At this moment, the word"sarcasm" was written on Geno's face.

This kind of pretense surprised the people around him, especially Silva.

He had never seen Geno like this before. Today, he let his nature go and completely let himself go.

"Damn old man, I must use your skull as a wine glass."

Wo Jin looked at Zhenuo with bloodthirstiness, his eyes flashing with blood. A vast amount of energy instantly burst out of his body, and he condensed the energy into his fist and rushed towards Zhenuo, hitting him in the face.

【[Super Destruction Fist]!

The attack is a killing move, leaving no one with the ability to fight back!

This powerful force makes those with weaker strength feel panic.

"He has some strength, but not enough for me to take seriously."

Jeno shook his head regretfully.

He stood in place and made a starting gesture, then a huge amount of energy burst out from his body.

【Dragon Rush】

Instantly, a purple dragon gathered from Jenuo's palm, and rushed towards Wojin with its bloody mouth wide open.

It was so fast that it arrived in front of him in an instant.


A sound like a nuclear bomb explosion resounded through the sky.

The strong wind swept the entire street wantonly, completely smashing the incomplete houses, and raising countless dust flying into the air.

"So strong."

An archaeologist in Jin's team watched all this with his mouth wide open.

Even though he had seen many strong people compete, this was the first time he saw such an explosive scene.

""Wo Jin!"

Seeing this scene, the knight shouted worriedly.

Just as he was about to go over, he was blocked by a big hand.

"If you want to get through, you have to get past me first."

Bi Yangde smiled and grabbed the knight's neck and threw him back to where he was.

Then he slowly pulled out a short knife with exquisite patterns from his thick clothes.


He stretched his body casually, and a popping sound came out of his body.

"There has been no activity for a long time."

"I wonder if I can still take on the strength of a hunter."

As he said this, Bi Yangde quickly approached the knight and gently cut him with a knife.

Seeing this scene, the knight's pupils shrank and rolled to the side.


The knife fell, and a large piece of flesh and blood fell to the ground, and fresh blood continued to flow.

"I almost died.

The knight gasped and looked at his own flesh and blood.

He was almost cut in the neck and died.

"What a pity."

Although he said so, Bi Yangde showed a wicked smile on his face.

He was determined to release his previous timidity.

"Use your mind power now."

"Otherwise you will really die here today."

Bi Yangde stared into the eyes of the knight and advised

"It seems that I have no choice but to take action."

Looking away, everyone in the Phantom Troupe was in the battle, and no one would come to help him.

At this point, he had no choice but to take action.

As his thoughts came into being, a weak aura burst out from the knight's body.

A special antenna suddenly appeared in his hand.

Under Bi Yangde's puzzled gaze, he slowly inserted the antenna into his body.

【[Automatic Control]

In an instant, a surge of golden energy burst out from the knight's body, sweeping up his yellow hair, like a Super Saiyan.

At this moment, his temperament also changed drastically.

Cold and ruthless, with sharp eyes


Looking at Bi Yangde, the knight did not speak.

At this moment, he was in an unconscious state, doing everything according to his heart.

"This is interesting."

Bi Yangde felt the power of the knight at this time and showed a satisfied smile.

He was very similar to Netero, both liked to fight against the strong.


The next second, the knight disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of Bi Yangde.

With a lightning speed, he punched him in the chest.


Bi Yangde flew backwards in an instant, smashing countless houses.

Fortunately, this is in an uninhabited area, otherwise who knows how many people would die.

""Fun, fun!"

Before the knight could react, Bi Yangde had already arrived in front of him, put away the knife in his hand, and punched him in the face.


This time it was the knight's turn to be unable to withstand the force and flew out.

But soon, he came back again.

In an instant, the two began a fierce confrontation.

The ones who suffered were naturally the surrounding houses.

On the other side

""Ahem, you are not strong enough, old man, you didn't kill me."

In the smoke, Wo Jin's voice came out again.

Obviously, the previous attack did not kill him, but only injured him.

Geno was not surprised by this result.

He was not confident enough to kill a Nen user of Wo Jin's level with one attack.

"If once doesn't work, then twice"

"Sooner or later, I will kill you with a blow."

Zeno smiled and looked at Wo Jin.

The words were rough but the truth was true.

Hearing this, Wo Jin's anger could no longer be suppressed, and even his body trembled slightly.

"You damn old man."

As soon as he finished speaking, Genuo suddenly appeared in front of him and slapped him on the chest.


A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out of Wo Jin's mouth, forming a beautiful blood-red skyline.

Before he could recover, he was hit by one palm after another, leaving him no time to react.

At this moment, Wo Jin was like a sandbag, being mercilessly tortured.


Jenuo opened his eyes slightly, gathering energy in his palms.

【Longbo! 】

Instantly, a coin-thick light wave shot out from the palm of his hand and hit Wo Jin's heart directly.

Suddenly, Wo Jin's eyes widened, and he looked at his bloody chest in disbelief.

"Little boy, you are still too young."

Jeno shook his head mercilessly.

Then���It released a more violent light wave, trying to completely crush Wo Jin's heart.

"I won't die like this!"

Wo Jin shouted at Zhenuo.

His voice was so loud that it even produced sound waves.

【[Steel Body]!

Suddenly, Wo Jin's body became as hard as steel, and his appearance was full of color.

The light wave in Genuo's hand burst out as expected, hitting Wo Jin's chest.


With a loud bang, the powerful inertia instantly made Wo Jin fly backwards.

"It's a bit difficult to kill."

Zeno looked at his palm, as if he knew the result.

"Old man, it's my turn to take action now."

Wo Jin walked out of the ruins again, without a single wound on his body.

Only the steel on his chest was broken, revealing the skin underneath.

"Is that all?"

Seeing the broken part of Wo Jin's chest, Geno smiled knowingly.

"If two times doesn't work, then three times!"

Instantly, Genuo came to Wo Jin again.

【Dragon Strike!

Close range is the most deadly!

A purple dragon rushed out from the palm of his hand and hit the dragon.


The battle always ended in an instant.

In the ruins, Wo Jin was covered in blood. The steel on his body had long disappeared. The serious wounds even exposed the bones inside.

Zhenuo stood in front of him and patted his palms.

"It's over, call it a day."

As soon as he finished speaking, a blood-stained hand suddenly grasped Genuo's arm.

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