"Fighting competition?"

"Can the winner become the owner of the 251st floor?"

Yun Ye muttered to himself.

The total height of the Sky Arena is 251 floors.

This means that once you win, you will jump over 250 floors and become the strongest one.

This is easier than challenging the owner of the 250th floor.

The most important thing is that you can also gain more mind abilities!

You know, this is a super large competition for the whole world, and there will be countless challengers coming to participate.

There will definitely be no shortage of strong people with mind abilities.

"When will it start?"

After making the decision, Yunye asked

""It will start in three days."

Xike said a date.

There are only three days left for this fighting competition.

All participants must make adequate preparations for the next competition during this time.

"Three days?"

"It's a good time to visit my grandmother and explore the location of Greed Island."

Yun Ye nodded.

Compared with other contestants, he would not use this time to prepare.

Three days is too short for him.

It will pass in an instant.

"Do you two want to join in?"

Yun Ye turned around and asked the two people behind him.

"I want to participate!"

"I want to try it too."

As militants, the two naturally wanted to participate in a fighting competition that was hard to come by.

"Then please help the three of us register."

Yun Ye said gently.

Hearing this, Xike smiled and went to register them.

Although he was the person in charge, he was also very much looking forward to this competition.

The more powerful people there were, the more interesting this fighting competition would be.

"Come on, follow me to a place."

Yunye called the two to get on the helicopter.

With a whistling sound, the black beast soared in the sky again and headed towards Meteor Street.

It was as fast as a meteor falling from the sky, and it only took half an hour to reach the mansion where Wu Xi lived.

Yunye was not sure whether she had left, but since he was here, he must take a look.

""Knock, knock, knock."

Knocked on the door of the mansion.

Almost the moment the knocks were made, the door opened.

Reina's figure appeared from the door. When she saw Yunye and others, respect appeared on her expressionless face.

"I will go and inform the lady right away."

After saying that, Reina hurriedly walked into the mansion.

In less than a minute, Wu Xi's figure appeared in front of Yunye.

She was still so beautiful and elegant.

""Long time no see, grandma."

Yunye said with a smile.

It had been more than two years since they last met.

Even the communication was done through phone calls.

"Xiaoyun, how can you, a busy man, have time to come and see me?"

Wu Xi smiled and handed Yunye a cup of coffee.

They sat on a chair in the garden and started chatting.

"Just to play"

"After becoming a prosecutor, have you encountered any problems that need to be solved?"

Yun Ye asked after taking a sip of coffee.

Now Wu Xi is a prosecutor of the United States of Saheerta, responsible for judging various criminals and cases. It was a special position that Karl had worked hard to get at the beginning, spending all his family property.

It is said that it takes at least five years for ordinary officials to become prosecutors. If Karl's foundation was not deep enough, he might not have been able to achieve Wu Xi.

"There really is one."

"My mortal enemy, every time I want to help Zaiyi Luo, he will come in and interfere."

Wu Xi frowned and said helplessly.

After Yunye's integration, Wu Xi already knew Zaiyi Luo's identity and cooperated with him secretly.

With the help of Dirk, the current NGL country is different from the past. It is moving closer to a medium-sized country. Its voice, productivity, and military strength have reached a relatively strong level.

"What's your name?"

Yunye asked gently.

""Fini Yalu."

Wu Xi slowly said a name.

Hearing this name, the Laike who had been standing there turned around and left.


Yunye finished his last sip of coffee and walked towards the mansion.

Looking at the leaving Leike, Gra followed Yunye's back.

"Too scary."

Wu Xi whispered.

In his perception, Yunye was just like before. No matter what, he could not see through his strength. Everything was unknown and could not be explored.

This feeling was still the last time he met Maha.

Back at the mansion, Yunye was sitting in front of the TV watching a channel

"The biennial fighting competition in the Sky Arena is about to begin. Challengers are welcome to sign up"

"The winner will not only receive a monetary reward of 50 billion Jhinis, but will also become the owner of the 251st floor, truly the strongest!"

"To register, please call the following number: 153XXX567XX!"

Blue light flashed in Yunye's pupils, allowing him to glimpse the future.

At that time, it will definitely be a grand scene of hundreds of birds paying homage to the phoenix, which is really exciting.

Yunye even heard the heart of Gra standing behind him, which was about to move.

"Do you want to participate?"

Wu Xi asked, looking at the TV screen.

"Well, it looks interesting.

Yunye nodded and replied

"I heard that Xiaoqi and Yilmi are going there too, so you might run into them then."

Wu Xi said happily.

It must be fun to see family members killing each other.


Yunye smiled but said nothing.

People from the Zoldyck family are indeed a bit perverted.


Just as Yunye continued to watch TV, the phone rang.

He picked up the phone and heard Laike's steady voice.

"Mission accomplished."

After saying that, Laike looked at the���Finny was separated from his head.

The surrounding corpses were scattered all over the room, some of them even had thoughts left on them!

This shows how fierce this battle was.

""Yes, come back."

Yunye said and hung up the phone.

He turned around and looked at Wu Xi who was still immersed in the family's internal strife.

"Finny is dead."

This sentence hit Wu Xi's head like a bolt from the blue, making her sober instantly.

Finny is dead!

The guy she had spent more than a year trying to deal with was killed so easily by Yunye.

You have to know that the other party is a prosecutor of the same level as her, and there must be powerful Nen users ambushing around.

Even so, he did not escape the fate of being beheaded.

This efficiency is terrifying

"If you have any problems in the future, remember to contact me, so you don’t have to solve them alone."

"We are a family."

Yunye stood up and said.

Things here have been resolved, so we can leave for the next location.

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