In the remaining time, Yunye has been practicing and trying various medicines.

Today is the day he tries the last injection.

"are you ready"

"I remind you again, there is no antidote."

Maha asked solemnly.

Obviously, this time he was not joking, there was really a chance of death.

"I'm ready."

Yunye didn't hesitate.

His previous training had made him very brave.

Even if he faced death, he would still be able to remain calm!


Seeing Yunye's resolute look, Maha praised loudly. He quickly stabbed the needle in his hand into Yunye's arm.

The next moment, the poison instantly spread throughout his body, and it filled every part of his body in just a snap of a finger.

An unspeakable pain surged in his heart, which was more turbulent than the previous feelings.

Yunye's eyes gradually darkened, as if he was dead.

The scene fell into silence, and even the sound of the wind and grass disappeared.

""Little Yunye."

Maha stared at Yunye.

Even though he had already put life and death behind him, his hands still trembled slightly when he saw this scene.


A stream of green poison sprayed out of Yunye's mouth.

His eyes, which had been silent, once again shone with dazzling light, as if he had been sent back from heaven and resurrected.

Seeing that Yunye was alive again, Maha breathed a sigh of relief.

""It's all right, it's all right."

Maha muttered to himself.

After a long time of getting along, even animals will develop a little affection, let alone his beloved great-grandson.

"I almost died. I seemed to see my deceased grandmother waving at me."

Yun Ye patted his chest with lingering fear.

It was really too dangerous just now. If he had absorbed and resolved it a little later, he could really say goodbye to this beautiful world.

But fortunately, everything was not in vain. His body has truly reached the point of being immune to all poisons!

Even Huangquan, which was enough to destroy a small town in an instant, could not cause him any harm.

"I am so strong."

Feeling the drastic changes in his body, Yunye couldn't help but praise

"Your training is now complete."

"Next, take a look at your training results."

"Once you're done, you can go out."

Maha said seriously.

In simple terms, you have to complete a final exam.

Only if you succeed can you accept the commission and complete the task.

"I will limit myself and use only a small part of my strength to fight you."

After saying that, Mahat suddenly disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he was already behind Yunye, and slashed at his neck with his knife.


With a command, the shadow behind Yunye began to move.

In an instant, 'Shiba' appeared behind him and blocked the attack.

"Is this your ability to read minds?"

Seeing this, Maha showed a hint of interest. His figure disappeared again, like a wolf waiting for an opportunity.

But before he could show up, two mind balls smashed towards him.


The huge force broke the earth and stirred up countless rubble.

Maha's figure also appeared.

Before he could continue to hide, two more balls of thought hit him.

After quickly dodging, he looked around and saw that another Shiba appeared beside Yunye.


Maha chuckled.

He quickly came to 'Shiba', swung his hands quickly, and slapped him.

In an instant, 'Shiba' exploded from the inside out, dissipating into a ball of black air and floating into the sky.

With just this one move, the black shadow was destroyed.

Taking advantage of the gap between Maha's attacks, Yunye appeared behind him silently.

"Snake whip."

His hands immediately became as flexible as a python, whipping Maha on his back.

Suddenly, Maha flew out like a cannonball, hitting the ground and creating a long gully.

Although he had been knocked out, Yunye still did not relax.

He looked around, ready to counterattack at any time.

"It seems that the training effect is very good."

"But it's still far from enough.

Maha walked out from the dust, dusted himself off and said

"If you say so, I will take it seriously."

Yunye said with a chuckle.

The 'Shiba' who was originally standing there disappeared and merged into the shadow again.

The shadow squirmed again, and a short black shadow filled with a dark aura emerged from the shadow.

Replica Maha!

From the previous battle, Maha had been recruited into Yunye's template and became a thing in his pocket.


Seeing the copy of himself, Maha laughed out loud.


Another unexpected attack.

But Yunye already knew Maha's habits and had prepared for it.

The huge force produced a series of strong winds, causing the surrounding grass to sway wildly.

The two figures intertwined, and every blow sent gravel flying all over the sky.

""That's enough."

A voice brought the battle to an abrupt end.

Maha kicked the shadow away and announced the end of the trial.

The result this time was far beyond his expectations.

With Yunye's current strength, it was definitely more than enough to complete the commission.

"Is this the end?"

Yun Ye took the black shadow back and said doubtfully.

I thought Maha would use his telekinesis to fight, but from beginning to end he only used assassination techniques without any other elements mixed in.

"Yes, that's all the training."

"What are your plans next?"

Maha asked, picking up the fishing rod again.

"I want to practice for a while and then go out to experience some new things."After thinking for a while, Yun Ye gave a general direction.

He is still too young, so it would be inconvenient for him to go out.

"If you have time, you can go to the Hunter Association to have a look."

Maha remembered Netero's words and said to Yunye

"Yeah, I know."

"Then I will go back first, and I will come to see you when I have time."

After saying that, Yunye disappeared from the spot.

Maha continued fishing as usual, but he kept muttering

"Will the disaster be him?"


In the following time, even without Maha's teaching, Yunye insisted on training every day.

In addition to the Supreme Visualization Diagram and the method of cultivating the ability of mind, the most training was the assassination technique.

With the full level of comprehension, he successfully mastered the assassination technique.

If he were to kill someone now, he would definitely be able to take out the other person's heart without leaving a trace of blood.

"It's time to go out for training."

Yun Ye went out to prepare for training as usual.

But today is destined to be an unfair day.


With a loud bang that resounded through the sky, a huge black energy column emitting extreme malice burst out from the delivery room and rushed into the sky.

Everyone, including the animals, looked up at this sudden vision.

Looking at this scene, Yunye muttered to himself

"Or was he born?"

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