My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 939: do not go

Gu Nianbai sat on his lap, and Gu Yu’s look was serious. The slender fingers shuttled through her long hair.

White lightly sat on the side, took out the phone, and "咔嚓" took this scene.

In the future, when I grow up and see this photo again, I will be moved to tears.

Soon, Gu Yuzhi helped Gu Nianbai to compile the blind.

It is a very simple hairstyle. It is slanted from the top of the head and hangs down from the left shoulder. The strength of Gu Yuzhi is very good. The two squats are smashed down, with lazy and playful.

"Good-looking." Bai Liangyan touched her little head. "If you wear a hat, you must look better."

"I am going to take it." Gu Nianbai ran away happily.

After a while, she ran out, wearing a pink hat on her head, lined with a white coat, the color was very beautiful, and added a bit of playfulness.

On the shoulder of Gu Yuzhi, Bai Yanyan nodded and said: "Yes, perfect inherits the good genes of me and you."

"Oh," Gu Nianbai laughed, and returned to the sofa with satisfaction and continued to read the story book.

Gu Yuzhi took advantage of Bai’s shoulders, and Jun Jun couldn’t help: “When did you become so narcissistic?”

White smiled lightly, and the palm of his hand patted Gu Yuzhi’s shoulder: "Mr. Gu, I am telling the truth."

In the next moment, her hand was caught by Gu Yuzhi.

Gu Yuzhi took her pretty finger and pinched her nails at her fingertips. "It's too long."

"Well?" What does he mean to help him cut his nails?

Sure enough, the next moment, Gu Yuzhi took her to stand up, went back to the room to find a nail clipper, and then returned to the sofa.

He looked at her hand intently, cut one nail short, and flattened the edge with a sickle.

White looked at him quietly and squinted.

She felt that Gu Yuzhi was a bit strange, but she couldn’t say where it was.

He is also very good to her, she can't tell it at a time.

All day, the family of three stayed together, and the days were calm and warm.


the next day.

Gu Yuzhi’s last day on the island.

The family portrait that was shot before was made out and sent to the suite. The family of three sat on the sofa and flipped through the album.

"Not bad! The photographer is very professional." White lightly looked at the photo, pertinent evaluation.

Gu Yuzhi also beheaded: "Well, yes."

White lightly looked at the unopened photo on the coffee table and asked: "What are these?"

"Backup." He is going to take it.

If he dies on the operating table tomorrow, he will let Sun Binwen bury himself with these photos and sleep forever.

"Hey, what about this? What is the special gift?" Bai Yanyan said, picking up the album and opening the first page, she immediately grabbed Gu Nianbai's eyes. "White, don't look."

"Hey, what is it?" Gu Nianbai asked curiously.

"Let me and your private photos, children can't see."

Gu Nianbai turned his head and listened.

Gu Yuzhi looked down at the photo and was speechless.

Isn't that the photos he kissed her in the fitting room? Why is it private? White lightly looked at the photo, the lips couldn’t help but rise, she had to admit that the photos taken were really beautiful.

Turning one more page, the white fingers are stuck.

In the photo, she is making up her makeup, Gu Yuzhi is standing on the side, staring intently, the eyes are full of love, the orange light in the room envelopes the two, the picture is beautiful.

Bai Qingyan hit his arm with his arm and blinked: "Is it true that Mr. Gu loves me so much?"

"Yeah." Gu Yuzhi slammed her and beheaded.

White light face slightly raised eyebrows.

Throughout the day, the family of three stayed together, in the room, and did not go anywhere.

After dinner, the three chatted in the living room until ten o'clock.

Gu Yuzhi is facing the white light and said: "Yan Yan, I am a little tired, you go to help me put a bath water."

"Good." White lightly decapitated, he went back to the bedroom.

"Hey, then I went back to sleep, good night." Gu Nian Bai Dao.

Gu Yuzhi stood up and took her hand: "Slowly accompany you back to the room."

"Good." Gu Nianbai nodded.

Gu Yuzhi took her back and closed the door. Gu Yuzhi squatted down and reached down and looked at the head of Gu Nianbai. He said: "In vain, you are five years old now. It is not a child. You can protect Mommy. right?"

Gu Nianbai’s eyes immediately became red, and he plunged into his arms and held his neck tightly: “Hey, don’t go.”

"Don't go." Gu Yuzhi was surprised by her reaction, reaching out and gently patted her back.

"You lied, you and the uncle of the blood eagle said, I have heard." Gu Nianbai's tears immediately fell, "Hey, you don't go! White will work hard, white is also very smart, in the future will certainly Protect you and Mommy."

"White" Gu Yuzhi did not expect her to know, but she still performed so calmly, really is the daughter of his Gu Yuzhi.

His heart hurts a little, and he tightly embraces Gu Nianbai, saying: "White, not to go to the ground, to go to the doctor, to wait until the illness is good, will you come back?"

Gu Nianbai looked at her with red eyes: "Would you come back?"

"Well, I will be back." Gu Yuzhi nodded.

Whether it is alive or not, it is not known.

"You are not allowed to lie to me." Gu Nianbai still does not believe.

Gu Yuzhi's dagger: "Do not lie to you, you will definitely come back, okay?"

Gu Nianbai hesitated, she nodded: "Well, sly, my mom and I are waiting for you to come back."

"嘘" Gu Yuzhi's finger pressed her lips and whispered, "Baby, you promise me, don't tell Mommy about this thing."

"But you suddenly disappeared, Mommy will worry." Gu Nianbai squinted.

Gu Yuzhi said: "Reassuring, there are arrangements in the hustle and bustle, baby, when you are not there, you must be very strong, protect your mother, is it good?"

"Good." Gu Nianbai nodded hard. "Hey, my mom and I are waiting for you to come back."

Gu Yuzhi’s smile: “White is awesome.”

"When are you going tomorrow, I will send you." Gu Nianbai said again.

"No, I will wait for the notice, not sure about the specific time." Gu Yuzhi.

"Oh." Gu Nianbai nodded, holding Gu Yuzhi's hand and tightening tightly. "Hey, I can't bear you, you must come back."

Although she has been following Gu Yuzhi, most of the time, Gu Yuzhi is in a coma, and the time when the father and the daughter really get along is not much.

"Yeah." Gu Yuzhi's dagger.

At this time, the door was slammed, and the white light door pushed in and came in.

"What whispers are your father and daughter carrying me?" She leaned against the door and looked at it.

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