Gra questioned with extremely cold eyes.

A silent anger quickly gathered in his heart until it reached its peak!

"I said your mother is a..."

Before he finished speaking, a red fist hit Jade's face hard, leaving no room for maneuver.


The huge force directly knocked Jed away, passing through layers of walls.

Until he was only one step away from falling, he stopped forcibly.

Looking closely, there was a deep fist dent on his face, which was still releasing steam slightly.

"You guy!"

Touching his face, Jed completely lost his mind and released all the resentment in his body.

In an instant, the whole sky was shrouded in darkness, and anyone who saw it thought the end of the world was coming.

A dark cloud with the momentum of destroying the city rushed towards Gra. The black wind swept Gra, but he still stood tall and did not move at all.

As if sensing the danger, the energy in Gra's body once again stimulated the acupuncture points throughout his body.

The next moment, his body became more rosy, and countless steam sprayed out from his skin.

There was an inexhaustible furnace in his body that was providing powerful power.


Jed appeared in front of Gra in an instant and punched him.

Facing this punch, Gra used all his strength to take it and returned it.


Two equally powerful forces confronted each other.

"What on earth did Xiaoyun do?"

Seeing this scene, Netero's eyes were slightly shocked.

He clearly knew that Gra's strength was just that, but he didn't know what moves Yunye taught him, but he actually burst out with the power to fight against Jade in a short time.


Jade's eyes showed great interest.

The speed of his punches began to increase, constantly challenging Gra's limits.

In the distance, Killua watched the battle with a worried look on his face, and kept saying in his heart

"Brother, come here quickly!"

At this time, in the Sky Arena, Yunye and his group finally cleared the last group of people.

Looking around, piles of corpses were lying on the ground, with only a few challengers still alive.

"Without further ado, I'll go up and see what's going on."

"Laike, I feel there are some hidden dangers outside the Sky Arena, you go and solve them."

Yun Ye looked out the window and found some clues.


Leike did not continue to rest, but immediately stood up and jumped out of the broken window.

He went to the location to conduct reconnaissance against the wind.

"You should know this."

Yun Ye looked at Xi Suo with a smile on his face.

"I don't know."

Xi Suo spread his hands indifferently.

"You don't need to quibble. If someone gets into trouble today, you will die with them."

Yunye said the cruelest words with the most gentle face.

In an instant, the terrifying power included Xi Suo, making him feel cold all over.

Others can die, but not one of the important people can die.


Xi Suo narrowed his eyes and fell silent for a rare moment.

He knew that if he said a word, Yun Ye would kill him on the spot.


"Stop struggling, just die quickly."

Jed continued to press on with his fists.

It was okay for a short time, but for a long time, no one could bear such pressure.

"In that case, let's kill him first."

Jade looked at Killua.

The next second, a black ball of resentment rushed straight towards him.

Although it was relatively weak, it was enough to kill Killua.

"You are looking for death!"

Gla's eyes were red, and he used all his strength to knock Jade away and rushed towards Killua.

But it was too late, the black ball of resentment was already close to Killua.

"Damn it!"

Faced with such an attack, Killua tried his best to dodge it.

But no matter how he dodged, the black ball of resentment seemed to have a positioning function and rushed towards him.

At the critical moment, an old big hand appeared again and prevented the tragedy from happening.


Killua called out in confusion again.

But no matter what, Zeno still stood there and ignored him.

The instructions given by Yunye to 'Zeno' were to protect Killua. It had no consciousness at all and could not speak, let alone communicate.

"I didn't expect that there would be helpers."

Jade really didn't expect Yunye to have this trick up his sleeve.


Even though Killua was protected, Gra still had a lot of anger in his body that he hadn't vented. It was just a little bit away from causing an irreversible tragedy.

If it really happened, he didn't know how he would face Yunye.


A huge breath burst out from Gra's body and completely attached to various acupuncture points.

As the acupuncture points continued to go deeper, Gra's strength increased several times.

But in contrast, his body had reached the limit that it could not bear!

Countless cracks appeared in various parts of his body, and blood continued to flow out of the cracks, which looked extremely creepy.

The steam coming out of his body gradually turned the black sky into white.


With a light exhale, thick steam floated out of his mouth.

With his red eyes open and his blood-red body, everything looked magnificent and weird.


Feeling the huge power in front of him, Jed frowned.

""Good boy!"

Netero opened his eyes wide and looked at Gra.

He could clearly feel that a breath of death was quietly growing on Gra.

Even if he won this battle, Gra would die directly.

This was a battle of no return!

"You deserve my serious attention."

【A hundred demons, Rakshasa!

A female Rakshasa figure several hundred meters tall appeared behind Jed. She had two horns on her head, was wearing a kimono, had a smile on her bright red lips, and her sharp claws indicated her danger. Just as Jed was about to attack, a fist appeared in front of him and punched him hard.


The huge force directly made Jade pass through the layers of ceilings under his feet. He was thrown into the eighteenth level of hell!

But before Gra could relax for a while, Jade had reappeared, and Luosha's claws had already landed on him.

Shocking scratches appeared on his body, looking extremely miserable.

But Gra seemed to have no sense of pain, and countless fists fell on Luosha and Jade like raindrops.

Just like the fight in the ring.


Jade laughed and started to collide with Gra.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Countless loud noises echoed on the rooftop of the Sky Arena, like fireworks.

As the competition continued, the scars on Gra's body became more and more serious, almost broken.

Netero, who watched all this, did not speak. He understood that this might be Gra's last battle.

Finally, Gra still supported himself and flew out. His strong willpower still prompted him to stand up, but he did not move at all.

Everything seemed quiet and normal.


Finally, the door to the rooftop opened.

Yunye walked out quickly.

Looking ahead, Gra stood there like a bloody man, refusing to fall even though he was already dead.

The strong wind swept his tattered clothes, like a god of war who never gave up.

In an instant, a terrifying murderous aura burst out from Yunye's body, and a dark and captivating aura rushed straight into the sky, shattering the resentment that filled the sky.

The world seemed to have fallen into endless darkness.

An emotionless voice echoed in everyone's ears.

"Who did it?"

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