Jin was a little surprised to see that the battle between two people had turned into a battle between two giants.

If the battle continued at this pace, the next step would be for the giant to use his telekinesis to fight back.


On the battlefield, the lightning giant punched the needle demon hard in the face.

Suddenly, countless telekinetic needles fell to the ground and turned into nothingness.

The lightning giant slowly raised his hand, and there were already dense needle holes on his fist.

However, with the crazy winding of an electric current, the fist immediately became intact again.


The needle demon that was attacked seemed very angry. The angles of the needles on its body changed at this moment, and they all moved towards the direction of the lightning giant.


The needle demon stepped forward and rushed towards the direction of the lightning giant.

In front of the two huge individuals, even the prison that was hundreds of meters wide seemed a bit crowded at this moment. In just a few steps, the needle demon had already arrived in front of the lightning giant.


The Needle Demon roared, opened his arms and embraced the Thunder Giant.

At the same time, countless needles penetrated deeply into the Thunder Giant's body.

"You don't know your own strength."

Yun Ye smiled.

I saw countless crazy lightning in the body of the lightning giant desperately driving away the foreign enemy.

After a while, the needle that had penetrated into it was completely swallowed up.

But the needle demon still hugged the lightning giant foolishly, and refused to let go.

"Even if it becomes stronger, its IQ cannot be improved."

What Kuroro was talking about was naturally the Needle Demon.

Even though it was already so strong, its IQ had not improved at all, and it still only knew how to rush recklessly.

This also caused it to be suppressed by the Thunder Giant.

"Looks like I still need to take action."

Kuroro's body radiated golden light.

The needle demon that was still hugging suddenly stopped and retreated violently.

【[Riddled with holes]

Instantly, countless needles appeared on the body of the Needle Demon, and quickly stabbed at the Lightning Giant.

Swish, swish, swish!

Countless needles cruelly pierced into the skin and even the body of the Lightning Giant.

Due to the huge number, it was not able to fully recover for a while.

Taking advantage of this time, the Needle Demon's palm quickly gathered the needles, gradually forming a big sword.

Under Kuroro's control, it slashed at the Lightning Giant who was still recovering.

"It was you who changed the peaceful competition, so don't blame me for being rude."

As he said this, Yunye also used the control of the lightning giant.

【[Spear of Creation]

In an instant, a thunderbolt as thick as a water column struck down from the clear sky.

This thunderbolt gathered in the palm of the lightning giant and condensed into an exquisite lightning spear.

"Listen to my command, attack!"

The lightning giant wielded the Creation Spear and swung it towards the Needle Demon.


The two huge forces collided, and the storm generated almost destroyed the already dilapidated prison.


Seeing the actions of the lightning giant, Kuroro knew that Yunye had also exerted his strength.

Without hesitation, a powerful energy was released from the needle demon's body.

【[Half Moon Slash]

This is the telepathic ability from Nobunaga.

Receiving the order, the Needle Demon immediately inserted the sword into his waist, then pulled it out at an extremely fast speed and swung it.

The moment it swung out, a half-moon outline was reflected in everyone's eyes.


With just one strike, a clear scar appeared on the chest of the lightning giant.

But it was soon swallowed by the dense electric current, recovering from the wound.


Seeing this scene, Yunye smiled

【[The spear comes out like a dragon]

The lightning giant held the Creation Spear in his hand, and extremely violent lightning burst out from his whole body, which attached to the tip of the spear along his palm.

Suddenly, the tip of the spear was instantly dotted with surging lightning.

Before the needle demon finished shaking back, he stabbed at its head.

As the spear stabbed out, a phantom of a dragon transformed by lightning appeared on the tip of the spear, and attacked together with it.

A little cold light came first, and then the spear came out like a dragon!


With a loud bang, the head of the needle demon fell heavily to the ground, turning into countless needles that dissipated in the air.

Seeing this scene, Kuroro's face showed a slight surprise.

He obviously didn't expect the needle demon to be defeated so easily.

The head was taken off with just one blow.

""Use your last rays of light."

On the battlefield, the silent body of the Needle Demon suddenly moved.

Risking being pierced through, it hugged the Lightning Giant tightly.

The next moment, the sun and moon marks appeared on the front and back of the Needle Demon.

As Kuroro's palms came together, the Needle Demon began to expand rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


An explosion sounded throughout the sky.

The prison, which was already in danger, was completely shattered at this moment.

Countless needles flew out, shooting everywhere.

""You really don't want to die."

Jin quickly caught the needle that was rushing towards him, feeling a little troubled.

Looking around, this place has completely become a ruin.

I guess after this is over, the map of Meteor Street will have to be replanned.

"Still alive?"

In the smoke, Kuroro set up a space barrier around his body and looked into the depths of the fog.

He could feel that Yunye was not dead yet.

"How many times have I told you to stop making smoke? It hurts my eyes."

"You know it's useless, but you still want to disgust me."

Yunye rubbed his eyes and complained.

Unlike the last time, this time he was protected by the space barrier, and he and Kuroro were not hurt at all.

However, after all, they were in the center circle, and the terrifying explosion still made the space barrier unable to support and shattered directly.

As for the lightning giant, it had already disappeared into nothingness.

From the moment the lightning giant came out, Kuroro had changed his target.

""Let's have a final fight."

Kuroro said slowly.

Even at this moment, he was still full of calmness.

Nothing that had happened had changed him at all.

Even if death was waiting for him next,

"I hope you can satisfy me."

Yun Ye was surrounded by lightning and stared at Kuroro.

【The Unforgivable Sin】

As the mind power was used, Kuroro's clothes changed into a special set of red and white clothes.

This is exactly the mind power from Feitan.

【Burned by the Sun】

Without any hesitation, Kuroro used his ability.

The next moment, a small, scorching sun appeared behind him.

The extremely high temperature could melt everything around him.


Kuroro gently pointed at Yunye.

The sun behind him quickly fell in that direction.


The familiar high temperature heat wave hit again.

But this time it was the one who released it and the one who received it.

"The seven elements of fire have been collected."

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