This time the ending will be different from the past, using Netero's death in exchange for the final nuclear peace.

"Come on, I will never fear anyone!"

Meruem's eyes were filled with madness.

Suddenly, an unprecedented amount of energy burst out from his body, sweeping across the entire land.

He knew clearly that he might die here today, but he existed in this world just for this moment!

"Let me go first."

Netero stepped forward impatiently, and a huge aura burst out from his body.

【[Hundred-style Guanyin]

In an instant, a huge golden thousand-armed Buddha statue appeared behind him, flashing a dazzling golden light, with its eyes tightly closed, as if unwilling to see the filth of the world.

【[Starting posture]

Netero sat cross-legged in the air, clasped his hands together, and his aura reached its peak at this moment.

"After all, they are just ants."

Meruem's face was cold, and he kicked and punched Netero's shining head.

【The first move! 】

Netero suddenly opened his eyes and made a hand knife motion.

As he fell, Guanyin behind him made the same motion, and his huge palm turned into a knife and slashed at Meruem.


With a loud bang, Meruem was instantly smashed into the ground, without any power to fight back.

The originally flat ground was suddenly smashed into a bottomless huge pit.

"Too weak.

Meruem slowly walked out of the pit intact.

The previous attack did not cause any damage to him.

"It really doesn't work."

Netero seemed to have expected this.

The previous attack was an obvious test, and now it has paid off.

His face became serious, his eyebrows knitted, and the energy in his body burst out at this moment.

【[99th Style]

Before Meruem could make a move, Netero used his mind power again.

Netero's hands were waving so fast that it was hard to see his movements.

The huge Buddha statue behind him then used its thousand palms to hit Meruem's tiny body.

An extremely magnificent scene appeared before everyone's eyes.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of the hammering never stopped, and even became faster and faster as time passed.

The land, which was already full of deep pits, became even more devastated. Those who didn't know would think that a large-scale war had occurred here.

""You are still as good as ever."

Yun Ye couldn't help but praise.

At his age, he is already an extremely powerful existence to be able to burst out such strength.

"It's over."

Geno said with a serious expression.

As expected, on the battlefield, the Buddha's movements gradually slowed down until it stopped.

Netero exhaled a breath of foul air and ended with the posture of the Demon Seal.

In the deep pit, Meruem's figure did not appear again.

For a moment, the entire battlefield was dead silent, but no one spoke.

Because they knew that this battle would not end so easily.


A large piece of stone flew out of the deep pit, with footprints that were clearly not from humans on it.

Meruem walked out of it in a mess, with extreme anger on his face.

Although he was not injured, no one could have made him look like this.

No one!

This is the confidence of a king!

"It's my turn to attack."

As he spoke, Meruem disappeared instantly.

Seeing this, Netero's pupils shrank, and he suddenly made a blocking move.


The sound of the air explosion resounded throughout the sky.

Netero flew backwards at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, breaking countless trees.

Until finally, a gully several kilometers long was created, looking like it had just been baptized by a storm.

"I am still getting old."

Netero quickly appeared and launched a frantic attack on Meruem.




The sound of fighting continued, and Killua was sweating profusely.

This level of battle was too far away for him. The pressure from just watching was enough to make him feel flustered.


On the battlefield, Netero was knocked away again.

This time, a stream of blood gushed out of his mouth and splashed into the air. His left hand and right foot were disabled and were not far from amputation.

"How powerful would I be if I ate you?

Seeing that even the blood was covered with a strong breath of life, Meruem's eyes were gradually devoured by desire.

It vaguely saw itself controlling the world.

"Old man, if it doesn't work, let us do it."

"Times have changed, you are no longer good enough."

Gera smiled provocatively.

"Haha, I won't show off."

"There is still one last strike left."

Netero once again stimulated his energy.

At this moment, he was going to use his last move.


Netero put his hands together and gathered all his energy into the mouth of the Buddha.

A huge energy ball quickly condensed in the mouth of Guanyin.



A huge white beam of light shot straight at Meruem standing there.

Everything it touched was destroyed by the beam of light.

""Let me see your ultimate strength!"

Meruem opened his arms arrogantly, without any attempt to escape or even block.


The beam hit Meruem's body and went straight through, creating a huge hole in the palace behind him.


Green blood gushed out of Meruem's mouth.

Its abdomen had disappeared at this moment, and even its beating heart could be vaguely seen.

Meruem finally paid the price for its arrogance, and severe injuries once again covered its body.

"Is it over?"

Looking at this scene, Silva said slowly.

Netero was already exhausted at this moment, with no breath left. Only a little strength left in his body supported him to continue walking.

Just when everyone thought the battle was over, a blood-red figure quickly ran from the big hole in the palace to Meruem's side.

"King, how are you?"

Meng Tutu Yubi asked in a panic.

After seeing the wounds on Meruem's body, his expression became angry.

"The last guard has appeared."

Looking at the people not far away, Yunye's face showed understanding.

Meng Tutu Yubi is also one of the three guards of the ant army, and is also the last surviving guard at this stage.

His strength is really enough to beat a group of power-type Nen users.

"You guys, how dare you hurt my king!"

Meng Tutu Youbi shouted at the crowd.

"Survival of the fittest."

Yun Ye gave a look, and Lai Ke drew his sword and quickly approached Meng Tu Tu Yu Bi.

Meng Tu Tu Yu Bi looked at the people approaching, and his expression gradually became firm.

In an instant, a surge of blood-red energy burst out from its body, and it quickly used its telekinesis ability.


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