My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 884: Grab you out

Get a satisfactory result, white light lips, look to Wanfeng.

"Hey, you go back and tell the blood geese, no matter how much she said, I will not believe it, and it will not be separated from the shackles, let her die this heart."

Wanfeng’s face was heavy and she did not speak. She cursed the blood geese in her heart.

Useless things!

After Wan Peipe’s mistake, the look returned to nature and immediately said: “Light, I have read the paternity test, don’t be taken care of by Mr. Gu”

Gu Yuzhi interrupted her coldly: "What does Mrs. Si want to express? Is it difficult for you to want me to be separated from Yan Yan?"

Wan Pei Pei's look was stiff and her face was dumb.

She is so anxious, how can she say such things in the face of Gu Yuzhi?

Wanfeng immediately stood up and looked cold: "Mr. Gu, since you are the husband of Si Yanyan, Pepe is your stepmother. Is this attitude to your elders?"

Gu Yuzhi looked at Wanfeng, and the light was like a blade. The two people’s dawn collided in the air, and there seemed to be silent smoke in the air.

"I still want to be respected by others when I am old and disgusted. I don't have such a saint."

Said, Gu Yuzhi's lips taunted.

Wan Pei Pei’s heart jumped and her fingers quickly became a fist.


What did Gu Yuzhi know?

Wan Peipei's face was pale as paper.

Wanfeng met and immediately reached out to help her.

Wan Peipei is like an electric shock. He said: "Go away."

Her footsteps receded and fell on the sofa.

Wanfeng screwed his brow: "Pepe, what's wrong with you?"

He made a look at Wan Peipei, and Wan Peipei suddenly woke up and realized how much he had reacted.

She stood up and looked back. She said: "Mr. Gu, I don't mean to break up you and lightly, I hope you are good."

After that, she turned and left.

Her heart is still mad.

I don't know why, she has an ominous premonition. Is she and Wanfeng's things known by Gu Yuzhi?

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

She can never let this happen.

She wants to completely break contact with Wanfeng.

Wan Peipei had a lot of thoughts and went upstairs quickly.

Wanfeng’s dawn followed her figure until she disappeared, and she regained her gaze.

He turned to white light and Gu Yuzhi.

Bai Yanyan and Gu Yuzhi hooked their lips, and the two men had a heart-to-face smile and walked hand in hand.

Wanfeng went directly to the door of Wan Peipei's room.

He knocked on the door for a long time, and Wan Peipei did not open.

Wanfeng gritted his teeth and had to send a text message to Wan Peipei.

Pepe, an hour later, see the villa, if you don't come, the consequences are at your own risk.

However, he just turned around and the phone rang, it was Wan Peipei who came back. Brother, I am very confused now, let me calm down, okay? I beg you! I beg you to calm me down, okay?

Wanfeng gritted his teeth and looked back at the closed door. He thought about it for a minute. Then he returned a word - good!


Bai Yanyan and Gu Yuzhi went out of the Sijia Manor and sat in the back seat of the car. Gu Yuzhi always held her hand, tightly, and refused to let go for a second.

White lightly lifted the hands of the two people and shook their eyes and looked at Gu Yuzhi: "Mr. Gu, are you so afraid of losing me?"

"Yes, I have lost it once, so there is no second time." Gu Yuzhi reached out and held her, and her chin was pressed against her hair.

"Oh," Bai lightly hugged his waist and looked at him. "If my father must break us up today, what should you do?"

"Through the Secretary, I will steal you."

"Ha ha" white light smiles.

Gu Yuzhi bowed his head and kissed her full forehead, looking serious: "Yan Yan, I can't afford to lose you again."

"Hey! Who told you that I didn't believe that I believed in blood geese." White light Yan Tiaojiao picked his brow.

"I'm sorry." Gu Yuzhi's whisper.

He could not explain to her, because he was born again, because he took the memory of his previous life, because she had fallen into a blood geese in her previous life. He was stupid to think that the history of this life has been repeated, so he firmly believed the words of the blood geese.

"Well," the white chin's chin clicked on his chest, and the beautiful scorpion reflected the man's slightly handsome face. "I promised you, you accept it, I will forget those unpleasant things, you did it, I will do it too."

"Yeah." Gu Yuzhi's dagger, holding her hand to tighten a few points.

The white-eyed eyeballs turned around and took out the phone from the bag: "I almost forgot, I have to call Qiuyue."

Gu Yuzhi held her hand and it was slightly loose, letting her lean on her shoulder and make it easy to talk on the phone.

White lightly dialed, only a ring, the phone was picked up.

"Mrs. I am the autumn month."

"Well, Qiuyue, what did you find?" Bai asked.

Qiuyue said: "I found that Wanfeng is really vigilant. He almost does not need the same housekeeping company. His house is cleaned once a week. Every time, different people from different companies clean it.

He used the housekeeping company of the entire city almost every year, and he was able to reuse the used housekeeping company every year, so I can't start from this one. ”

White lightly pulled the lower lip corner: "The more it is, the more it proves to be tricky. In short, you stare, try to get in and put the camera on."

"Yes." Autumn months should be.

White lightly put down the phone, and turned to look at Gu Yuzhi, said: "Hey, the more cautious they are, the more problematic. Whoever has nothing to change the cleaning company every time."

Gu Yuzhi’s hearing is good. He heard it in the autumn months.

He beheaded: "Yan Yan, you have to be mentally prepared."

Wanfeng’s attitude towards Wan Peipei is really strange.

Today, he maintains the appearance of Wan Peipei, exactly like a man who is defending his own woman.

White lightly gritted: "If I was photographed by me, I want them to regret it."

Gu Yuzhi’s white face was light and he didn’t speak.

The car drove into the castle but braked hard at the door.

White lightly may be a moment, his head slammed into it, I thought it would hurt my teeth, but a warm touch on my forehead.

She sat in the body and saw Gu's hand on the back of the chair. In order to protect her, he was half-squatting in the carriage, and his posture was awkward.

White was shocked and immediately held him: "Hey."

It doesn't matter if she is touched, he can't do anything.

Gu Yuzhi’s knees hurt a bit. He licked his lower lip and his eyes were cold and cold, but his glances were white and light: "Yan Yan, are you okay?"

White lightly shook his head: "I'm fine, how do you feel? Where did you hit?"

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