Yunye opened his eyes and looked towards the door.

He felt that Lai Ke had been pacing at the door and was reluctant to come in, as if he was hesitating about something.

In the end, he did not disturb him and returned to the room.

"Is that a demon in his heart?"

Yun Ye thought.

At the moment of treatment, he clearly saw a blood-red aura on Lai Ke's body dissipating into the sky.

Even though it had turned into ashes, it was still struggling to death.

Fortunately, the angel healing technique was powerful enough. If it were ordinary mental treatment, it might cause Lai Ke to suffer more or even collapse.

"Forget it, let's start practicing."

Throwing all this behind, Yun Ye began a new round of practice.


In the following time, Yunye kept wandering around the library and the room.

It must be said that the collection of books in the Yunyin School is very large, and many of them are unheard of books.

Even similar books are empty in my mind.

It can be seen how old these books are.

But this also successfully brought a new breakthrough to the World Library, and the scale has really changed!

""Just one step closer."

Yunye muttered.

During this period of time, he did not put aside the cultivation of his mind ability.

After a month of continuous improvement, he finally felt that he was only one step away from the next ability.

Just one step away!


Adjusting his breathing, Yunye began his final sprint.

He focused his energy and used all his strength to practice the mind power, increasing its power to the maximum.

He looked inside his body, searching for hidden treasures.

The Qi was running wildly in his body, trying to break the last barrier.


A shattering sound came from inside the body.

""It's done!"

Yunye chuckled.

The shadow behind him began to wriggle violently.

The next second, a burly black shadow appeared in the room.

This was Yunye's first batch of members, 'Shiba’!


Following Yunye's command, the black shadow's appearance changed incredibly.

Snow-white curly hair shawl, a serious expression on his face, and a blue and white training suit on his body.

It was exactly like Silva.

Whether it was appearance, aura or mental ability, they were all perfectly reproduced one-to-one.

There was still only one shortcoming.

No consciousness.

He could only execute some simple commands.

He needed Yunye's control to be revitalized and become the real Silva!

"Is this the fourth ability?"

Yun Ye sighed.

This ability seems weak, but it is not much worse than the previous ones.

If you think about it in a small way, it is just a layer of skin. If you think about it in a big way, you can directly replace that person and control everything about him.

Family, property, friends, identity, and even your daily life!

When you come back, you will find that you have become the fake one. What's even more powerful is to control all the top leaders of a country and indirectly control the country!

But it is not necessary for Yun Ye.

The main reason is that these black shadows need his control, and all the information of the person replaced must be found out.

So this ability can only be used for deterrence or when necessary.

For example, to deal with some disobedient people

"Let's call it Clone Disguise."

Yun Ye said a name.

Simple and crude.

Ying's fourth ability - Clone Disguise!

"I have to start accumulating again."

Yun Ye was somewhat helpless.

There was still a long time before the next ability was unlocked.

As for how long, it might be three or four years.

Just when Yun Ye was still suffering, a figure entered from outside the door.

"Who is this? The current patriarch of the Zoldyck family!"

Liu Yin looked at Silva with disbelief in his eyes.

He didn't understand why Silva was here, and he didn't understand how Silva got in.

And he came all the way from Kukulu Mountain.


Yunye smiled and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, Xiba merged back into the shadows, as if he had never appeared.

Suddenly, the scene fell into silence.

"I have something to ask you."

Ryuin did not ask about the appearance of 'Silva'.

"What happened?"

Yunye was a little confused and followed the steps outside.

In the living room, Leike, Gera, and Tingyin sat quietly.

Liuyin came to the table and picked up a memory card.

"This is"

"Greed Island storage card!"

Yunye's eyes became interesting.

Greed Island, Greed Island.

Combining the initials of eleven creators.

A game released by a subsidiary of Marilyn Company.

Centered on Jin Fulishi, one of the top five hunters in the industry, it was created by eleven Nen users for the purpose of making money as a hunting game for hunters. It was officially released in 1987, the same date as his birth.

The mechanism and rewards attracted countless strong people to go hunting.

But there is a bloody rule in it.

If you die in the game, you will die in reality!

"Where did you get this thing from?"

Yunye took the memory card in his hand and looked at it.

"I saw it when I went out to buy games, so I bought it."

Liu Yin said stiffly.

He was embarrassed to say this.

"I see."

Yun Ye didn't care about Liu Yin's interest.

Who doesn't have a hobby?

But it must be said that Liu Yin is really rich. You know, software is quite difficult to get. If you buy it, you need at least tens of billions of dollars.

What's more, it's something that is now out of stock. It's already a very lucky result to find a seller.

"Do you want to play?"

Yunye asked


Liuyin nodded.

If he didn't want to play it, he wouldn't have bought it.

"I'll explain in advance that this game will be played with real body"

"If you die, you're really dead."

"And if you can't pass the game, you can only leave temporarily with special props unless you die."

Yun Ye told the truth about the game.

Hearing this, Liu Yin's eyes became sharp.

This type of game was also the first time he encountered it.

"Can't leave?"

"Forget it then."

Liu Yin shook his head.

As the head of the Yunyin School, he couldn't leave here for a long time.

If he was alone, maybe he would really try.

"I'll go."

Ting Yin suddenly said

"You can't do it either."

Liu Yin immediately rejected Ting Yin's request.

If you leave, who will help me train my disciples?


Ting Yin pouted and said sullenly.

This is a good deal for Yun Ye.

You don't want to play, right? Then I will play.

"In that case, I will go through it for you first."

Yun Ye said with a smile.

In addition to playing, there is another more important purpose for entering Greed Island.

"You must have bought more than one of these memory cards, right?"

Yunye asked Liuyin.

"Yes, there are also four memory cards and a game console.

Liu Yin put everything on the table.

As a senior game fan, he naturally bought a whole set.

"No problem."

Yunye came to the table and inserted the memory card without hesitation.

Then he turned his thoughts into"send" and input it into the game console.

The next second, a stream of light covered Yunye's body, took him away from the spot, rushed into the sky, and headed towards an unknown place.

Seeing this, Laike and Gra did not hesitate at all, inserted the memory card, input thoughts, and were also covered by two streams of light, following Yunye's steps.

Go to the real killing game!

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