Yunye saw Liuyin's dilemma and took the initiative to step forward and said

"Can you do this?"

Liuyin didn't distrust Yunye, but the extent of Yabi's injury was too great.

"It's okay, find me a quiet place."

Yunye said calmly, without any of the arrogance he had just shown.

Leike and Gra, who were standing by, were very considerate and lifted Yabi up and followed Liuyin. They went straight to the lounge in the Cloud Palace and put Yabi on the bed.

Yunye stepped forward and gently touched Yabi's forehead with his right hand.


The next second, everyone present seemed to hear the angel's whisper.

Suddenly, a phantom of an angel full of sacred breath appeared behind Yunye, with his hands crossed as if in compassion or prayer.

As the angel appeared, Yunye released a holy light from his hands.

In a trance, countless white feathers emitting light floated down from the sky, landed on Yabi's body, and merged into his body.

In an instant, a dazzling white light flashed throughout the room.

Yabi, whose pupils were originally dilated, gradually became bright, and after a few seconds he blinked his eyes, looking around blankly.

"Is he really a human?"

This miraculous act made Liuyin's pupils shrink.

He clearly remembered that Yunye's ability was not like this.

But the reality was already in front of him, and he had no choice but to believe it.

""It's done."

Yunye said softly.

Yabi's shattered consciousness had been forcibly integrated by him using the Angel Healing Technique.

It was perfect, without a single flaw.


Seeing Liu Yin, Yabi quickly got off the bed and said respectfully.

Yunye's attack not only shattered his consciousness, but also shattered all his arrogance.

"Well, this is a lesson for you."

"Next time you go out, keep a low profile."

Liu Yin did not reprimand Yabi for his arrogance, but instead warned him.


After hearing such concern, Yabi, who was an eight-foot-tall man, still shed a tear.

Then he turned around and nodded gratefully to Yunye, and left the room.

""His strength is not bad."

Yun Ye praised.

If the thunder transformation is used well, it is also a rare and powerful mind ability.

Since ancient times, thunder has been a very powerful force. Once mastered, it will have a place in this world.

But if you want to become like him and directly become the god of thunder, you still need to work hard for decades.


"Do you want to continue the challenge?"

Liu Yin continued to ask.

But Yun Ye shook his head.

The previous battle probably caused many people to not dare to fight him or even look him in the face.

And gaining the ability of Nen is enough.

"In that case, do you want to go to the third floor to have a look?"

Seeing Yunye refused, Liuyin made an appropriate suggestion.

Hearing this, Yunye immediately became interested.

As a hidden sect, Yunyin Liu must have collected many precious books that are not available in the outside world.

If it is really possible to read, it will be a new wave of filling and upgrading for the world library.


Yunye nodded.

Without hesitation, several people went straight to the third floor, the library.

Inside, there were still many disciples reading.

After seeing Yunye coming, they buried their heads in books, fearing that he would drag them to the ring.

Yunye didn't care about these, but randomly picked a seat and sat down.

In response, Lai Ke took the books on the bookshelf to Yunye for him to read.

Graze stayed beside Yunye to prevent anyone from disturbing him.

"Are you prepared?"

Liuyin watched all this from the side.

Then he disappeared from the spot and stopped disturbing Yunye's reading.

"Let's get started."

Yunye took a deep breath and turned the first page.

In an instant, everything around him became extremely slow, except for the speed of flipping through the book.

In just a few minutes, he had finished reading a whole thick book.

The content in it naturally entered the world library and became a part of it.

For a while, the whole library became lively.

Laike had been wandering around looking for books and holding books, and in the later period he joined Graqi.

The rustling sound of flipping books made the people around a little confused, but they didn't have the courage to disturb.

In this way, from the sun hanging high to the stars in the sky, Yunye had been soaking in the library without feeling the passage of time.

The rapid operation of the brain caused his face to look a little red.

It seemed that steam would come out of his head in the next second. It was not until almost dawn that Yunye stopped this state and returned to reality.

"Is it so late already?"

Looking back, there was no one around.

Only Leke and Gra were still with him.

"let's go"

"Let's go back and eat."

Yunye closed the book and said gently.

Gra, who was drowsy, became energetic instantly after hearing about the meal. Laike showed a knowing smile on his face.

The three of them walked in Yuntai. Although there was no one to lead the way, Yunye had already seen through it, as if there was no one in the world.

With the support of cicadas and fireflies, they quickly returned home.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw a familiar figure.

Tingyin was waiting in the living room with his head down.

The way he kept bowing made Yunye laugh helplessly.


As if hearing laughter, Ting Yin raised his head and looked over.

"Finally you are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Ting Yin said with some grievance

"What are you waiting for us for?"

Gera asked curiously.

This question made Tingyin feel a little embarrassed.

It was not until the rumbling sound in the stomach that everyone understood what was going on.

"Sit down and wait for a while."

Yun Ye said with a smile.

He turned and went to the kitchen and began to show off his cooking skills.

Soon, a series of exquisite and fragrant meals were served on the table.

Looking at these delicacies, Gra and Ting Yin could not stop drooling.

"Began to eat..."

Just as Yunye was preparing to eat, another figure appeared in the room.

He sat next to Tingyin and waited as if nothing had happened.

""Master, good evening."

Yun Ye responded quickly.

That's right, this person is Liu Yin.


Liu Yin nodded calmly.

He was not surprised at all by his sudden appearance.

"Then let's get started."

Yun Ye finally said that.

Everyone couldn't wait to pick up their chopsticks and began to show their hand speed.

The big family of five people quickly swept away all the food on the table.

"Let's rest here tonight. There are still many rooms available.

Seeing that it was already early in the morning, Yunye asked politely.

"Is that really possible? Then I won't be polite."

Tingyin agreed without thinking.

Liuyin, who was standing by, looked at his silly apprentice and finally decided to stay for one night.

Lai Ke was very fast. He not only cleaned up the messy dining table but also cleaned up the empty room.

Soon, everyone started to practice in their own rooms.

Yunye was no exception.

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