Hearing this, Xiao Jie hurriedly left the incomplete space and ran away.

But after taking two steps, he looked at Yunye blankly, his eyes full of anxiety.

He didn't know where Kate was now.


Just as Yunye was about to move forward, a loud noise came from the palace.

The battle had begun!

"Follow me."

Yunye quickly jumped towards the palace.

According to the location in his mind, Kate was also at the palace.

"The situation is not good."

Yun Ye had a vague bad guess in his heart.

He glanced at Xiao Jie who was anxious. Could it be that the famous scene was about to be staged?

Not long after, several people arrived at the location of the palace.

Netero and others were standing quietly in the same place.

The ground was full of mess caused by the battle, and there were potholes everywhere.

It can be seen that they had just experienced a big battle.

"What's going on?"

Jin asked.

"We just tested the strength of the ant king. It is growing faster than expected."

"That extreme physical strength is indeed frightening."

Netero's voice was faintly excited.

"Don't fight too hard and die accidentally."

Yun Ye advised helplessly.

After all, Netero has agreed to go to the Dark Continent. If he dies at this time, he will be very troubled.

"I still know."

Netero stroked his beard and said with a smile

""Great-grandfather, haven't they come to join us yet?"

Yun Ye looked around and asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, several people appeared in his sight and slowly walked towards him.

There was no trace of blood on their bodies, but the terrifying murderous aura still said it all.

"Xiao Yunye, what was going on here just now?

Maha looked towards the palace and asked.

Yunye quickly told them what had just happened.

Before they could continue, Meruem came out of the palace again.

This time, his aura was obviously more violent and powerful than last time.

"I have become stronger again."

Netero narrowed his eyes and looked a little serious.

As expected, Meruem entered the palace and ate a lot again, successfully raising his strength to another level.

This time, his aura became even more unmatched.

"Oh, it seems very strong."

Although this is the case, there is no tension on Maha's face.

"Not bad."

Liuyin's evaluation was just a few words.

But it was enough to show how powerful Meruem was.

In a short period of time, he had grown to a terrifying level.

If he was given more time, it was hard to imagine how powerful he would become.


At the other end of the palace, a loud noise attracted everyone's attention.

Turning around, Kate was running towards this side with Xiaojie, followed by one of the three major guards of the ant army.


Under the palace clothes, the body was not human, and the well-developed leg nerves made it extremely powerful with every step.

At this time, it was following Kate closely, and after seeing Meruem, its eyes were obviously panicked.

"I'm sorry, King, I was careless and disturbed your rest."

Catwoman immediately apologized.

It thought it was because of the loud noise that Meruem appeared.

This also indirectly reflects Meruem's rage and moodiness.

"Damn it!"

Catwoman's pupils shrank, and a huge aura suddenly appeared on her body.

【[Corpse Control]

In an instant, hundreds of corpses appeared on the ground in front of Kate, trying to block his way.

These people were all humans eaten by the Chimera Ants, and were casually used to fill the land.

Roughly estimated, the entire land covered at least thousands of ordinary people!


Kate snorted coldly, her silver hair fluttering in the wind, and then she activated her telepathic ability.

【Crazy Clown】

"Start extracting"

【Ding-a-ling, draw a number, number 2!】

【Waltz of Death】

The next second, a sickle with a diameter of two meters appeared in Kate's hand.

With a casual swing, more than a dozen corpses were cut in half.

In just a few seconds, they broke through the siege.

But because the corpses blocked her sight, Kate was moving quickly towards Meruem's position.


Jin's eyes showed a trace of seriousness.


A huge golden energy burst out from his body, warning Meruem to be careful.

At the same time, he kicked his front foot and jumped towards Kate's position.

""You are useless. You can't even kill an ant."

Meruem's cold voice came.

Neferpitou was frightened and apologized immediately.

""Not good!"

After going through many difficulties, Kate finally saw Meruem in front of her.

The moment she saw him, the alarm bells in her body began to ring wildly.

It was as if she was facing her natural enemy.

"Threaten me?"

"How could this king be afraid?"

Seeing the aura emanating from Jin, Meruem smiled disdainfully.

Then he came to his side at a speed that Kate could not react to, and curved his mouth maliciously.

"I want to see how you can kill me."

Meruem's tail needle flashed with cold light and pierced Kate's heart directly.

Seeing this, Kate did not hesitate and chose to go all out!

【Crazy Clown】


【Ding-a-ling, draw a number, number 1!】

【Absolutely resistant to death]


The next moment, the tail needle suddenly pierced Kate's heart.

A large amount of venom was continuously transported to his heart.

Gradually, Kate's limbs fell down without strength.

Xiaojie also fell down with him.

"Run away."

Kate said to Xiaojie with all her strength.

Then, his eyes became dull and his breathing slowly stopped. He hung on Meruem's tail needle like a dead person.


King stopped where he was, staring at Kate, muttering slowly.

Kate and Meruem were too close just now, making it impossible to rescue her.


Maha and Liuyin watched quietly without saying anything.

For them, since the choice had come, they naturally had to be prepared to die.


Feeling Kate's breath, Yunye showed a hint of doubt.


Meruem said wildly, and then threw Kate aside like trash.

A bang hit Xiaojie's heart hard.

Everything around him suddenly became silent. He could not hear Netero's shouts or Meruem's slowly approaching footsteps.


Suddenly, Jin's shout made him turn his head and look over, and his eyes immediately shed silent tears.


With a whisper, countless dark energies enveloped Xiao Jie.

His eyes became extremely dark, contrary to their usual dazzling appearance.


The sound of bone growth rang out quickly.

Xiao Jie was growing rapidly, and in just a moment he had become a muscular man.

His hair floated in the air, with no end in sight.

The aura on his body swept the entire audience at this moment, making everyone feel that a disaster was about to happen!


Xiaojie looked at his hands with pity, the tears on his face still not drying up.

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