My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 859: Trust me again, okay?

White stunned and woke up, and immediately sat up, she got out of bed, poured water, bent over and supported Gu Yuzhi on the back of the bed, and handed the cup to his lips, whispering: "First Drink of water."

Gu Yuzhi looked at her and couldn't see if she was happy or not happy now. He said that he would drink water.

White lightly put down the water cup, pressed the bell, and looked at Gu Yuzhi, and asked: "Hey, what do you think is uncomfortable now?"

Gu Yuzhi looked at her quietly.

When she was white and she was concentrating on her eyebrows, she was squatting with her arms and holding her into her arms.

"I'm sorry, Yan Yan." Gu Yuzhi clasped her hard, her face pressed against her shoulder, her nose touched her soft hair, his heart hurt slightly, "I'm sorry for it."

White light smells the strong smell of his body, wants to reach out and push him away, and thinks that he promises to read the white, to forgive him.

So she didn't move, whispered: "Hey, don't talk about other things, let the doctor check it out and see if you are not feeling well."

Gu Yuzhi held her tightly and repeated: "Yan Yan, sorry"

White lightly, this lightly pushed him away, saying: "Are you a repeater? Are you sorry? Do you say something wrong, do you think you can think it hasn't happened?"

Gu Yuzhi licked his lower lip.

She is still very angry.

"Yan Yan, I am wrong, how can you forgive me?" Gu Yuzhi looked at her deeply, with a very low posture.

The lightness of the white light inadvertently caught the wound on his chest, which was already scarred and dark brown. On the porcelain white skin, it looked awkward and ugly.

"Why are you planning yourself with a knife?" She screwed her brow and asked.

"I want to feel the same." Gu Yuzhi.

He frowned, like a child who made a mistake.

He did make a mistake, but unfortunately not a child.

Can be white and light heart can not help but soft a few points.

"What do you mean?" The white light voice was involuntarily soft.

"I want to experience your feelings at the beginning, tearing heartbreaking pain" Gu Yuzhi whispered.

White light face: "" Is there a problem with the brain?

Gu Yuzhi looked at her deeply and repeatedly asked: "Yan Yan, tell me, how can you forgive me? You said, as long as I can do it, you can let me do anything."

White light is trying to talk, the door is ringing.

She immediately stood up and went to open the door.

Gu Yuzhi clasped her wrist tightly and prevented her from leaving.

White lightly turned his head and yelled at him: "Let go! I will open the door."

Gu Yuzhi does not let go.

"You let me go and I will tell you later, I will forgive you for what you do."

Gu Yuzhi released his hand quickly.

White light color: ""

She went to the door to open the door, and the blood eagle took a group of doctors.

Bai Yanyan immediately let the road open and let them come in and check.

Gu Nianbai only woke up at this time and saw that Gu Yuzhi woke up, she was very happy.

"Wow, hey, you finally woke up, today is the fourth day, great!"

Said, she turned to white light, excited: "Mummy, you promised me, woke up in five days, you forgive him, woke up, you have to say it. ""

White light color: ""

Pit mother's little girl.

Can't she let her dress up, and sigh in front of Gu Yuzhi?

Gu Yuzhi's lips are slowly squirming.

The blood eagle couldn't help but laugh.

My wife may be thinking this time - how did I have such a small girl who turned her elbows out.

The doctor carefully checked the child's care and confirmed that there were no other problems. He was trained and then retired.

The blood eagle is very eye-catching, and Gu Nianbai is also called away. There are two people in the room.

Bai Yanyan stood under the bed, Gu Yuzhi was lying on the bed, white and lightly said: "Since you are fine, I am going out."

"Yan Yan." Gu Yuzhi opened the quilt and quickly walked behind her and pulled her wrist.

"Gu Yuzhi, you have heard it, so don't say apologize, well, I have to play with it." Bai Yanyan stood still.

"Yan Yan can not forgive me in your heart, right? Just for the daughter to compromise." Gu Yuzhi held her tightly behind her, her chin pressed against her shoulder, and her breath sprayed on her fair neck.

White light conditioned reflexes turned to the side of the head.

Gu Yuzhi pulled her arm and let her face herself.

"Yan Yan"

White is light and low, don't look at him, don't talk.

I always feel that it is too cheap to forgive Gu Yuzhi. In other words, she did not sincerely forgive him.

He chose the blood geese between himself and the blood geese, which is really arrogant.

And he now chooses to believe himself because the blood geese are hypnotized, and the facts are placed in front of his eyes, he is willing to believe.

Is this called trust?

This is just recognition of the facts.

Gu Nianbai hopes that the two have no gaps. She does not hate Gu Yuzhi. She even said that she still loves him, but she can’t return to the past. For her daughter, Bai Yanyan is willing to compromise.

In the next moment, Gu Yuzhi’s fingers pinched her chin. He looked at her deeply: “Yan Yan, I will make you love me and rely on me as before”

As a result, his lips fell and blocked the words that spilled between the white and the lips.

"唔" white lightly pushed a bit, and a pair of wrists were held by Gu Yuzhi with one hand, and no movement was allowed.

"Yan Yan has been thinking about you for a few years. I am sorry, I used to be stupid. I will let you leave me for five years. I will not be in the future. I will not let go of your hand."

For a long time, Gu Yuzhi loosened the white light, so to speak.

The white-eyed eyes were a little blurred, and his fingers were pulling his nightgown: "This, you said it."

But he still let go.

Gu Yuzhi looked at her deeply, then forced her into her arms, and pressed her palms on her head. He said solemnly: "No next time, I swear. Yan Yan, trust me again. ?"

The white face was attached to his chest and whispered: "That depends on how you handle the blood geese."

Gu Yuzhi sighed: "Where is the blood geese?"

His heart lit up with anger and his brows were close.

The blood geese are so bold that they dare to push Yan Yan downstairs. This is no problem.

Later, Gu Yuzhi went to check the monitoring in the villa. The picture shows that it was indeed white and light that he fell from the stairs.

Gu Yuzhi's hand on his side curled up a little bit, and he must let the blood geese experience the pain of thousands of times.

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