As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of the whole audience.

Apocalypse Theory!

This name is very suitable for what they are about to do next.

"If you have any questions, you can ask them now."

Netero looked at everyone present.

For a moment, the whole room became strangely quiet, and no one asked any questions.

After all, no one knew whether this was a simple question or a screening of some people.

"No one asked, so I'll take the lead."

"President, you should have prepared more people than these."

Yun Ye was the first to speak.

Hearing the doubts, everyone looked at Netero, waiting for an answer.

"That's right, I have recruited people from all six continents three days ago. After multiple rounds of screening, I have finally gathered 30 people."

"They come from different places, have unique abilities, and are all people who yearn for the unknown, so they are trustworthy."

Netero explained slowly.

No one present had any opinions about these thirty people.

Although no one knew how Netero selected them, as long as he said it, it was trustworthy enough.

"If we want to cross Lake Mobius and go to the Dark Continent, do we need any conditions?"

Yunye asked the real question.

As soon as this was said, it really attracted everyone's attention. Even Linie opened his eyes and looked over.

Facing everyone's gaze, Netero answered with a serious face.

"There are some conditions to get out."

"There is a monster called Gatekeeper outside Lake Mobius."

"They are responsible for managing the gateway for humans to enter the Dark Continent."

"It should be noted that the gatekeepers of the new world hate rude people the most!"


When hearing this name, many people's eyes flashed, including Pariston.

As for Maha, Linie and others, there was no excessive fluctuation. After all, they had all come into contact with

""Is that true?"

Yunye nodded.

If there were no gatekeepers, humans would have been devoured by the creatures of the Dark Continent.

The Chimera Ant is the best example!

According to reasoning and a lot of information, the gatekeepers are neutral creatures and do not have much love for humans.

It seems that there is some kind of rule, guarding there.

"It may also be..."

A terrifying thought popped up in Yunye's mind.

Feeding all of humanity!

If this is true, then the human situation will be more desperate than imagined.

It will be hard to even see a glimmer of hope.

But this conclusion still needs to be tested and cannot be concluded immediately.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Netero looked at Yunye and continued to ask

"So far, have humans ever penetrated the Dark Continent?

Yun Ye was very curious about this question.

Human history is quite long, so such a long time should be enough for them to penetrate deeper.


"Humans have been wandering along the coastline of Lake Mobius and have not completely penetrated into the Dark Continent."

Netero said seriously.

Obviously, he did not create an atmosphere that the Dark Continent was very safe.

On the contrary, he created a warning that the Dark Continent was very dangerous!

But this sentence did not make the uninformed people retreat, but made them more excited, even though they showed unstoppable fear in their eyes.

Humans have an almost perverted yearning and fear for the unknown!

"I understand."

Yunye was not surprised by the news.

But it also made him realize how insignificant the current situation of mankind is.

It is not worth mentioning in the vast dark continent.

It can be seen how difficult the next journey will be.

Death will become the norm.

Thinking of this, Yunye looked at everyone present.

How many people will survive by then?

This is uncertain.

But what is certain is that everyone who came here is determined to die.

If mankind does not set out, sooner or later it will sink and be ruined in comfort.

Instead of waiting to die, it is better to take the initiative.

By then, they will be the pioneers of the new generation!

"Do you have any more questions?"

Netero looked at everyone and asked.

The whole room fell into deathly silence again.

"How should we proceed?"

Jin, who had been silent for a long time, asked

"We will follow the map first, and when we need to go to the Dark Continent, we will take a ship to arrive."

"At that time, something will naturally lead us out of the wall."

Netero quickly gave the answer.


Hearing this answer, Yunye discovered some meaning in it.

If it can't be called a human, then it must be a creature from the Dark Continent.

"It seems you don't have any problems."

"Let's go immediately."

Knock, knock, knock!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Then, Qiduo pushed the door open with a worried look on his face and strode in.

""President, something has happened."

Qiduo whispered in Netero's ear.

Then, he deliberately focused his attention on the others.

"It's okay, we're all family members."

Netero said with a smile.

At this moment, everyone is on the same boat, and they must not be distracted by such things.


"The Phantom Troupe is taking in the remaining Chimera Ant soldiers, a total of 5,000, and each of them has the ability of Nen."

"According to the Hunter Association, the danger level has far exceeded Class A!"

Qido said the purpose of his trip in front of everyone.

It was the Phantom Troupe that had not been seen for a long time.

I didn't expect them to cause trouble as soon as they came out. It was really worrying.

""Accept them?"

Netero muttered slowly, glancing at Pariston who was standing in the corner and smiling without leaving a trace.

Yunye was also very clear about this.

The Phantom Troupe is absolutely profit-oriented, and everything they do is motivated by a certain degree of profit.

They are definitely not taking in Chimera Ants to use them as force.

Then there is only one answer.


Then who will be the buyer?

According to the original plot, there is no one else present except Pariston.

���The chance of the remaining people being killed is really pitiful.

Upon hearing this news, Jin couldn't help but glance at the corner.

"This incident was indeed an accident"

"I'll trouble you all then."

Netero stood up and said to the people present.

"Do these little brats really think that no one can stop them?"

"It seems like it's time to warm up before departure."

A smile appeared on Geno's face.

"My old bones haven't been exercised for a long time."

Maha stood up with a smile and lowered his spine.

"Have they grown to this point now?"

Linnie said in surprise.

In her memory, the Phantom Troupe was just a group of fledgling children.

"Phantom Troupe? I didn't expect it would take so long for us to meet."

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