After that, the two figures entangled in the air, rubbing against each other and creating endless sparks.

The intersection of lightning and fire, the shadows hidden deep in the darkness.

Every blow from the two was filled with a strong explosion.

"If the fight continues, Meteor Street will disappear."

Golden looked at the battle above with a serious look in his eyes.

He thought it was an easy hunt, but who would have thought that the Phantom Troupe would not play by the rules.

Especially now, Kuroro, the result was beyond expectations.

Everyone was looking at the battle in the sky with a serious look.

In the air, the two figures were still colliding, and the residual power generated spread over dozens of miles.

Finally, after an hour of fighting, the two stopped attacking at the same time.

"It's time to end"

"It's time to end."

The two said in unison.

Kuroro stretched out his hands, and the dark energy on the left slowly condensed in his left hand.

The power of the sun on the right hand slowly condensed in his right hand.

Two incompatible forces appeared in Kuroro's hands at the same time.

He took a last look at Yunye and suddenly closed his hands.

Darkness and the sun miraculously blended together, emitting a terrifying power.

This is a crazy experiment. If it fails, Kuroro will die.

Looking at the extremely unstable energy in his hand, Kuroro spent all his mind to adjust it.

Finally, after exhausting the last bit of energy, the power finally stabilized and finally formed a black and white energy ball.

On the other side, Yunye held the Creation Spear, his eyes became sharp, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura.

【[Extreme Path·Angry Thunder]

Suddenly, lightning surged wildly in Yunye's body, slowly emerging on the surface of his skin.

A touch of black appeared on the surface, and then quickly covered the whole body, sizzling.

This is the black thunder that symbolizes anger!

It seems that the black thunder has sensed the enemy on the opposite side, and it is very agitated, wanting to attack and devour everything.

The two looked at each other face to face, and for a while no one took the initiative to attack.


Kuroro looked at Yunye with a calm look.

""Go ahead."

Yunye said bluntly.


The next moment, the two rushed forward at the same time.

The energy ball in Kuroro's hand turned into a Bian knife and stabbed at Yunye fiercely.

The black thunder in Yunye's body was entangled on the Creation Spear, and he was frantically agitated about the upcoming battle.

Finally, the two figures intersected together.


At the moment of contact, the world seemed to become quiet.

There was no expected, deafening explosion.

But the scene in front of them shocked everyone speechless.

With Yunye and Kuroro as the center of the circle, everything around them was annihilated at a speed of one kilometer per second.

Almost instantly, the original ruins had been swallowed up.

The originally bumpy land was also affected, and it completely turned into a semicircular pit, almost bottomless.


Jin opened his mouth to say something, but found that he couldn't make a sound.

In this situation, even the sound was annihilated.

Finally, after a few minutes, this force that was enough to destroy everything finally disappeared.

Everyone hurriedly looked towards the center circle, wanting to see what the final result would be.

In the center circle battlefield.

I saw a figure quietly watching the person lying on the ground.

"Did Xiao Yunye win?"

Maha was not too surprised, as if he had expected it.

"Too strong."

Bi Yangde was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

He clearly saw that Yunye had wounds of varying sizes, and blood was flowing continuously.

Relatively speaking, this was already a very serious wound.

But there is no harm without comparison.

Looking at Kuroro lying on the ground opposite, there was not a single piece of intact good meat on his body.

The originally handsome face was now bloody and fleshy, and no trace of the original outline could be seen.

Even the white bones in his body had been completely shattered.

At this moment, he was only one step away from death.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Yunye asked quietly, as if he was talking to an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.


Kuroro was about to say something when a mouthful of dark red blood spit out of his mouth.

After recovering for a while, he slowly spoke.

"Do you know what is the most important thing besides beautiful treasures and books of knowledge?"

Chrollo asked the same question again.


Yunye didn't say anything, just looked at him quietly.

"It's wisdom!"

Kuroro's eyes showed a hint of madness.

"As long as you have wisdom, you can control life and death."

"The road to becoming a god!"

At this moment, Kuroro was like an old charlatan on the street, mumbling something.

But Yunye still listened to him quietly.

Kuroro wanted to continue speaking, but two space cracks suddenly appeared in the air.

A black chain and a red chain rushed out from the two cracks and locked onto Kuroro.

No need to think too much, this is the punishment from the oath and the contract.

But now it has come to an embarrassing situation.

Kuroro has only one body, but there are two forces that want to take it away.

Originally, if there was only the power of the oath, Kuroro would have died without the shackles.

But now, there is another force involved.

"You are really welcome."

Yun Ye said with a smile.

The two shackles confronted each other and started a fierce confrontation.

Everyone was watching this scene with fresh eyes. They also wanted to see who was stronger, the oath or the contract.

After a few minutes, they figured it out.

From the beginning to the end, it was the oath that was suppressing the contract.

After all, as the main rule of this world, the oath must have a strong power.

And the contract is ultimately limited to the ability of Kuroro to use.

So in the end, the victory of the oath was the final result. The oath chain wrapped around Kuroro's body as it wished, and slowly brought him into the space crack.

"We will meet again."

Suddenly, Kuroro said to Yunye.

Yunye might not care about this strange words if it was said by other people.

But the person in front of him was Kuroro.

"I'm looking forward to it."

Yunye smiled.

He was looking forward to Kuroro's comeback.

After all, it was hard to find an experience baby like this.

But the power of the oath was not so easy to break free from.

Throughout the ages, he had never heard of anyone who could successfully escape at the cost of death.

Even Xiaojie was only able to escape because he had the perverted ability of Angel Healing.

Otherwise, he would lose his ability to read in the end.


Kuroro looked at Yunye calmly.

Just like when they first met.

Finally, the space crack disappeared completely, and Kuroro disappeared completely here.

At the same time, in O'Neill City of the Kajin Empire.

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