My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 919: Sisuke’s home

White lightly listened, only to feel funny.

Wan Peipei was so bad that the result was dead and a good name.

For the Secretary, for Si Yuan, priest, Si Yue, have to do this.

Wan Peipei is a traitor, and the identity of Mrs. Si is not real. The outsiders do not know, but the priest and Si Yue are very clear.

The two insisted not to let Wan Peipei's ashes enter the main grave of the family, but to spread her ashes on the sea.

Seven days later, Wanfeng and Xueyan also had a funeral because of the violent illness.

In just ten days, Mancheng had two funerals, and they all had head-faced figures. Everyone felt that this year’s flow was not good, but it was for the New Year.

Next year, it is another year.

One week after Wan Peipei’s funeral, the priest packed his own documents, only wore a set of clothes and carrying a handbag. Si Yue also took the resignation letter, and the two went to bid farewell to Si Yuan.

White is also light.

At that time, Bai Xiaoyan, Gu Yuzhi and Si Yuan were sitting in the hall drinking tea.

Wan Peipei just died, although it is alive, but the look on the faces of the three people is faint.

Understand the intentions of the two priests and Si Yue, Si Yuan heavily put the cup in the hand on the coffee table, looking cold.

"I have raised you for 30 years, is this repaying me?"

The priest lowered his head and his eyes were red: "Mr. Father, I apologize to my mother again, sorry! Thank you for taking care of my little boy over the years. After we left the house, we will work hard and will work these years. The costs are returned to you one by one."

Although, it may not be a lifetime.

Secretary Shi also lowered his head and his fingers tightened.

Here is his home!

Where can he go besides here, but what qualifications does he have to stay here?

He is not a surname!

According to Si Yuan's personality, he did not be involved in him and the priest, they should be grateful to Dade.

Si Yuan looked white and light.

Bai Xiaoyan quickly stood up and grabbed the resignation letter in the hands of Si Yue and tore it off.

"Light Yan sister?" Secretary was surprised to see the white light.

White light hands and chest: "Is it not necessary? You look at the company in the whole country, the treatment is better than the company's? And the position of the president. Secretary, you will die, and want to go out!" You have to give life to the family in the next few decades, otherwise how can you give it back?"

Bai Yanyan looked at the priest again and said: "And you! Nothing, you know, drink tea to attend the banquet, and fight with people. What job can you find? You should hurry to find a son-in-law, wife. The debtor is still, let your husband do the same in the family to do the horse!"

Secretary: ""

Secretary: ""

They all looked at Si Yuan.

Si Yuan’s lips are slightly undetectable: “The light face is right.”

The tears of the priest and Si Yue fell off instantly.

They kneel in front of Si Yuan and kneel on his knees and cry into a child: "Father"

Si Yuan looked down at them and reached for the heads of the two.

He looked at the white light and explained: "When people are old, they always like to be busy."

White smiles lightly: "My father is right. Xiaoyan and Xiaoyue should be married. It will be more lively when you give birth to several grandchildren."

"Yeah." Si Yuan slightly bowed his head.

The priest and the secretary were crying.

The events of Wan Peipei and Wanfeng are just over.

There is no change in the division except for the absence of a hostess.

The priest began to take over the things that the mother had done before, and with the housekeeper, the time spent drinking afternoon tea was less, and she called Bai Baiyan to complain.

It is already a winter.

In the winter of Mancheng, there is always more snow.

At that time, Bai Guangyan and his party were eating barbecues around the brazier in Huaming's home.

The snow on the branches of the branch is a little bit melted, revealing the trunk of the bud.

Bai Xiaoyan held the phone and made fun of the priest: "It’s stupid, this thing is exhausting and tired, no wonder you haven’t married yet.”

“Si are light!” Si Si jumped on the phone. “Your sister will definitely marry next year! Hey!”

Then she hangs up on the phone.

White lightly looked at the phone that was hung up, and his lips were smiling.

Suddenly, her trouser legs were pulled.

White light and low-lying, I saw Gu Nianbai wearing a furry, tied a ball head, holding a string of chicken wings in his hand, is braving a light smoke, exudes a strong aroma.

"Mummy, give, yell, you love what you like the most." Gu Nianbai's eyes sparkled.

White lightly squatted down, took it, took a bite, and the chicken teeth were delicious: "唔好吃"

Gu Nianbai also took a bite, and her eyebrows moved: "It's delicious. It's so delicious to roast."

When Bai Yanyan was about to speak, he was interrupted by a low voice.

"White is light! You are so kind to you? And your daughter grabbed it."

It is also water.

Although he was almost stunned, he was still used to whitening his face.

White light eyebrows: "That is when I have a daughter to grab, do you have it?"

Huayuexi sat on the side of his stomach and ate very hard. He laughed and laughed.

"I am pregnant with my son!"

It’s fast, and the child’s gender is already known.

Like the Gu Yuzhi, Shui Yizhen especially likes her daughter. When she knows the gender of the child, he is depressed for several days!

It’s said that the water is also not snoring.

An Zhen smiled: "Yan Yan, you don't sprinkle salt on the wound, it hurts."

"Live it!" White lightly raised his eyebrows, and did not carelessly, "Xiaoxi, continue to cheer, fight for the next son."

Huayuexi took the stinky face and said: "Small Yan sister, don't tease him, he is sad."

Hua Ming is taking care of the flower garden and said: "The son is very good, look at the little squat."

An Zhen: "Husband, do you have any misunderstanding about the word '乖'?"

"Ha ha ha"

Everyone laughed.

Gu Yuzhi also laughed. The expression on his face suddenly became stiff. He rubbed his eyes hard and his eyes were still dark.

His body is getting worse and worse, and now his eyes are temporarily blind as long as the mood is slightly up and down.

Gu Yuzhi hangs his throat and prevents others from seeing his anomalies.

White light smiles and tears are coming out soon, and Hua Ming’s singularly exaggerated skin can only be ridiculous.

"Hey, help me get a piece of paper towel." Bai Yanyan took a picture of Gu Xizhi.

Gu Yuzhi’s body was stiff, and his eyes were dark, but he had to respond: “Okay.”

He remembers that the paper towel seemed to be on his right hand side, right, right hand side.

He reached out slowly but was held by one hand.

"Hey, what are you going to in the seasoning bowl? Are you crazy and nervous?"

It was water, and he grabbed a paper towel and gave it to Gu Yuzhi.

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