Liuyin praised from the bottom of his heart. He usually eats simple meals, so it's nothing wrong to eat delicious food occasionally.

Yunye has been paying attention to Liuyin's changes, and he immediately understood when he saw the outline of his mouth.

Another person conquered by delicious food.

After dinner, everyone went home.

It was already night, cicadas were chirping, and fluorescent lights were flashing.

A feeling of tranquility arose spontaneously.

Walking on the road, Yunye felt his state of mind so peaceful for the first time.

Normally, this state can only be achieved by deliberately calming down.

No wonder so many people like to be a hermit in the mountains.

"I'll come again tomorrow."

After saying that, Tingyin gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Although Yunye already knew Yuntai's route, he still did not reject Tingyin's kindness.

Interpersonal relationships still need constant exchanges to deepen and maintain.

Back in the room, Laike and Gra had already started practicing in the room, not daring to stop for a moment.

Their determination to become stronger began to magnify infinitely from the moment they followed Yunye.

It is not too much to race against time.

"I should start practicing too."

Yun Ye sat cross-legged on the bed.

Now practice has replaced sleep and become the main theme.

It's not that sleep is not sweet, it's that practice is too tempting.

It's like comparing coquettish and cute, you are more likely to choose the former.


Yunye adjusted his breathing.

He could sense that the next ability would not be far away.

Perhaps this month!

As he practiced more deeply, the outside world began to change.

In a trance, a dawn broke through the window to Yunye's eyes.

He opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed through his eyes.

Yunye looked down at his whole body, and he no longer understood how strong he was.

""Knock, knock, knock."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Without thinking too much, it must be Tingyin who came to pick them up.

After opening the door, Tingyin was sitting quietly in the living room like a good baby.

After breakfast as usual, the group came to Yuntai again.

""I want to learn hidden weapons."

Yun Ye said bluntly when he arrived at the classroom.

Before entering the Cloud Palace, he saw someone in the square using darts against wooden stakes to practice hidden weapons.

This aroused his interest.

"Hidden weapons? No problem.

Liu Yin agreed to the proposal and brought Yun Ye to the square.

As soon as he appeared, he attracted everyone's attention.

"That kid actually let the sect master personally train him, it seems that he has a very impressive background"

"Tsk, why don't you go into the Cloud Palace? Why do you have to show off outside?"

"A little kid is here to learn hidden weapons, is this true or not?"

In the square, many people were talking quietly.

But Yun Ye seemed not to hear anything and looked at Liu Yin.

"Let's start."

Lyuyin started the demonstration just like before.

The dart in his hand split the wooden stake in half at a speed that almost disappeared, and then returned to his hand.

Everything was over in just one second.

It was very fast for ordinary people, but it was a snail's pace for Yunye.

The technique, angle, throwing direction, all the details worth noting were seen by Yunye one by one.

He took the dart from Liuyin's hand, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

With the correct posture ready to launch, he gently exerted force on his wrist.


The dart flew straight into the sky, a million miles away from the wooden stakes.

This scene made the people around more certain of their inner thoughts.

Yunye was just a young master from a big family who came to gild himself.

But the next scene made them dumbfounded.

The dart was seen spinning in the sky in an incredible way, cutting off the necks of a series of ten wooden stakes.

In an instant, the heads of ten wooden stakes fell to the ground.

As the heads fell, the scene became very quiet.

They stared with wide eyes and slightly opened their mouths, looking at this amazing ending in disbelief.

A child who had just learned to throw hidden weapons was actually stronger than them who had practiced for decades!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have dared to believe this fact.

"Not bad."

Yun Ye said softly.

For him, this throw was just average.

If he throws again, it must be more powerful and accurate than this time!

Next, Yun Ye began to train other types of hidden weapons.

Blowing arrows, daggers, pebbles, poison needles, meteor hammers.

All items that can be used as hidden weapons were tested by Yun Ye.

Without exception, all of them destroyed the wooden stakes accurately.

Especially the last mace.

The wooden stake was directly turned into powder by violence.

This made those who originally mocked them feel cold on their backs and dared not continue to speak.

"The next step is your time."

After Yun Ye threw out the last poison needle, he let go and started walking.

With his heaven-defying comprehension and the two invincible bugs of the World Library, he could easily learn the hidden weapon.

He even had the idea of creating a super-large killing hidden weapon similar to the Buddha's Wrath Tanglian.

By then, it will not be a hidden weapon.

It will kill you openly!

"If I remember correctly."

Just as Yunye was still thinking, a figure came into view.

Shiny bald head, serious eyes, tall body.

Unsurprisingly, this person was the jonin who became a hunter in order to find the dream scroll - the Book of the Hermit.


At this time, he was training in fighting skills with a serious face. He had no idea that a figure had come behind him. It was not until a hand touched him that he reflexively stepped back three steps and immediately entered a stance state, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"You are that kid!"

Only when he saw the person coming did Hanzo calm down.

"You are quite alert."

Yunye praised with a chuckle.

"What can I do for you?"

Knowing that there was no danger, Hanzo returned to his original position to train.

"Your name is Hanzo, right

?���Simply asking

"That's right, I am Hanzo, the Chunin of the Kumogakure school!"

Hanzo said with his head held high.

He had no doubt why Kumono knew his name.

"It's true."

Yun Ye thought to himself.

Then he asked again

"What is the level division of Yunyinliu?"

"Don't you know that the levels of Kumogakure are divided into Genin, Chunin, Jonin, Tokunin, and Chaonin?"

"Our leader is a super ninja, very powerful"

"It is said that there is another level above the super ninja, but I don't know if it is true or not."

Hanzo generously told the information he knew.

Hearing this, Yunye's eyes flashed with understanding.

The level planning was similar to what he thought.

""Since you answered my question, I will give you a chance."

Yunye said with a smile.

Then he brought the confused Hanzo to the front of Ryuin.


Seeing his own master, Hanzo couldn't help but straighten his back.

His whole body was filled with a feeling.


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