My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 904: Confrontation

The blood geese are a little excited to stare at the face of Gu Nianbai full of tears. This little face with a white face is full of tears. It is really pleasing to the eye.

Gu Nianbai bites his lip, reaches out to wipe away the tears on his face, and takes a step back: "I won't go with you, I hate you."

Said, she took the teacher's hand and wanted to go back.

The blood geese simmered in the cold and made a look at the person on the side.

She wanted to deceive Gu Nianbai and get it to the western suburbs.

After all, this is an international kindergarten. Everything is fully equipped. She will take away Gu Nianbai forcibly to leave evidence. It will not be easy to deal with.

I didn’t expect Gu Nianbai to know how to lift it. In this case, she only had a hard rush.

Today, she must be **** with Gu Nianbai, Bai Yanyan’s bullying of her blood geese, she will come back one by one today!

The life of the biological daughter must be precious, and the white light will surely follow.

The blood geese's lips smirked and laughed. She slipped into the wheelchair and returned.

"Ah! What are you doing? What are you doing? Let go!"

"Teacher teacher! Teacher save me!"

"Security, security, someone grabs the child!"

"What are you doing? Let go of the kids"


Behind the blood geese, there is a ripple.

But after waiting for three minutes, her arms were immediately stuffed into a soft girl. The next moment, the door closed and the car went away.

"Alarm! Alarm! Immediately inform Gu Nianbai's parents!" The student was snatched away in his own hands, and the teacher was almost scared to faint.

Those people took out the guns, which scared the security guards to dare to go forward and watched the children being taken away.

"Oh, oh." The security guards were scared and hurry to start looking for information to call.

Gu Nianbai was crammed into the arms of the blood geese. She immediately struggled. The blood geese pressed her back and said, "Don't move!"

Gu Nianbai’s eyes are still wet, and she looks up at the blood geese: “You are not my mommy.”

She couldn't see the love and joy in her eyes when she looked at her.

The blood geese smiled and reached out and pinched her little face: "Well, little girl, very smart! I am not your mommy. White is light."

Gu Nianbai’s head leaned back and prevented the blood geese from pinching themselves.

She hates her! Very annoying, very annoying!

The blood geese prefer to pinch: "You have a small face, like a white face, and you can recognize that you are a mother and daughter. But the strange thing is that Bai Yanyan thinks that you are not her daughter, but it is still good. You, she is really the Virgin."

Gu Nianbai bites his lips: "She is my mommy, we have a heart-inspired spirit, not that you lie, she will not want me."

"Oh," the blood geese smiled and looked at Gu Nianbai's delicate face. "You are pretty cute, but if this little face is a little later, your mommy will not obey, I will smash your face!"

Gu Nianbai’s shoulders shrank, but she was stubborn in her throat: “You are not allowed to hurt Mommy.”

Blood geese sneered, cold channel: "Gu Nianbai, you still manage yourself. You will give me a good obedience later, I will let you die faster, you dare not, you will die very badly of!"

Gu Nianbai dropped his long eyelashes and did not respond.

She is smart, but she is rebellious, naturally she wants to be jealous.


Bai Xiaoyan and Gu Yuzhi waited for half an hour, Wanfeng came.

Bai Yanyan stood up and said: "Come on, let's go to the reception room."

Gu Yuzhi also stood up, Gu Kaizhi followed the blood eagle, watched the eyes of Wanfeng, and the light shone on Wanfeng's body, his eyes fell on his waist and pulled his lower lip. .

Wan Feng naturally swept the blood eagle and then followed the white light face without words.

Four people entered the living room, the door was closed, and the blood eagle stood at the door.

White lightly sitting on the chair, his face instantly cooled down: "Wanfeng is so bold! I dare to mess with Wan Pei Pei! She is my father's wife! Are you impatient?"

When Wan Feng just sat down, he heard Bai Guangyan say so, his eyes narrowed down, and he looked up and looked at the white light. Cold voice: "Si light face! It seems that you are letting me come to the banquet. Now! How do you add to my head, do you think it is glory to wear a green hat on your father?"

"Oh," white sneer, "Wanfeng, you still give me a sophistry! Wan Peipei has already admitted!"

Wanfeng glanced, then dismissively said: "White light, you don't want to swindle me! I tell you, this trick is useless! I have never done anything that Wanfeng has not done! White light, you are big Face, when did I offend you? Do you want to frame me like this? Or do you think Pepe is not pleasing to the eye, do you want to frame her?"

Pepe will admit? Absolutely impossible!

If Pepe really admits, then at the moment it must not be alone here.

Bai Xiaoyan must be tempted to swindle himself, and then to persuade Pepe to admit it, and then tell Si Yuansi and Secretary to be sure to be affected and vicious!

It is time to kill this vicious woman!

Do not! If he knew that Luo Wei had a child, he must kill Luo Yan! Instead of letting her escape! This is not the existence of this person!

"Oh," Bai Xiaoyan sneered, and she turned to look at her.

Gu Yuzhi's intention, click on the mobile phone's recording player.

"When did you and Wanfeng start?" Gu Yuzhi’s plain voice came out of his mobile phone.

"Recently." Wan Pei Pei slightly sad voice.

White looked cold and cold and looked at Wanfeng: "Have you heard? Does Wan Peipei admit it? Fallen? I tell you Wanfeng, I installed a pinhole camera in your small villa, you and Wan Peipei I kept the live broadcast, would you like to show it to the people of the country?"

The look on Wanfeng’s face was stiff and his eyes were wide and unbelievable.

The security system of his villa is so good, how does Bai Guangyan go into the security monitoring?

The phone is still playing.

"It’s all Wanfeng, he forced me! I don’t love him at all, I don’t want to have anything to do with him. I love your father. If it weren’t for him, I would never do such a thing.”

Wanfeng's face changed greatly. The palm of his hand grabbed the edge of the chair and the knuckles turned white. He stared at Gu Yuzhi's cell phone, as if he wanted to stare the phone out of a hole.

"Wanfeng! Have you heard it? Wan Peipei said that you are forcing him. What do you say?" The white lips are lightly smiling.

What is guilty, the most interesting.

Wanfeng gritted his teeth and bowed to the white light: "Is you forced her to say this?"

White lightly lips: "I didn't expect you to believe in Wan Peipei. In this case, I let her face you with quality."

Said, white light face slightly over the head: "Come out!"

"吱", Wan Peipei, who has been hiding in the bathroom, came out

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