Instantly, the terrifying aura like a ferocious beast entered everyone's eyes and even their hearts.

Everyone present felt a deep shudder at the same time.

Netero frowned, secretly speculating on the chances of winning in a fight.

The other two hunters, Mo Laowu and Nob, were so scared that they were stunned in place, their minds blank.

They dared not imagine how terrifying this aura would be if they really fought face to face.

"It's not easy."

Jin muttered to himself, his eyes flashing with golden light.

Obviously, he was not sure that he could defeat a powerful creature like Meruem.

""Isn't this kid Gla still running?"

Yun Ye didn't feel much.

He just felt that this gaze was like a real ant staring at him, which did not cause any psychological harm.

It may also be because he kept practicing the Taichu Cultivation Technique, which has raised his mental power to an incredible level.

Compared with these, he was more concerned about Gla's situation.


The moment Meruem looked over, Gra had already entered the battle state, kicked his feet hard, and rushed forward.

He did not retreat, but chose to attack!

""Good boy."

Netero praised.

He was able to take the initiative to attack under such pressure, which was amazing enough.


Outside the palace, Meruem did not take Gra seriously at all.

Even though it was just a newborn and its strength had not yet reached its peak, its unruly character still made it choose to despise everyone.

"Six Gates of Dunjia"


Gra did not follow the routine at all, and directly activated the ultimate move.

In an instant, a surging wave of air swept through his body, forcibly stimulating the corresponding acupuncture points.

Under the stimulation, his skin quickly turned red, and wisps of steam rose up and floated in the air.

A more violent aura appeared on Gra's body, as if a prehistoric beast had descended into the world.

The original strength increased several times.

This was the ultimate result of Gra's special training for several months.

"Ants actually have such strength."

Meruem admitted that he underestimated Gra.

Who would have thought that this old man would burst out with all his strength right from the start.

Looking at the rushing Gra, Meruem did not take it lightly, and his muscles were tense, vowing to withstand this attack.

"Come on, let me see your strength!"

Meruem laughed wildly and looked at Graham wantonly.

"He didn't even try to hide. Are you so rampant?"

"I will let you know what regret is today!"

Gra showed a sly smile.

The surging Qi attached to the thigh again, deeply stimulating the acupuncture points.

In an instant, the thigh became swollen, and it contained the power of the whole body.

""Not good!"

Seeing this, Meruem's eyes widened and he wanted to leave.

But it was too late.

He gathered all his strength and kicked it hard in the abdomen.


"What will be the result?"

Netero stared at the screen.

This was a great opportunity to determine Meruem's strength.

Mo Laowu and Nob were stunned by this earth-shattering kick.

"How did this guy train?"

Jin couldn't help but look at Yunye who was not panicking at all.

What kind of special training could make Gra reach his current level? This has become Jin's most interesting thing at the moment.

After about thirty seconds, the answer finally appeared on the screen.

Looking closely, Meruem's abdomen was missing a large piece of flesh and blood, which was kicked away.

Not only that, the wound was still bleeding green blood, and soon a pool of blood formed at the bottom of his feet.


On the other hand, Gra's right leg was completely disabled and unable to move.

This blow poured all the strength of his body into his right leg, which naturally caused it to be instantly paralyzed.

Fortunately, his left leg was still mobile.

Now that his physical strength had reached zero, Gra kicked away and quickly left the battlefield before the enemy reinforcements arrived.

At the moment Gra left, a tall and thin blond young man came here in a hurry.

Surprisingly, two butterfly wings extended from his back.

Not surprisingly, this person was from the ant army camp.

"Have the three guards appeared as well?"

Looking at the figure on the screen, Yunye's answer immediately appeared in his mind.

This man's name is Owl Yapufu, one of the three guards bred by the queen ant herself, who is responsible for protecting the ant king.

Each of the three guards has his own unique mind ability, and they use it very skillfully.

Just like the Owl Yapufu in front of him, its ability can decompose into countless small Pufu.

It can be used to dodge enemy attacks, monitor enemy whereabouts, control enemy spirits, etc.

But the body that controls all the small Pufus needs to be at least the size of a fly.

"The ant king has recovered."

Mo Laowu exclaimed.

On the screen, Owl Yapfu fed Meruem a piece of human heart flesh.

Looking closely, there was still air attached to it, indicating that its owner was a Psychic.

The moment it was swallowed, Meruem's wounds recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his strength continued to rise.

"The situation is not good."

This characteristic immediately gave Netero a warning.

Once it continues to devour Nen users, how terrifying will its strength be?

It can be said that time is now against the clock.

Every delay will reduce the possibility of defeating Meruem.

"We have to hurry in."

Ni Luo rushed into NGL, but was stopped by the guards beside him.

"Please register for inspection."

The guard said meticulously. After seeing Mo Laowu behind Netero, he unconsciously tightened his gun.

At this moment, their weapons have been upgraded to a very advanced version.

Even people with Nen ability have to be treated with caution.

"No need, let them in."

Yun Ye slowly took out the king's token.

Seeing this thing, the guard's pupils shrank, and he immediately saluted and respectfully gave up his position.

And subconsciously covered the computer.

What is the registration and inspection? They don't have it here.


"Xiaoyun, are you the king?"

Netero looked at the token in Yunye's hand in shock.

His understanding of NGL was no worse than Jin's, and even more so. He naturally understood what the token meant.

Especially with the recent development of NGL, the token seemed even more precious.

"I am not a king"

"But I have the power."

Yun Ye said calmly.

Hearing this, Netero wanted to ask, but time obviously didn't agree with him to continue.

He took a step and continued on his way.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave? Why don't you wait for us?"

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