My Cold Gentle Husband

Chapter 948: White light heart

"Father." White lightly slowed down and screamed.

Si Yuan returned to the gods and looked at the white light: "Light and beautiful!"

He saw the man next to the white light face, and he was shocked. The joy came to his heart and immediately stood up.

The orange street lamp hit Gu Yuzhi's body, and it seemed that he didn't look very real. He immediately walked over to the meteor.

"Father." Gu Yuzhi's dagger, "It's me, I worry you."

Si Yuan’s face was delighted and patted him on the shoulder: “It’s good to come back soon.”

When Gu Yuzhi came back, he was completely relieved.

The four entered the hall.

Si Yuan was very curious about what he did during this time. Before considering the emotions of white and light, he couldn't ask. Now that Gu Yuzhi is back, he wants to know.

Gu Yuzhi also told him nothing.

Si Yuan smiled: "It's good. After you are together with you, you have no problem with your body, and you will be able to make up the procedures."

"Well, I am going to wait for the summer vacation, take them back to the country." Gu Yuzhi.

"Well, you have arrangements." Si Yuan bowed.

Gu Nianbai sat on Si Yuan’s lap and was happy to interject: “The grandfather, the land and the mummy will give me a little brother and a little sister. It’s so happy.”

Si Yuanxiao: "Well, I have a few more, and I will help you watch it."

Bai Yanyan looked at her and said: "Father, in fact, it is enough."

"That can't be done. Bg Group, Secretary, will be in vain in the future, isn't she going to be exhausted? You two have worked hard, and have more children to help share the burden." Si Yuanyi is sternly saying .

White light color: ""

Gu Yuzhi is "ah".

At this time, the priest and the priest came back. He heard the words of Si Yuan, and the look on both faces remained unchanged.

Although they live in the family now, they can have nothing to do with the family. There are some things that they naturally won’t expect.

They are people who know how to get enough.

"Wow, brother-in-law, you are finally back! Brother-in-law, you don't know when you are not there, Light Yan sister's eyes are almost crying." Si Yi looked exaggerated.

White lightly glared at her: "Don't talk nonsense."

Secretary is also very surprised: "Brother, you are finally back."

Gu Yuzhi’s dagger: “Let you worry.”

"It’s a light sister who is worried about you."

White and light: "" Demolition of her desk one by one.

Gu Yuzhi’s hand was always white and light, and he heard it. He shook it hard.

It turned out that during this time, she has been pretending to be strong in front of others, but everyone can see it.

Gu Yuzhi’s heart hurts a little.

He was back, everyone was very happy, the dinner was very rich, and the restaurant was full of laughter.

Bai Huayan wants to thank Mrs. Wang and Sun Yuen, and Si Yuan proposed to invite the Wang family and Sun Yuwen to the house to be a guest. Bai Liangyan thought and agreed.

After the meal, the two chatted with Siyuan for a while. When they went downstairs, they planned to take Gu Nianbai back. They found that Gu Nianbai was already asleep. The priest was holding her. The secretary was on the side, the palms were in the air, and I was afraid that the priest would not Be careful to let Gu Nianbai fall.

Bai Xiaoyan is simply crying and laughing: "Hey, Xiaoyan, Xiaoyue, you are not too big, so if you like children, you will find someone to marry and have one."

Si Yuedao: "Sister is married, I am a man, not worried."

The priest yelled at him: "I am still young!"

White light Yandong, the priest and Si Yue’s mind, said: “Even if you are married and have children, this place will always be your home. My father and I, your father and you are your loved ones.”

The more the eyes are moving, the scorpion is sour: "Light sister, thank you." The priest is low-headed and pretending to look at him.

White light no longer said anything, so far.

Gu Yuzhi took the sleeping Gu Yubai from the priest's hand and the family went out of the manor.

Night wind.

Gu Yuzhi took Gu Nianbai to the car and reached out to take the white light face up.

There is nothing on the way.

The car drove into the castle, and Gu Yuzhi gave Gu Nianbai a moss.

"Yan Yan, let's go to the backyard?" Gu Yuzhi took her hand.

"Good." White light and dagger.

On the night of May, the breeze blew and it was cool.

The two walked hand-in-hand on the path, and the road was full of flowers and plants. Now it is the flower season, the breeze smashes, and the air is full of scent.

"A seven." The flowers are too rich, and the white light can't help but sneeze.

Gu Yuzhi screwed her brow and immediately took her to the other side where the trees were planted.

"Is it still uncomfortable?" He looked at her lowly, and his deep bottom was with obvious concern.

"Nothing." White lightly swings his hand.

She is not allergic to pollen, just that it makes her nose itchy.

The two sat down on the bench, Gu Yuzhi took the white shoulders, rubbed the lower lip corner and asked: "Yan Yan, I am not in the first half of the year, are you suffering too much?"

White looked up and looked at him: "Have you asked in the morning?"

"But you didn't answer." At that time, Gu Nianbai was fighting.

Bai Yanyan buried his face on his shoulder and whispered: "All passed."

"I'm sorry." Gu Yuzhi's enthusiasm for her.

"Well, how many sentences you said today are sorry. Really nothing." White lightly shook his head gently.

Didn't you wait for half a year? And he was misunderstood and miscarried six years ago. What does this count?

Thinking of this matter, the lightness of white light will be dark.

She never dreamed of dreaming, and eventually he chose to trust the blood geese instead of himself.

Although the blood geese are dead now, she forgave him, but after all, there is something wrong with her heart.

Gu Yuzhi did not know her mind, but only supported her.


The next day.

Bai Yanyan and Gu Yuzhi personally went to the Wang family to thank the gift.

Mrs. Wang’s smile on her face: “I’m going to say it, I’m going to say that it’s really good for Mr. Gu.”

White light and decapitated, my heart is really grateful: "Thank you, Wang Jie, if you don't have me, I really don't know what to do."

Sun Yuwen sat on one side, and the scorpion under the lens did not react.

He is a great doctor, and he likes to overcome incurable diseases. Every time he treats a patient, those patients and their families will be grateful to Dade, so he is already numb.

Bai Yanyan looked at him: "Dr. Sun, I really thank you very much. I apologize to you for my previous attitude."

Said, white light and forty-five degrees.

In fact, she wants to be 90 degrees, but she can take her.

The look on Sun’s face changed, and he muttered like a child: “I said I can, you still don’t believe it.”

"Ha ha" Mrs. Wang laughed and couldn't do it. "Light face, this kid's emotional intelligence is low, you don't see it."

"Where, I am too grateful." Bai smiled and smiled.

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