was shaking there, and her eyes tightened sharply. She instantly hugged her to go to the bathroom and let Gu Nianbai stand on the steps. She stared at her face and Gu Nianbai in the mirror. s face.

The eyes, nose, mouth, and chin are very similar, but she is taller than the white one.

Because the t-people are relative to the z-people, although the face is very soft, the nose of the t-people is higher.

Bai Yanyan inherited the high nose of Si Yuan, and also inherited the gentleness of the mother.

In contrast, Gu Nianbai, the facial lines are softer.

The white heart is jumping wildly.

She is unbelievable!

how come?

Her baby died in three months, how could it be her daughter.

Gu Nianbai also looked at himself in the mirror and white light face, his eyebrows opened his eyes and smiled: "Wow, Mommy, looks like you in vain."

White stunned and screamed, her blood and cells seemed to live instantly.

She said nothing, holding Gu Nianbai, and quickly rushed out of Xiaoyanglou.

The white light is on the soles of the feet, and the breeze hits the small face of Gu Nianbai. She giggles.

"Mummy, where are we going? Go to the land?" Gu Nianbai is very excited.

The moss followed behind the two.

White lightly refused to answer, holding her to run far, as if tired, the blood in her body is still burning.

She is holding Gu Nianbai tightly, and her heart is still shocked.

Is it possible for her daughter to be in vain?

They arrived at a very busy street.

Bai Yanyan casually pulled a person and eagerly asked: "Hello, can you guess our relationship?"

The man squatted and immediately said: "Mother and daughter! Otherwise, it is a sister. You two look so like, it must be blood-related."

The white heartbeat was accelerating. After she thanked her, she grabbed another person and said the same thing.

"Mother and daughter!"

"You must be a mother and daughter! It looks a lot like it!"

"Wow, both mother and daughter are so high, but how does the little girl cry?"

"Not a mother or a daughter is a sister."

"Sister, how can you have such a beautiful young mother."

"Mother and daughter."


Bai Xiaoyan did not know how many people she grabbed and asked the same question. The answer was nothing more than a mother or a daughter, because the facial features of the two were very similar.

White is light and bloody, she clings to Gu Nianbai tightly and holds her tightly: "White and white"

"Mummy" Gu Nianbai smiled, "Do you believe that your daughter is white now?"

"White" white and light eyes suddenly red, tears dripping down, tightly hugged Gu Nianbai.

In vain is her daughter? is it?

She still feels unbelievable!

She is going to ask Gu Yuzhi!

She wants to listen to her, and she is not her daughter.

If so, how did it come in vain?

White light face did not eat all day, even did not drink a bite of water, her lips were cracked, but her mood was high, her eyes were red, and the smile on her face was true.

"Mummy, I want to drink water in vain." Gu Nian Bai Dao.

"Good." White smiled and nodded.

She forgot to bring her wallet and mobile phone, or the money paid by moss, she bought a box of plum juice.

She took care of the taxi and said: "In vain, we are going back to the castle now, going to see you, I have something to ask him."

Said, she unscrewed the plum juice and handed it to Gu Nianbai.

Gu Nianbai took it, but she handed it to her lips: "Mummy, are you thirsty? Drink some water."

The white light heart is warm and melted, just like in the coldest winter, the sun suddenly shines on the body, all the cold is expelled, except warm, warm.

"Okay." She smiled and took the cup.

Gu Nianbai insisted on feeding her.

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