Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Yunye began to relax his muscles.

He did not take the people who were slowly approaching him seriously, which made their eyes more fierce and they could not help but tighten their grip on their weapons.

"Go to hell, little devil!"

The first person to arrive picked up the big knife in his hand and chopped it straight towards Yunye's head.


Suddenly, a light and delicate dagger blocked the attack.

Yunye swung the dagger lightly, and then slashed the man's neck with his backhand.

A thin line of blood appeared on his neck, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

This sudden scene made the remaining people realize that Yunye was not easy to mess with, and they all retreated to protect themselves.

But in Yunye's words, since they were here, why would they leave?

He kicked his front foot and came in front of the people like a ghost, waving the dagger in his hand mercilessly.

Several gorgeous blood lines bloomed from the tip of the knife, announcing their death.

"Besiege him!"

This scene was naturally seen by the other people on the same stage.

When facing the same strong man, they burst into unprecedented unity.

Twenty or thirty people surrounded Yunye from all directions, staring at Yunye's every move.

"They are united at this time."

Yun Ye shook his head helplessly, and his originally azure pupils gradually turned dark.

A silent terrifying pressure was released from his body and spread to the entire arena.

In just a moment, everyone felt that a disaster was coming!

They suppressed the feelings in their hearts, and just when they were about to attack Yun Ye, they found that he had disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, people were constantly hit by the elusive daggers, and fell to the ground with a bang and fell asleep forever.

This immediately caused panic, and they scattered and became alert to the surroundings.

But all this was useless!

Yun Ye kept shuttling through various dark places like a killing god, reaping their lives.

Every second, someone lay on the ground with his eyes wide open.

This put great psychological pressure on the remaining people.

"We must leave!"

One of them finally couldn't bear it anymore, and his mind power suddenly burst out.

Behind him, a blue bird appeared, grabbing his shoulder with its claws and trying to fly off the ground to escape the assassination.

Just as the blue bird was about to flap its wings and fly, a gorgeous dagger suddenly appeared out of thin air.


Two white lights flashed by.

From a distance, the wings of the bluebird were chopped off, and it became a wingless bird.

The psychic was about to continue to use his energy to rebuild the wings.

The next moment, his vision suddenly shook violently, like a parabola, and finally fell to the ground.

In the same place, a headless body was still standing quietly.

"Anyone else who wants to kill me, just come on."

Yunye appeared in the center of the ring.

His eyes looked at everyone, causing their bodies to tremble involuntarily.

Yunye had become a god of death at this moment, taking away people's souls at will.

If these people didn't have murderous intentions towards him, he really didn't want to kill them.


The remaining people fell silent when they heard this, and no one dared to attack.

Even if there were people with the ability to read among them,

"Give you a minute"

"If you don't leave by the time, you will stay here forever.

Seeing that no one spoke, Yun Ye gave a final warning.

""If you want to play, go ahead. I won't accompany you any more!"

Hearing this, some people dropped their weapons with relief and hurriedly fled from the ring.

Although they looked very embarrassed, at least they saved their lives.

"I...I don't want to play anymore."

As the first person left, others dropped their weapons and left the ring.

Now, only three people were left standing there, pondering whether to leave.

They were all strong people with telepathic abilities, and their mental qualities were naturally stronger than those of the minions.

As time passed, the remaining three kept communicating with each other through their eyes.

Finally, a conclusion was reached.


Instantly, the three rushed in different directions. Their common target was naturally Yun Ye, who was in the center of the ring.

At this moment, he was still closing his eyes and waiting for a minute to pass.

【The roar of the sea monster! 】

One of them burst into air, and the shadow of a huge sea monster appeared behind him.


As the roar came, a huge wave flooded towards Yunye.

The crazy wave seemed to want to corrode all the sinners who disrespected the ocean.

Seeing this scene, the other few people no longer hid their strength and all released their mind abilities to attack.

The momentum was as fierce as a million troops attacking.

Yunye, who was in the center, was still calculating on his own.

"Time is up."

Yun Ye opened his eyes, his dark pupils still emitting waves of murderous intent.

Countless black shadows entered his body, and all the magic spells in the world were cast upon me!

【[Freezing Technique]

With the triggering of the telekinesis ability, the waves that were about to drown everything miraculously stopped.

This made the other two wonder if they were being played.

Glancing sideways, they found that the man was staring at them with wide eyes and a look of horror, and even the right to speak was taken away.

This made them instantly realize how ridiculous their previous thoughts were.

But now that things have come to this, there is only one way to go.

There is no other way, the two rushed towards Yunye with the determination to die.

"Isn't it good to be alive?"

Seeing that the two did not run away and counterattacked, Yunye murmured helplessly.

His right hand gradually condensed into a sword, and his left hand condensed into a scabbard.

The wind blew, and the tip of the sword gently embraced the breeze and put it into the scabbard.

""Heaven-cutting sword-drawing technique!"

In an instant, Yunye drew the blade from the scabbard at an incredible speed.

A vast and broad wind-like blade energy rushed towards the three people.

Wherever it passed, it was annihilated by the residual power.

Before the three people could react, they fell into an eternal blank in front of their eyes.

At this point, the battle was over.

Looking around, countless corpses were lying on the ground, their eyes were filled with strong unwillingness and fear.

Yunye was the only one standing on the entire ring.

"Ring No. 1, Yun Ye wins!"

After the referee confirmed the result, he waved his hand and announced the result.

"It seems that the fights of others have also ended."

Looking at other arenas, except for a few who are still fighting hard, most of them have ended their struggles.

For example, Hisoka was sitting on the pile of corpses of dozens of people, playing with the poker cards in his hand that had been completely stained with blood, and the corners of his mouth were still drawn with a smile.

But this time it was a refreshing smile.

He had already satisfied his inner desire to kill, and he would be in a normal state for a short time.

It seemed that he noticed Yunye's gaze, turned his head and smiled at him

""It's really creepy."

Yunye shuddered involuntarily.

Then he looked towards other arenas.

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