Yunye rushed to the next location without stopping.

Zai Yiluo had not studied this place in depth, and naturally did not know where some confidential information was placed.

This required Yunye to use his own method to solve it.

"Every country has its own characteristics."

Coming to the United States of Saherta, compared to other countries, this place has a different style.

The houses everywhere are all with national characteristics, which is pleasing to the eye.

Everyone is wearing special clothes, walking on the street to handle their own affairs.

After observing for a while, Yunye came to a hidden location.


In an instant, countless black shadows gathered from the shadows and stood in front of Yunye in an orderly manner, waiting for orders.

"Find the target."

The next moment, all the shadows disappeared in an instant and rushed in all directions.

The people above had no idea of the undercurrents in the shadow world.

While waiting, Yunye strolled on the streets to appreciate the customs and practices of other countries.

After a while, the shadows sent useful information.

The secret location of the Saheerta United States is in an underground ruin.

If it weren't for the shadow's ability to penetrate space, this place might not have been discovered.

Compared to the previous military base, the underground ruins of the Saheerta United States are obviously much safer.

When they arrived at the destination after integrating into the inner world, a huge palace came into view.

This is the product of the Saheerta United States modified according to the original ruins outline, adding a lot of things.

"There is no one here."

Looking closely, there is no one guarding the huge underground palace.

After sensing, there is not even a basic camera.

It is hard to imagine that this is a place where secrets are stored.

Maybe the United States of Sahelita thinks that no one can find this place. After all, the secrecy can be guaranteed.

Looking around, there are rocks everywhere. If you want to get in, you have to penetrate the rocks.

But how did the people of the United States of Sahelita get in?

"Tell me a riddle."

Yun Ye had no time to care about these.

After integrating into the inner world again, he walked towards the palace.

As expected, there was no soldier guarding inside.

This was like leaving the door here, and you can come in by yourself.

But whether you dare or not depends on yourself.

For Yun Ye, that was too daring.

"Let me see where the secret room is."

Yunye closed his eyes, and his huge mental power instantly covered the entire palace.


Suddenly, Yunye felt that there was an extremely powerful energy lurking under the palace.

As expected, this was the protective measure of the Saheleta United States. No wonder there were no soldiers. Once this power erupted, no one present would survive.

Without alerting the enemy, Yunye continued to sense the environment inside the palace and quickly located four locations.

Among them were the armory, laboratory, confidential room and experimental space.

After determining the location, Yunye came to the laboratory first.

Like the Ochima Federation, countless culture dishes were placed on both sides, waiting for research.

However, the Saheleta United States is a little different. There are no strange creatures here.

Like the Ochima Federation, it should be a special case.

"No, there are differences."

Yun Ye immediately denied his previous thought.

In the corner of the laboratory, a dark egg was suspended in a small petri dish.

It exuded a strong breath of darkness and life.

It seemed to sense Yun Ye's arrival and jumped twice.

"Interesting, I'll take you away later."

Yun Ye immediately became interested.

He wanted to see what this egg could hatch. He continued to observe for a while, and when he saw nothing, he left here and went to the secret room.

There was still a suspended mechanical ball quietly placed in the room.

It can be seen that the technology trees of the major countries are actually similar, at least in one aspect.

It also shows from the side that as long as NGL masters these technologies, it can be on par with v5 to some extent!

Mark the location and go to the last location.

Experimental space!

Follow the coordinates to the experimental space, and everything inside is clear at a glance.

There is no black in the pure white space.

Countless robots stand in place as if they have lost energy.

In addition, there is the ground stained with blood and broken limbs everywhere.

These do not belong to humans, but to some kind of creatures.

It can be seen that a horrific killing experiment has taken place here, which is probably to confirm the various indicators and strengths of the robots.

"These things are good, take them all away."

Yun Ye immediately decided to be a good person and help the Saheerta United States clean up the"garbage".

Coming to the secret room again, Yun Ye took down the mechanical ball in the same way.

And swallowed all the useful things according to the coordinates.


Just after all this was done, there was a sudden explosion-like sound from directly below the palace.

The mechanical sound echoed throughout the empty underground ruins.

The next second, a huge robot broke through the cage of the earth and came to the ground. The blood-red mechanical eyeballs kept scanning the underground ruins to find the figure of the intruder.

But no matter how it scanned, it did not find any living creatures.

""Thanks to the strong support of the United States of Saherta, I will leave first."

Yunye ran away. He soon disappeared into the underground ruins and returned to the surface.

At this time, the value of the inner world has risen sharply, containing top-secret information and high-tech products of the two major countries.

Even if this information is given to a small country, it can soar to the sky in an instant.

"There are two more countries, let's make a quick decision."

Yun Ye decided to speed up.

After all, the continuous borrowing of two countries will definitely make the other countries alert, so as to move the secrets to a more secret place.

Without hesitation, Yun Ye headed to the next country.


""Huh, it's almost done."

Yun Ye was satisfied looking at the four mechanical balls in the other world.

In addition, there are countless weapons and robots.

What the Bergrose United Nations and the Mingbo Republic have are similar, and there are not too many surprises.

As for the Ancient Ganyu Kingdom, there is no need to explore it, after all, everyone knows the reason for their development.

It may also be because deeper things have not been discovered.

But what we have now is almost the same, and the next step is the most important step.

Research and upgrade!

"It’s time to do some research and see how far NGL can grow."

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