Hearing the familiar voice, Gra turned around in surprise.


He threw the bear wolf in his hand and ran towards this side.

During the mission, Yunye specifically asked Gra and Leke to complete their own tasks.

After all, he didn't know when he would be able to come back after leaving this time.

"Have you finished your work?"

Yunye asked.

"It's all right now. I've already told my mother that I'm going on a long trip and may not be back for a long time, so I can leave anytime now.

Gra nodded vigorously.

He was also interested in that unknown land.

"Very good, then let's go find Leike."

The shadow behind Yunye quickly expanded, and a brand new black military helicopter came into view.

Graliso jumped on it.

As the engine started, the military helicopter quickly flew away.


"This should be it."

Yun Ye looked at the desolate land around him and confirmed.

According to the instructions of the black shadow, Lai Ke's current location was right here.

After the two of them searched, they found Lai Ke in a cave.

At this time, he was sitting in front of the campfire in a daze, wondering what he was thinking about.


Yunye called Laike's name softly.

Hearing the voice, Laike finally reacted and looked at Yunye fiercely.

""Long time no see."

Lai Ke's slightly tired voice came, and his eyes contained vicissitudes.

It was hard to imagine what he had been through in the past few days.

"It's time to go."

Yunye didn't ask too much, but greeted softly.

Although he was curious about what happened to Lai Ke that led to his current state, if he didn't say it himself, he would never ask.

Respecting privacy is the greatest respect for a partner.


When he heard that they were going to set off, a glimmer of light appeared in Lai Ke's eyes.

He stood up, and his burly figure immediately appeared in Yunye's sight.

"You kid, have you become stronger again?"

Gera vaguely felt that Laike was a little different now.

But after thinking for a long time, he still couldn't find out what was different.

This doubt made Laike turn his head to look.

Yunye keenly discovered that there was a hint of nostalgia in Laike's eyes when he looked at Gra.

Now he was sure that something must have happened to Laike.

"I didn't train secretly behind your back."

Leike denied Gra's speculation.

"Okay, let's go."

Yunye came out in time to smooth things over.

When they got outside, the two of them boarded the military helicopter at the same time.

As the helicopter started, they began to do their own things.

Yunye, who was sitting in the driver's seat, kept an eye on the back from time to time.

Gra was still sighing at the beautiful scenery outside, and commenting on the deliciousness of various animals from time to time.

And Lek was wiping his blade with a whetstone as before.

Nothing seemed to have changed.

"Forget it, we will fight back when the enemy comes, and block the water with earth."

Yunye didn't care about these and continued to move forward.

According to Netero's suggestion, there was still a week left before departure.

Taking advantage of this time, Yunye brought the two to the Zoldyck family.

Coming to the familiar Yellow Spring Gate, Gra couldn't wait to push the door forward.


With a loud bang, Gra pushed the Yellow Spring Gate open effortlessly, revealing the towering mountain of Kukulu Mountain.

Without hesitation, several people headed towards the lake in the back mountain.

In just a few minutes, the three had reached their destination.

From a distance, Maha was still sitting on a small bench fishing calmly.

It seemed that he didn't care about the next exploration of the dark continent at all.


Yunye stood in the distance and shouted loudly.

"Hey, why did I hear Xiao Yunye's voice?"

Maha turned his head with a little doubt, and happened to look into Laike's eyes.

This sight made Maha narrow his eyes immediately.

At this time, the three people also came to his side.

"Xiao Yunye, why are you here?

Maha turned his attention to Yunye and asked curiously

"I want my great grandfather to help me train these two people."

Yun Ye said directly.

That's right, the purpose of his coming this time was to hand over Gra and Leke to Maha for special training.

After all, Maha was someone who had been to the Dark Continent. With his guidance, the two of them would have more living space in the Dark Continent.

"I see"

"No problem.

Maha agreed with a smile.

After all, his lovely great-great-grandson came in person.

As a great-great-grandfather, he naturally had no reason to refuse.


After hearing this proposal, neither Gra nor Leke said anything.

They both understood that Yunye was doing this for their own good.

After the decision was made, the two of them conducted extraordinary training in the following week.

No one knew what the two had trained in, but what was clear was that after coming out of the cage, the aura of the two of them changed dramatically.


"Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come, it's time for us to set off"

""Our team is called, Apocalypse!"

Netero said, looking at the people in front of him.

In the conference room, all the world-class top masters were sitting.

They were:

Jin Fulishi,

Biond Netero,


Linye Odeburu,

Isaac Netero


Silva Zoldyck, Zeno Zoldyck,

Maha Zoldyck, Alluka

Zoldyck, and finally Yunye Zoldyck!

The rest were Jin's archaeological members.

"Finally we can set off."

Bi Yangde smiled excitedly.

"Dark Continent?"

Pariston whispered, scanning everyone present with a half-smile.

"I can't wait any longer."

Jin's eyes flashed with golden light.

""Let's go now without further delay."

Yunye took the lead.

The door of the conference room was opened with a bang.

The army led by Yunye marched towards the location of the World Tree.

"Everyone, please take the airship."

Netero had already prepared a means of transportation for everyone to use.

It was the Hunter Association's exclusive airship.

The meaning of this is self-evident.

Everyone didn't care about these. The most important thing now was to go to the World Tree.

After the last person got on, the airship symbolizing the new century set sail.

On the airship, everyone began their final rest time.

Only a few people were wandering in the corridor.

"I will be back"

"Will we meet again then?"

Yunye muttered slowly while looking at the bright lights and feasting below.

He already missed Kuroro, the experience baby.

At this moment, a figure slowly appeared beside him.

"Why don't you take a rest? You might spend a lot of energy next time."

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