My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 933: Just want to see you

Once I went back, Gu Yuzhi immediately gave people a good chicken wing and a recipe to the room.

The facilities in the room are very complete and there is a kitchen.

Gu Xizhi had a detailed recipe at the chef of the castle. He sat on the sofa and studied.

White gently went to the room of Gu Nianbai: "White, dinner, remember to be delivered on time."

"Ah?" Gu Nianbai looked blank. "Mummy, isn't it ready to cook?"

White light hand: "You blame him for never cooking, he did it for the first time, do you think you can eat?"

"Oh." Gu Nianbai nodded.

When she paused, she said again: "Mummy, you are so appreciative of cooking, he knows it should be angry?"

White is light and does not matter: "I am just seeking truth from facts."

Gu Nianbai: ""

White lightly turned and said: "I went to look at him, don't give the kitchen a bit."

Gu Nianbai wants to call her back and tell her that you are very powerful, and that I am very good at it?

In the end, Gu Nianbai still listened to the words of white, called dinner.

White lightly returned to the living room, did not see the figure, she swept a circle, intends to go to the bedroom to find, I heard the sound from the kitchen, she hurriedly ran over: "烨之"

White light face with a look of horror, for fear that Gu Yuzhi is doing damage in the kitchen, the next moment, the expression on her face is stiff.

I saw a row of plates and bowls neatly arranged on the counter.

Gu Yuzhi wore a white knit sweater, light gray casual pants, one hand slanted into his pocket, holding a menu in one hand, counting points, his handsome face hidden in the light and shadow, the amplitude of the hooked And temptation.

He has never eaten fireworks. At this moment, he still has a high-profile attitude. He is in this kitchen. He was originally out of place, but he was so handsome.

She clearly heard the sound of her heartbeat.

She squatted on the door frame and looked at the man's side face intently.

Gu Yuzhi carefully compares the materials on the menu with the things in front: “Thirty in the wings, one onion, one potato, one cucumber, lettuce, one tea tree mushroom, chicken leg mushroom, twist, celery”

He put down the menu, washed his hands, began to clean the chicken wings, he held the knife, a little uncomfortable, tried several times, found a comfortable grip, put each chicken wing with two flower knives, then put it into the basin, wipe the paprika, Pickled wine.

"Twenty minutes." He set the time on time.

White lightly and quietly looked at his concentrated look, muttered to himself: "Even if it is difficult to eat, it is worth it."

He is very attentive, and the way he cooks is super handsome.

Gu Yuzhi finally noticed her existence. He slightly turned his head and said: "Yan Yan, the kitchen is not clean, you go out to watch TV."

Bai Yanyan walked over and grabbed his waist from behind, saying: "I don't want to watch TV, I just want to see you."

"Oh," Gu Xiaozhi chuckled, and his lips rose. "Then you will go out later."

I haven’t fired now, it’s not in the way.

Picking up the chicken wings, Gu Yuzhi began to deal with the side dishes. The first time he cooked the vegetables, the movements were inevitable, especially when the onions were cut, and his tears came out.

White lightly hugged him, poked his head and stared at his embarrassed look and laughed.

Gu Yuzhi twisted her head and kissed her, pretending to be angry and frowning: "No smile."

"Yeah, don't laugh." Bai Yanyan pointed his head from the good.


The pickling time of the chicken wings is up, and Gu Yuzhi immediately washes his hands and takes the pan to clean and fire. He held the thermometer he had prepared for the hand.

"What do you mean?" Bai Liangyan held his hand without loosening, and asked for a small head.

When Gu Yuzhi took a step, she followed the move and no one was in trouble.

"Fifty degrees began to oil." Gu Yuzhi.

White light face: "" Cooking and taking a thermometer?

Gu Yuzhi did not speak, but focused on the thermometer in his hand.

After a while, he put down and began to pour oil.

Bai Yanyan glanced at the thermometer and said: "Hey, it’s only forty degrees."

Gu Yuzhi's smile: "Stupid, the temperature I hold on my hand is of course forty degrees, but the temperature in the pot is definitely enough."

Bai Yanyan: "" She was despised by a man who had never cooked before?

After the oil was drained, Gu Yuzhi picked up the thermometer again: "At eighty degrees, the chicken wings are fried to golden brown."

White light color: ""

Then, Bai Yanyan witnessed the cooking process of Xueba, and the maturity of temperature and food was accurate.

There is a scent of food in the kitchen.

"Good fragrance." White lightly swallowed involuntarily.

Gu Yuzhi's constant food in the wok, said: "Quickly a little cat."

"You are a cat." White lightly reached out to his lower back.

Ten minutes later, the dried chicken wings were out of the pot, and the table was placed on the table. Gu Yuzhi was perfectionism. He sprinkled sesame seeds on the surface and decorated it with celery. At present, the color and the fragrance are all.

"Yan Yan, you can taste it." Gu Yuzhi's smile handed the chopsticks to the white light, stepped back, and reached out to wipe the sweat from the forehead.

"Good." White light face immediately caught a chicken wing.

She opened her mouth and was about to put it in her mouth. She looked at one of Gu Yu’s eyes and said, "Hey, you have worked hard, you eat first."

Gu Yuzhi can not help but: "Miss Secretary, eat it, the saliva will flow out."

White lightly heard the words, immediately bite down in a polite manner, the meat is tender and spicy, and she followed the bite of a vague sigh: "Good."

Gu Yu’s lips twitched and pulled the napkin to wipe off the oil on her lips: “I like it.”

"Hey, you are too powerful! This is your first time cooking! God! If you don't witness it, I really don't believe in killing me." White lightly swallowed a chicken wing and ate it, almost The bones were swallowed.

"Hey, I still praise me?" Gu Yuzhi's lips.

Suddenly, there was a dizziness in his head. He quickly held the table and made himself look abnormal.

"Taste, praise you! You sit down, hard work, not allowed to do it later." Bai Yanyan's eyes flashed, and he looked at the palm of his hand and grabbed the knuckle.

Gu Yuzhi sat down obediently, and soon the dizziness in his head disappeared.

Probably too tired, it should be nothing.

White lightly dropped the chopsticks and stood behind him, helping him to pinch his shoulders: "Hey, hard, I will press for you."

"I'm fine," Gu Yuzhi took her hand. "Go eat, is it hungry?"

"No." White lightly shook his head and wrinkled his nose. "You are so bad on your body, the smell of oily smoke."

Gu Yuzhi: ""

He raised his hand and sniffed it, and it really tasted.

Although the range hood is very powerful, his body is still contaminated.

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