Three years passed in a flash.

With the birth of Yunye, his body has reached perfection, and the efficiency of cultivation has reached 100%.

Three years of cultivation has made his mental strength and physical fitness reach a qualitative leap. Even with his young body, he can lift objects weighing several tons.

Mental strength, as the foundation of telekinesis, is unrivaled.

And with the growth of telekinesis, the energy in the body is no longer weak, but has reached an unprecedented peak.

Even people who have practiced for six years may not have such strength as him.

But he has only been practicing and has not learned any technical knowledge.

"Xiaoyun, it's time, come and take a bath."

While Yunye was still thinking, Shiba entered the room.

The purpose of coming was to let Yunye take a bath.

This soup was nothing else but the secret technique of the Zoldyck family.

According to the recipe, various precious medicinal materials were put into the iron pot and boiled, and various essences were diluted into the water, and then the practitioners absorbed them perfectly.

The benefit is that it can nourish the tendons, bones and veins, improve the qualifications, and slowly recover the hidden injuries left over from the injury, which are difficult to eliminate.

This is a magical medicine that countless people yearn for, and it is sealed in the deepest secret collection of the Zoldyck family.

It belongs to the level of secret techniques.

Yunye can become so strong, partly thanks to this secret technique

"Coming, coming."

Hearing about the hot spring, Yunye agreed with some pain.

Every time he upgraded, he would constantly remove impurities from his body, which was naturally accompanied by endless pain.

Although he had gotten used to it in the past year, he was still a little scared.

He walked through the corridor and came to a quiet room, where a large iron pot that had been successfully boiled was placed, and there were still scattered materials around that had not been processed.

Under the gaze of Shiba, Yunye jumped in with a fearless attitude.

In just a moment, he felt as if his body was being bitten and corroded by countless ants.

He couldn't help wanting to escape from this big iron pot.

But Yunye always remembered a truth.

If God wants to give a man a great responsibility, he must first make his heart and mind suffer, his muscles and bones tired, his body hungry, his body empty, and his actions disturbed.

The road to becoming stronger is definitely not a smooth journey.

You know, there is a hidden condition for upgrading your mind.

That is the unyielding will!

"Yunye, this is all for your own good."

Looking at the painful Yunye, Xiba frowned.

As a father, who wants to see his child live in pain.

But there is no way, if you want to become stronger, you must pay a corresponding price.

Strength that does not require a price will not last long.

In this world, the rules are made like this.

""Bang!" With a loud noise, the water in the iron pot splashed all around.

Yunye jumped out of the big iron pot.

In an hour, he absorbed all the essence in it, leaving nothing behind.

The water that was splashed out had become waste water, without any nutritious substance in it.

His physique also became stronger with continuous absorption.

"How do you feel?"

Xiba asked with a serious tone.

"Very good."

Yun Ye stretched his body and replied.

Every time he improved, he felt unprecedentedly refreshed, and both his spirit and body felt very comfortable.

This is probably what it means to have sweet things after bitter things.

"That's good"

"You go out first, I'll ask the housekeeper to clean up here."

Looking at the ground full of water stains and withered herbs, Xiba said after a while.

Hearing this, Yunye put on his clothes and hurriedly left the crime scene.

Fortunately, Xiba is a good-tempered father, otherwise he might have to be beaten twice before he could calm down.

Back in the room, he washed the water stains on his body and lay down on the bed.

He stretched out his index finger, and a gas instantly emerged.

Suddenly, Yunye remembered something.

"I don't think I've tested which faction I belong to yet."

For some reason, Xiba never tested his telekinesis system.

Yunye jumped out of the window and took advantage of this time to go outside. He picked up a leaf and returned to the room.

He picked up the water cup and put the leaf on it to drift.

Then he slowly covered it with gas.

As the gas invaded, the water cup and the leaf gradually changed.

The amount of water began to surge and soon gushed out.

""Am I a reinforcement type?"

But before Yunye could confirm, the clear water was quickly frozen by the gorgeous crystals.

This was the manifestation of the materialization type.

Yunye was a little confused for a moment.

Then the color of the water changed, turning into a terrifying dark black.

The leaves shook violently, as if they would turn into Xiao Li's flying knife and shoot out in the next second.

"It can't be."

All these strange phenomena made Yunye have a little guess in his mind.

He picked up the water cup and took a sip.

As expected, it was a lot harder to drink.

"This is, the special system!"

Yun Ye finally came to the conclusion.

The case was solved. It was the special system that was rarely seen in a century.

All five phenomena reached 100% power. In addition to the special system, he could not think of any other faction.

"Even so, why is the water black?"

Yun Ye looked at the dark water and wondered if this meant that his ability had some connection with darkness.

Yun Ye needed to figure it out by himself.

"I don't have anything else, but I have a lot of understanding."

He is the best at exploring this kind of thing.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Yunye's state of mind gradually calmed down.

Reflecting his state of mind, peeping into the source.

Yunye sat cross-legged like an old man who was about to die, motionless.

Only the faint breath reminded him that he was still alive.

The body was here, but the consciousness had already wandered in the secrets of the body.

As he continued to go deeper, Yunye came to an unknown place.

Looking around, it was full of darkness and silence.

The light was here, and it could only be beaten.

"Is this my origin?"

Yunye continued to explore forward with doubt in his heart.

But no matter how he moved forward, there was still endless darkness ahead.

Suddenly, a series of black shadows appeared in front of him. In just a blink of an eye, they surrounded Yunye, squeezed him tightly, and kept approaching as if they wanted to enter somewhere.

Seeing this, Yunye frowned and punched him.

The terrifying force even produced a sonic boom.

But strangely, the fist went straight through these black shadows without causing any damage.

"Not good!"

Before Yunye could react, all the shadows had already entered his body.

His consciousness was quickly pulled back to reality.

"What's going on?"

Yunye opened his eyes and muttered to himself.

He stood up and saw a darker shadow in the dark room, reflecting behind Yunye.

"I seem to be able to control them."

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow behind him began to wriggle.

The next second, a dark figure appeared in the room, emitting a twisted black aura.

This was the shadow that had just entered Yunye's body!

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