Three days passed in a flash

"The second match of the fighting competition is about to begin. Please prepare yourself."

The broadcast sounded very accurately in the evening.

""Let's go!"

With Yun Ye's order, a group of people headed towards the arena.

When they arrived at their own venue, there were already tens of thousands of spectators waiting for the start of the game. The excitement in their eyes was already overflowing.

Looking closely, some challengers who were eliminated in the first game also appeared in the venue.

Just to witness the appearance of the champion in person.

"Be gentle."

Yun Ye specifically warned him.

Then he disappeared from the spot and appeared on the No. 1 ring.

The opponent was already waiting there. When he saw Yun Ye's appearance, he immediately stood up.

"Are you my opponent?"

"I hope I won't be disappointed."

Huashi Doulang said confidently.

This is his arrogance as a Nen user.

But unfortunately, the person he met today was Yunye.

"Please give me more advice."

Yun Ye greeted very modestly.

Looking at the opposite side, a head of white hair fell to the waist, a green cloak was draped over the body, and the whole body exuded a unique temperament.

"Please get ready, contestants!"

The referee looked at the time and reminded the two

""The game begins!"

After the order was given, the two people on the ring did not move.

Although Hua Shi Dou Lang was very confident, he still carefully observed Yun Ye's every move.

The first taboo in fighting is to underestimate the opponent!

Time passed by, and Yun Ye still stood there without any defense.

He wanted to see what moves Hua Shi Dou Lang would use to fight him.


After a long wait, Hua Shidoulang finally couldn't help but kick his feet and came to Yunye. He swung a tiger fist heavily at Yunye's face, his eyes were stern without a trace of mercy.

This is fighting!

"Not bad, but the power is a little weak."

Faced with this fierce attack, Yunye slowly extended his index finger to block the blow that was enough to blow an ordinary person's head off.

"How is it possible!"

Seeing this scene, Hua Shidoulang's pupils shrank, and he quickly distanced himself from Yunye.

Just like the martial artist who fought with Yunye last time

"It seems that you are also a strong man."

Hua Shi Dou Lang sighed softly.

I thought I had overestimated him, but I didn't expect that I underestimated his strength.

"It's a shame to use the ability of mind in the second match."

As soon as the voice fell, Hua Shidoulang burst out with a relatively strong ability of mind.

It looked a little unstable, as if he had just learned it, but it was completely enough to deal with ordinary people.

""Show up!"

Instantly, a clone who looked exactly like Hua Shidoulang appeared beside him.

The two figures cooperated with each other and attacked Yunye, who was calm and composed.

"Is that all?"

Yun Ye shook his head.

This clone was almost as powerful as the black shadow in his other world.

Before Yun Ye could think about anything else, Hua Shi Dou Lang and his clone had already approached him.

""Tiger bite real fist!"

The palms of the two figures changed into tiger claws and attacked Yunye.

Using the palms to imitate the tiger's teeth and claws to attack the enemy's fists, a strong man who is proficient in this can easily split a tree in half.

Needless to say, the power is naturally a famous skill of Hua Shi Dou Lang.

""Immobilization Technique."

A black shadow attached to Yunye's body.

In an instant, a black shadow emerged from Hua Shi Dou Lang's shadow, directly achieving the conditions of the immobilization technique.

Hua Shi Dou Lang, who was originally preparing to attack, was instantly frozen in place and could not move. He still kept the tiger claw in his hand, looking ready to attack.

"What's going on?

Hua Shidoulang struggled to move his body.

But he was shocked to find that no matter how hard he tried, his body would not move at all.

It was as if his body no longer belonged to him, and his soul was forever imprisoned in it.

"Sealing Technique."

Another black shadow surged into Yunye's body again.

A piece of talisman paper full of mysterious runes condensed out of thin air and floated in his palm.

Yunye came in front of Hua Shi Doulang and slowly merged the talisman paper into his body under his horrified eyes.

A dazzling golden light bloomed from Hua Shi Doulang's body, and the clone beside him suddenly turned into a ball of air and dissipated in the air.

"It's over."

After saying that, Yunye gently pushed Hua Shidoulang out of the ring.

As the black shadow disappeared, the ability attached to his immobilization spell was also lifted.

"The winner is Yunye!

The referee immediately announced the winner of this match.

"What did you do to me?"

Hua Shi Dou Lang asked in horror.

He found that he could not manifest his clone no matter what.

"You are a reinforcement type, right?"

"Don't waste your talent."

After saying that, Yunye merged into the darkness and disappeared without a trace.

Only Hua Shidoulang, who looked thoughtful, was left sitting there.


"Let's go see Killua."

Yunye called the two people beside him to leave the venue.

Hua Shi Doulang is close to the strengthening system, but he stubbornly chose to practice the materialization system that does not match him.

This also led to his easy defeat by Hisoka in the subsequent battle and missed the position of the host.

Now, his arrival has changed the process. Will it lead to a certain deviation in the ending?

"Boss, that guy is coming."

Gara looked ahead cautiously.

Hisoka, with a mysterious smile on his face, was slowly approaching here.

It can be seen that his battle is over.

Only Killua is still fighting hard.

"Why don't you just stay where you are?"

Yunye asked helplessly.

"You are already my employer, so of course I have to follow you."

Xi Suo smiled and gave an impeccable reason.

"Whatever you want."

After saying that, Yunye took the elevator to the venue on the 100th floor.

At this time, the battle had come to an end.

Only a few dozen of the 1,000 arenas were still fighting.

Among them was Killua.

His opponent was a swordsman with scars all over his face, and his strength was extraordinary.

Under his fast and fierce attack, Killua was beaten back step by step.

After all, he was only an eight-year-old child. Even after special training, it was still a bit too difficult for him to defeat the swordsman who had accumulated decades of experience.

"What should I do? What if it was my brother?

Killua frowned, thinking about ways to break the situation.

After a period of exploration and maneuvering, he finally found the swordsman's weakness.

That is, every time the swordsman finished attacking, the old injury on his waist would make him pause for a while.

Seizing this time difference, Killua was ready to go.


The attack hit the bull's eye, hitting the vital point.

"The winner is Killua!"

After confirming, the referee immediately announced the end of the game.

Just as Killua was about to leave, a figure stopped him.

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