Balusa Islands.

The western end of the Mittenian Federation

"Is this the place?"

Yun Ye looked at the endless wasteland and the villages standing in front of him.

He reached the area of NGL Autonomous Country in just half a day at the fastest speed.

NGL Autonomous Country was the most difficult country to enter before.

To enter, one must pass through the checkpoint and embassy built using the big trees on the canal between NGL Autonomous Country and the Republic of Locario.

Since there are no mechanical items in the country, each entry requires strict inspection before it can be passed.

After Dirk's command and changes, the current NGL Autonomous Country has developed towards the direction of an industrial power.

Each time you enter, you only need to register your identity and purpose.

"The speed is still too slow."

Shuttling across the plains, Yunye found that some places still had no access to mechanical items. He was still using the most primitive method to survive.

Sensing the shadow in his heart, he quickly determined the location of Zai Luo and Dirk.

The two were in the right position.���In the king's palace, they seemed to be discussing something.

After knowing the location, Yunye shuttled through the inner world and approached the palace at a very fast speed.

Half an hour later, Yunye quietly arrived behind the two of them.

"Zaylo, the current development trend of the NGL Autonomous Region does not satisfy the owner"

"You need to expand stability at a faster rate"

"Don't let the Lord down."

Dilke said to Zai Yiluo expressionlessly.

"However, this is the limit of our productivity."

"There are not enough people."

Zai Yiluo shook his head with a haggard look.

The reason why NGL has not developed is that the population is too sparse. After all, it is just a newly started country and does not have a deep foundation to attract people from other countries.

"I'll help you."

Suddenly, a voice interrupted their conversation.

The familiar voice made Dirk turn around quickly and kneel on one knee with a respectful look.

"Welcome the Lord's coming"

"Do you really have a solution?"

Zaiyi Luo asked doubtfully.

As the ruler of a country, he understood how difficult it was to recruit people.

The places involved were very diverse, and if one of them was not met, all the efforts would be wasted.

"The root cause is still the lack of productivity"

"Compared to people who need to rest and eat, I have better labor."

Yunye's mouth curled up a smile.

The shadows behind him moved quickly, and countless black shadows emerged from all directions, filling the entire palace.

"This is it!"

Seeing these shadows, Zai Yiluo's pupils shrank.

For a moment, he thought someone had invaded, but when he saw Yunye's calm face, he immediately relaxed.

"These shadows are enough to make up for your shortcomings"

"If it's not enough, there's more."

Yun Ye said with a chuckle.

That's right, the ultimate labor force is the shadows who work day and night without eating or drinking.

They don't know how to get tired, they only know how to obey orders.

Sometimes, unconsciousness is a good thing.

"Thank God for His gift!"

Zaiyiluo was completely convinced, kneeling on one knee and shouting devoutly.

Not only was it a timely help to Yunye, but it also brought him the help of Dirk and Wu Xi.

You know, if he was allowed to control everything of NGL alone, it might delay its development by ten years!

"Do your best and show your value."

Yun Ye nodded.

The combination of the three completely made Zai Yiluo, a tyrant, surrender.

But it is undeniable that Zai Yiluo's talent is first-class in the world.

Strong tolerance, thinking ability, action, constructiveness, and execution....

Each of these qualities is rare when taken alone, but they are all concentrated in Zai Luo.

This is a very terrible result.

In a sense, Zai Luo is more powerful than the ant king Meruem!

If he can't control it in his own hands, then death will be his fate.


Zai Yiluo answered calmly.

What he didn't know was that if he didn't make a choice just now, he might die here. He was only one step away from the end of his life.

Fortunately, he chose the right path and truly ushered in a new life.

"Very good, Dirk, next I will give you the authority to control the shadows in the other world"

"Do your best to assist Zai Yiluo."

A black exquisite crown shadow appeared above Yunye's head.

With the granting of authority, a black light poured into Dirk's body.

An inexplicable feeling instantly blossomed in his body.

This change made Dirk respect and admire the young man in front of him even more.

In his heart, Yunye is the real uncrowned king!

"I will never fail the mission given by the Lord."

Dirk stood up gracefully, without any of the coldness he had shown when facing Zai Yiluo just now.

"Well, tell me about the current development of NGL."

Yun Ye nodded gently and looked at the national planning map on the big screen in front of him.

Zai Yiluo stepped forward and began to speak.

"Currently, NGL has moved away from the natural world and toward industrial countries."

"If we use percentage to express it, it has reached 25%"

"In addition, construction in various areas has also begun"

"Once the productivity is supplied, this value will increase rapidly."

"I am confident that within a year, I can increase 25 to 70 or even 100!"

Zai Yiluo said confidently.

Long before the founding of the country, he had already prepared everything in his mind.

What he was waiting for was an opportunity.

"Is there enough money?

Yunye asked.

"NGL has unique minerals to sell, which is sufficient for financial support"

"I plan to use this money in many ways."

"For example......"

Zaiyiluo has truly become the ruler of a country at this time, and he speaks seriously about his future construction and ideas.

This makes Yunye more certain of his inner thoughts.

As long as Zaiyiluo is given some time, he will definitely be able to stand at the top of the world.

Be on par with V5 or even surpass it!

At that time, Yunye can truly start his own plan.

"Very good, if you need any help, you can find my grandmother Ushi"

"If you can't even solve it with her, come to me directly through Dirk."

After listening to everything, Yunye urged.

He has always believed that there is strength in numbers.

Of course, what is needed is capable people.


At this moment, Zai Yiluo was more certain of his inner path.

That was to expand outward based on the country until it reached a level that Yunye was satisfied with.

"Very good, I will stay here for the next few days, you can come to me if you have any questions"

"It just so happens that I can examine your overall strength as well."

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