My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 942: Single dog shut up

"Mrs." The blood eagle bit his lower teeth and the voice was flat. "Mr. said that he left for seven days. You can continue to play on the island, or you can go back to the castle. Maybe you can go anywhere. After seven days, he will contact you."

White is light and frowning: "Where did he go? What have you gone?"

The blood eagle is low and there is no response.

White light will understand.

She felt that Gu Yuzhi was weird these days, and there was something really glaring at her.

After a moment of silence, she said: "Let's pack things and go back."

"Yes." Blood Eagle dagger.

White lightly went to the room of Gu Nianbai.

Knocking on the door, I found that Gu Nianbai was dressed neatly and my eyes were still red.

"White, what's wrong?" Bai Yanyan reached out and held her.

"Nothing, just read a story, very touching." Gu Nian Bai Dao.

White lightly touched her little head: "We went downstairs to eat, and later came up to pack things. After playing for a week, it was time to go back."

"What about the land?" Gu Nianbai asked.

Bai Liangyan was silent for a few seconds and said: "He has something to leave for a few days and has already left."

"Yeah." Gu Nianbai was on the shoulder of Bai Yanyan, and the tears fell.

Bai Yanyan picked her up and went to the restaurant to eat.

Still in the previous position, by the window, the view is excellent.

The mother and the daughter are sitting opposite each other.

Gu Nianbai’s face tried to smile: “Mummy, you should be back soon, you should not be happy.”

White lightly put down the milk cup and smiled: "Well, he said he came back in a week."

Gu Nianbai opened his mouth and finally smiled at the white light.

After breakfast, Bai Yanyan took Gu Nianbai, accompanied by the blood eagle, safely returned to the castle.

After taking a rest, at night, she returned to the family with Gu Nianbai.

On the table.

Si Yuan is very curious: "What about lightness, what about it?"

White light face still with a smile, a piece of steak into the mouth, swallowed and said: "He has something, leave a week."

Gu Nian's white sitting on the side, the priest is helping her cut the steak.

The priest is very painful to this little niece.

"Wow, the sun is coming out to the west, and my brother-in-law is going out without even taking you lightly!" Priest interrupted.

"Single dog shut up!" White lightly looked at her.

The priest was anxious and said: "I will definitely marry next year, marry a person who is thousands of times better than Gu Yu. When you are light, you should not be jealous."

“It’s time to wait.” White shrugged and continued to eat steaks gracefully.

"Light Yan sister, brother-in-law, how is his body? What is it going to do? Can't you give it to others?" asked the more concerned.

Bai Yanyan still smiles: "Reassure, he is so big, he has his own size."

When I paused, Bai was light and said: "Why do I always ask you when I come back, dare you don't welcome me?"

"Stupid." Si Yuan was closest to her and reached out and took her head.

"We are only worried about our brother-in-law."

White smiled lightly.

After dinner, Bai Xiaoyan and Si Yuan were chatting. At nine o'clock, she stood up and said, "I went back in vain."

Si Yuan also followed up: "You are not there, you live in Xiaoyanglou in vain."

Bai Yanyan shook his head: "Without the father, the daughter who married out the water poured out, I always live in my mother's family, and people think that I have quarreled with you!"

"Don't you still have a certificate?"

Bai Yanyan took advantage of her chance to marry her, she finally counterattacked.

White light smile: "The morning and evening, not like someone who doesn't even know where the object is."

Shi Yue shook his head helplessly: "Two sisters, can you not love each other?"

White light smile, holding the back to the castle.

She took care of her face and took a shower, lying on the bed and covering the quilt, and she returned to the room.

She sat on a soft carpet under the sofa, holding a calendar in one hand and a pen in one hand, and crossed out today's date.

"One week, oh, I am waiting for you to come back."

Then she stared at the calendar.

In addition to the five years of separation, she fell asleep in the arms of Gu Yuzhi every night.

In the room of Nuo Da, the empty one, only she is alone, even the sound of breathing can be heard clearly.

I used to think that this room is big, and it feels even worse at the moment.

I don't know how long I have been sitting on the carpet. I just stood up and went to the bathroom to wash. She was lying on the bed and covered with a quilt.

The quilt is obviously changed, but she seems to be able to smell the breath of the man alone, sucking into the lungs, thinking of being crazy.

"Hey, I miss you, why do you want to go and talk to me?"

White lightly covered the quilt to cover her head, she turned over and over, I don't know how long it took, and finally fell asleep.

The next day, Bai Yanyan went to find Anzhen, and Anzhen was busy taking care of the upcoming Huayue River.

The expected date of birth is only one month.

"Children should be born in the New Year, it is a blessing." An Zhen smiled.

White lightly nodded and smiled: "Yes, the brook is a blessed person, and her children are the same."

An Zhen turned his head and looked at the white light and said: "Yes, Yan Yan, how come you come to me, the president's illness, find a doctor?"

Bai Yanyan shook his head: "I am working hard, don't worry, you just manage the creek."

Anzhen is very busy, no time to take care of her.

White is light and does not wait for a while to take care of the white back to the castle.

As soon as the New Year was over, the housekeeper commanded the servants to arrange the castle, and the original white snow covered with silver was swept away and replaced with a festive lantern.

Although it is a country of t, but Gu Yuzhi is a country of z, so follow the customs of the country.

Bai Yanyan stood under the red lantern and looked up at his head.

Gu Nianbai smashed her hand: "Mummy, do you want to squat? There are still five days, and you will be back."

White lightly squatted down and took Gu Nianbai into his arms and said: "Whoever missed him, I didn't think about him."

Gu Nianbai gently patted her back and had nothing to say.

In this way, seven days passed by.

Early in the morning, Bai Yanyan woke up. She looked up at the calendar on the bedside table and pointed her fingers one by one: "One, two, three seven."

Her lips are hooked.

It’s been a long time to talk about it in seven days, but it’s really going to pass soon.

She put down the calendar to wash in the bathroom, then went to the cloakroom to change clothes.

Her fingers swept over the rows of dresses and eventually landed on a large red coat.

Yan Yan, you are especially good at wearing red clothes.

The white light and neatly changed clothes, and gave him a light makeup, which went downstairs.

Gu Nianbai heard the footsteps and looked up and couldn’t help but exclaim: "Mummy, you are so beautiful today."

White lightly caressed long hair and raised his lips.

As she went on, Gu Nianbai took her hand, and the ghostly spirit said: "Mummy, you are coming back because of your squatting today, so dress up so beautiful, right?"

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