"Let me see if there are any good places around here."

Yunye closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing the places around him where he could fish.

His huge mental power covered the entire dense and complex forest, and soon locked onto a location.

"It's you!"

Almost in an instant, Yunye determined his target.

Passing by countless candidates looking for their targets, he turned left and right and came to a deep blue lake.

Under the scorching sun, the lake was full of golden light, and with the complex trees around it, it had a unique flavor.

A small bench emerged from the shadow behind him, and he sat on it and started his fishing trip.

In an instant, Yunye felt that his mind was unprecedentedly calm.

Even though the surroundings were full of the sounds of candidates hunting animals, it still did not stir up the slightest ripple.

As time passed, Yunye's fishing rod began to swing.

"Finally, a fish has taken the bait.

Yunye reacted quickly and held the fishing rod tightly.


With a loud noise, the lake was stirred up by a surging wave.

Looking closely, a fish several dozen meters long was struggling desperately, trying to escape the hook.

The fishing rod was pulled at an extremely exaggerated angle, but no matter how the big fish dragged, the rod did not show any signs of breaking.

I really don't know what material Maha used to make the fishing rod, which is so tough..

"Those who are willing to take the bait will be the ones who are greedy for it."

Yun Ye gently exerted force with his arms and suddenly fished out the big fish, forming a beautiful skyline in the sky.

""Pah, pah, pah."

The big fish reached the land and kept hitting the ground, hoping to return to its homeland.

Yunye sat quietly on the small bench and watched the big fish struggle.

After waiting for a long time, the big fish finally couldn't hold on and died completely.

"The ingredients are ready, it's time to go back."

Yunye swallowed the big fish with his shadow and turned back to the cooking place.

On the way, he also picked up a lot of precious seasonings to make the ingredients more delicious.

As a gourmet, Yunye has always been very rigorous.

"Are there so many people here already?"

Coming to the kitchen, many people have already started cooking.

Looking around, Leorio, Kurapika and others have already started making

""Gela and the others haven't come back yet?"

Looking around, he found that there was no sign of Gela and Leke.

The two were probably still on a crazy hunt and hadn't finished yet.

Thinking of this, Yunye didn't hesitate, picked up the kitchen knife beside him, and started slicing the already cut fish. The quick and sharp knife skills quickly turned the large pieces of fish into neat and uniform sashimi.


With a slight sound, the rice is cooked.

After putting it aside to cool for a while, the real cooking begins.

Take the ingredients just picked and mix them evenly with the cooled rice, and use your hands to knead it into a perfect rectangle.

Then cover it with the freshly processed sashimi.

A delicious sushi is ready.

Looking outside, people have already handed the prepared sushi to Menqi for tasting.

"The rice is not cooked yet"

"���The slices are too old and not tasty."

"The taste is too bland, and there is no seasoning at all."

Menqi could find a lot of problems with each one he ate, resulting in more than 30 people going there, and not a single one passed.

"This is too strict."

"This is deliberately targeting us. Is this really an examiner?"

"I am here to be a hunter, not a cook!"

Voices of varying sizes echoed in the crowd, all expressing their opinions about Men Qi.

In response, Men Qi ignored them and continued to eliminate candidates according to his own standards.

"Really, is there no one that can satisfy me?"

Men Qi shook her head helplessly.

At this moment, a fragrant sushi appeared in front of her.

"Try mine."

Yunye smiled and raised the sushi in his hand.

"This taste, this image."

Men Qi, who was originally disappointed, was instantly full of energy, and stuffed the sushi in front of her into her mouth with a serious face.

Instantly, a bursting feeling came over her heart, making her feel as satisfied as if she were in heaven.

The gourmet heart in her body was jumping wildly.

"It's so delicious."

A tear of happiness flowed from the corner of Men Qi's eyes.

This scene shocked everyone present, and even the complaints stopped.

What kind of food could make such a picky Men Qi shed tears?

The sound of saliva sliding rang out in the silent place.

"How about my sushi?"

Yunye asked with a smile.

"You passed!"

"Are you interested in being a gourmet hunter? I think you have a talent for this."

Men Qi looked at Yun Ye with shining eyes.

"If there is a chance, maybe I can give it a try."

Yun Ye did not say that his current skills and knowledge are enough to become a gourmet hunter.

Otherwise, with Men Qi's personality, he would probably compete with him.

"Okay, the people behind don't need to come up anymore."

"Except for this person, all of you are eliminated."

Men Qi announced the final result expressionlessly.

This once again set off a wave of excitement among the crowd.

"Why do you have the right to refuse just because you say so?"

"This is too much. The people behind were eliminated before they even got on stage."

"This is just making fun of us."

Once an opinion is formed, it will be echoed by others.

As if he was irritated by these words, Men Qi glanced at everyone present.

"Then I'll give you another chance."

"This forest is inhabited by a creature called the Porcupine."

"You hunt it down and cook it. As long as both of us are satisfied, you will pass."

Men Qi gave the candidates another chance.

""60 minutes!"

Just as the examinees were about to say something else, Menqi spoke again.

This made them dare not say anything more and quickly ran into the forest, including Yunye.

But strangely, the jungle that was full of wild beasts just now was now empty, as if it had never existed.

The deeper they went, the more they could feel the silence.

"Where is the Hognose Boar? Why is it gone? I just saw it."

The examinee looked around in confusion.

Seeing this scene, Yunye seemed to understand what happened and disappeared on the spot.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of the monster corpse that was as high as a small hill.

Looking up, the monster corpses were still increasing at a very fast speed, piling up continuously, gradually approaching the level of a mountain.

""Okay, we can stop now."

Yun Ye said softly, and the two of them immediately stopped what they were doing.

These were enough for them to eat for a long time, so they didn't need to continue hunting for the time being.

"I was wondering why there were no Hognose Pigs, but now they are all here.

Looking around, the foundation of the hill is made up of countless Hognose Pigs.

This is why the candidates can’t find one no matter how hard they try.

"Boss, do we really not need to continue hunting?"

Gera asked doubtfully.

"No, it's enough."

Yun Ye naturally knew what Gra was thinking.

He was afraid that the monsters in front of him would not be enough to eat.

"Let's go back, the exciting scene is about to begin."

After using the shadow to devour the corpses of the monsters, he turned and walked towards the assessment point.

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