Baokuer said with a cold sweat on his face:"I can give you anything you want."

"Don't panic, it's just your number plate."

After saying that, Yunye took off the number plate on his hat and left.

Only the confused Bakuer was left staring blankly at the direction he left.


""That's about it."

Yun Ye muttered to himself as he looked at the dozen number plates in his hand.

Except for the number plates of key figures, all the numbers of passers-by were snatched away.


Suddenly, the sound of a ship roaring came from afar.

As expected, the test was about to end.

Everyone understood and approached the ship at the same time.

""Let's go."

Looking at the two people behind him, Yunye slowly walked forward.

During this period, Leke and Gra spent their time practicing boxing and sharpening knives, except for occasionally going out to hunt.

It seemed that a tacit understanding had formed between the two.

When they arrived at the ship, Mashita had already been waiting on the deck.

"Candidates please hand in your number plate"

"Those who have not reached 6 points, please step aside."

As soon as the voice fell, most people walked to the side.

They were all candidates who did not pass, and even their number plates were taken away.

"Why are there so many people?"

Masita looked at the large group of people in front of him in surprise.

In previous exams, there had never been so many people.

"Did something happen?"

Kurapika noticed something was wrong and turned his attention to Yunye again.

"This is my number plate."

Xiao Jie was the first to hand in his number plate.

Since Xi Suo's number plate had been taken away by Yun Ye, Xiao Jie had to retreat and snatch other people's number plates.

In the end, after much hardship, he successfully got three

"This is mine."

Hanzo threw the two number plates in his hand to Mashita handsomely.

One was his own, and the other was his prey's, just enough for 6 points.

Then, people submitted their number plates one after another.

"That's not right."

Looking at the number plate in his hand, Masita was a little confused.

How could there be only this many people?

"This is mine.

Suddenly, a hand with a dozen number plates was handed to Masita.

Looking up, Yunye's figure appeared in front of him.

"You, you!"

Ma Shita was so surprised that he was speechless.

He obviously didn't expect that a 12-year-old child would be the culprit for most of the candidates being eliminated. It was not until Yun Ye stuffed the number plate into his hand that he completely reacted and said to everyone

"A total of 11 contestants successfully advanced to the next round."

"Those who are eliminated, please wait to participate in the next Hunter Test."

Masita ruthlessly pronounced the final result.

A large group of people complained that the Hunter Test was too difficult.

Soon, the ship started and headed towards the final destination.

"It's finally over."

Leorio said, his body in disarray.

It was obvious that the test just now had left a deep impression on him.


Xiaojie looked into the distance, his eyes full of expectation.

"Not bad."

A smile appeared on Killua's lips.

The journey did not disappoint him, on the contrary, he made other friends.

"Should we take them with us?"

On the deck, Yunye looked at the foursome with deep eyes.

Logically speaking, if the child of luck is taken with them on the trip to the Dark Continent, the survival rate will rise sharply.

But no one can guarantee that the final result will be good.

After all, their current strength is too weak.

The terrifying creatures they found before can probably kill them with just a glance.

Who knows if there are still creatures more powerful than that hidden in the Dark Continent.

"We'll see when the time comes."

Yun Ye shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

The matter needs to be discussed together.

"Rest first."

Yunye was immersed in practice while arriving at the next location.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they arrived at the test site.

Hunter Association.

Mashi took a few people to the test site and turned to leave.

Looking forward, he saw President Netero who had been waiting for a long time.

At this moment, he was carefully looking at the group of people who came.

"Congratulations on reaching the final level of the test. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Netero said with a smile on his face.

"This assessment still implements the elimination system."

"Go to the ring to fight, and make your opponent surrender without killing him."

"The purpose of this test is to test the contestants’ never-say-die spirit and fighting spirit!"

"I hope you can show your strength and win."

These words made Yunye smile.

What a familiar word. Netero's speech at the fighting competition was also so passionate.

The final result is naturally to mobilize most of the emotions.

Just looking at Xiaojie's shining eyes is enough to see it.

"Then I won't waste my words any more."

"The first test, Kurapika vs. Hisoka!"

Netero announced the list of players for the first match.

It was exactly the same as what Yunye remembered, and everything was going according to the original plot.

The final result was naturally that Kurapika won.

Hisoka was"regrettably" out of the game.

Every subsequent match would be played according to the list.

"The seventh test, Killua vs. Jitaraku!"

As time passed, it was finally time for the seventh game.

Jitaraku was the pseudonym of Illumi in disguise, which was very thoughtful.

"Come on, Killua!"

Xiaojie cheered for Killua with a smile on his face.


Killua nodded and came to the ring swiftly.

Looking at the Jitaraku who was full of needles on the opposite side, he always had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Killua, long time no see."

The familiar voice made Killua's body a little stiff.

As Chitaraku pulled out the needles one by one,

Chitaraku's body and face began to wriggle violently, gradually revealing his original appearance.

The handsome man, Illumi!

Until the true face of Lushan was finally revealed, Killua stared at this scene with wide eyes in disbelief.

"How come you are here!"

Kiya couldn't believe that Illumi actually chased here

"Killua, why don't you listen to me and participate in the hunter test?"

Illumi didn't answer, but his pupils were dark and his tone was calm.

But in Killua's heart, it was the most terrifying voice in the world.

Even if his fate had shifted, the fear of Illumi could not be erased in any way.

In a trance, Illumi's expressionless face was infinitely magnified in his heart.

"Really, even after not seeing you for such a long time, you are still as annoying as ever."

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