My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 821: you lose

After the white light Yan finished, she turned directly and did not look at Gu Yan’s eyes. She went to Gu Nianbai.

Gu Yuzhi looked at her slender back and reached out her eyebrows.

Her love for vain must be unfalsified. Is it true that blood geese are lying?

The thoughts in Gu’s mind are a bit confusing.

He sat alone in the children's room of Gu Nianbai.

For a long time, he sighed heavily.

Yan Yan knows the existence of vain. According to her personality, she will never ignore the vain. It seems that he needs to find a time to talk about it.

If Li Shuo can't accept the existence of vain

Gu Yuzhi's brows picked up.

White light down the stairs to find Gu Nianbai, Gu Nianbai really sitting on the sofa to eat cakes.

"Moss sister, this is delicious, you try it." She shared the deliciousness with the moss.

Moss tasted obediently: "Well, it's delicious."

Gu Nianbai laughed and smiled brightly.

White lightly stood on the stairs and looked at the smile on her face, only that all the wounds were cured at this moment.

Her face could not help but smile.

"Mrs." Moss noticed the white lightness on the steps, the respectful dagger.

Gu Nianbai’s eyes lit up and swallowed the food in her mouth. She opened her mouth: “Mummy.”

White smiled and walked down, and hugged Gu Nianbai, who was running fast: "White."

"Mummy, are you chatting with you?" Gu Nianbai grabbed the pastry and stretched out his hand, not touching the white light.

The moss will know, and immediately brought the water over, to help wash the hands.

"I am coming." White smiled and took the towel.

Gu Nianbai's smile on his face: "Mummy, this is the first time you have helped wash your hands in vain."

White smiles: "There will be a second time in the future, many times in the third time."

Gu Nianbai’s face is a satisfying smile.

When she smiled, her eyes narrowed and she showed neat teeth. The smile was very bright and cured.

White is lighter and more distressed. She is mature and not as good as a four-year-old child.

She helped Gu Nianbai wash her hands, hugged her on the sofa, and looked at her: "White, what do you want to do with Mommy now?"

"Mummy, are we going to swing?" Gu Nian's eyes are shining.

"Good." Bai Yanyan did not hesitate to agree.

So she took Gu Nianbai to the back garden.

The moss followed behind the two, and the face could not help but smile.

Miss is happy, she is happy.

Bai Yanyan let Gu Nianbai sit down, and helped her tie the safety rope, and repeatedly checked the safety of the rope, which gently pushed her.

"Ha ha"

The entire garden is full of infectious laughter of the mother and the daughter.

Slowly, the blood geese came over from behind, and saw that the person standing there was white and light, and she frowned. Soon, her face returned to the two people as usual.

"Miss Secretary is here." The blood geese hang on the side of the hand and tighten into a fist.

She is now a lot weaker, and she is blessed with whiteness.

White light stretches the ropes of the swing and stops the swing.

She will take care of him and whisper: "White, you and the moss to play, I talked with the blood geese."

"Mummy, I am waiting for you." Gu Nianbai said.

"Good." White lightly touched her little head.

Gu Nianbai left.


The blood geese heard the name of Gu Nianbai's white face, and her eyes narrowed.

Bai Yanyan actually knows the identity of Gu Nianbai?

The blood geese slammed their fists.

White lightly sat down on a swing, his head resting on the swing, and looking at the blood geese with his lips: "You lost."

The blood geese struggled to suppress the feelings of the heart, and approached the white light. She stopped at a distance of one meter away.

"Miss Secretary, I don't understand what you are talking about."

White smiles lightly and reaches out to touch his lower abdomen: "Blood goose, you lost, you tried every means to kill me, kill my child, you tried your best, but you still didn't do it, you are really pitiful. ""

The blood geese's fingers are whitish, but their faces are puzzled: "Miss Secretary, I really can't understand what you are talking about."

White lightly shook his shoulders: "Blood goose, you don't have to be so cautious, I don't have a voice recorder on my body. Also, Gu Yuzhi's choice to believe in you, that is his business, I will not be bored to let He trusted me to deliberately set your words."

No need for this.

He didn't believe it, but she wanted to prove it to him. Let him believe, isn't that guilty?

When she was born again, she was full of guilt and self-blame, so even if he was cold-faced, she would be eager to join him, and now it will not.

As long as she is vain, it is enough.

There is a father who loves her, a lovely daughter, and her world is perfect.

"Miss Secretary, I really don't understand what you are talking about." The blood geese did not change their mouth.

In this matter, she has no way to loosen her mouth, not a little bit, otherwise it is a dead end.

"Miss Secretary, listen to Miss called your mommy, are you going to compound with Mr.?" Blood Yan asked.

White smiled lightly, glared at his head, and looked at the blood geese with a sly look, but shook his head: "No! I just recognized it. She is the daughter of our company. As for Gu Yuzhi, I think if I With Gu Yuzhi, you must be very sad?"

The heart of the blood geese instantly mentioned the eyes of the scorpion, her fingers were too hard and painful.

White light smile: "But I am not so stupid, in order to make you sad, I will go back to Gu Yuzhi, I will never be with someone who believes in me."

No trust, what are you doing together?

However, if one day in the future, Gu Yuzhi admits in front of her that he misunderstood her words in a blank face, she can consider it.

The blood geese breathed a sigh of relief.

She quietly looked at the white light, for a long time, asked: "Miss Secretary, why are you so sure that Miss is your daughter?"

White light smiles and laughs: "Is it yours?"

Blood Geese: ""

Bai Yanyan stood up and smiled: "Blood goose, I have a good mood recently, no time to take care of you, but you wait for me, when you almost died, I will let you feel what is better than death."

The blood geese's face was pale, and there was a flash of haze in her eyelids. She just looked at the white back and left her fist and tightened her fist.

White lightly returned to the hall.

Gu Yuzhi and Gu Nianbai sat on the sofa, the father and the daughter were talking about something, and both of them had smiles on their faces.

The white light footsteps paused.

"Mummy." Gu Nianbai saw her come back and immediately ran over and took her hand.

Bai Liangyan took her to the side of Gu Yuzhi and said: "Gu Yuzhi, I want to bring home in white."

Gu Yuzhi stood up and asked questions: "Return to the family?"

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