The captain's voice sounded, and the people on the deck began to move and pack their things.

Soon, the fishing boat docked on the shore of Whale Island, and a large wooden board was extended for people to disembark.

Killua was the first to jump off the deck and landed directly on the ground, breathing fresh air.

This surprised the people around him.

Then came Gra and Lecque, and finally Yunye, who looked leisurely, walked down the board.

"It's very lively."

Yun Ye looked around.

It was noon now, and many vendors were selling their products and chatting with customers from time to time.

Half of them were selling fish products. After all, most of the people here were fishermen.

""Are you Gra?"

Suddenly, someone said in surprise.

Turning around, a beautiful woman carrying a basket looked at Gra in shock.

"Aunt Mitte, long time no see."

Gera replied in a friendly manner.

Hearing this, Yunye couldn't help but look over.

A fair and beautiful face, a simple dress, and calluses on the palms from years of labor.

This is Mitte, who has been raising Xiaojie and is regarded as his biological mother.

Unexpectedly, he met a key person as soon as he got off the boat.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for five years."

"Who are these people?"

Mitt asked hesitantly.

"They are my friends who came to visit my mother.

""Hello, Auntie."

Yun Ye smiled and greeted her first.

Seeing that the other two did not move, they all gave her a look.

At this time, they reacted and said a little awkwardly.


"Hello, Auntie."

This made Mitt a little flattered.

"Hello, if you have time, come and play."

"I have a child who is about the same age as you. I hope you can be good friends."

Mite looked at Yunye and Qiya and said with a smile on her face.

She likes polite children the most.

"Okay, we will definitely visit him when we have time.

Yunye accepted the promise.

He also wanted to see what kind of person Xiaojie, the child of destiny, was.

"You are always welcome. I will go back first."

After saying that, Mitt gradually disappeared from sight.

"Let's go.

Yunye walked forward slowly.

Gra reacted instantly and walked to the front to lead the way.

"Gra, do you know Aunt Mitt's children?"

On the way to the destination, Yunye asked appropriately.

"You mean Xiaojie? He's a very good kid."

"I am very strong when encountering things, and I will never give up because of a little difficulty."

"And he is a person who is willing to give everything for his friends."

Gera gave a very pertinent evaluation.

Although the two had spent a short time together, they have left deep memories.

"Is that so?"

Yunye muttered in a low voice.

He already wanted to see Xiaojie.

Looking at the nonchalant Killua beside him, he didn't know at this moment that the gears of his destiny were about to start turning.

"We are here, Boss."

After passing through layers of dense jungle, we finally reached our destination.

Looking ahead, a wooden hut stood beside the quiet blue lake. It looked like it had been patched up for many years.

At this time, a slightly thin figure was busy washing clothes.

This was the mother that Gra had missed for a long time.


The excited voice resounded throughout the jungle, causing countless birds to flee in panic.

Hearing the voice, the woman paused and turned back in disbelief.

""Ge Ge!"

The woman immediately dropped the wooden barrel in her hand and ran towards Ge La.

The mother and son finally embraced each other after a long separation.

The woman couldn't stop shedding tears, and kept stroking Ge La's face with her hands, muttering

"Grow up, grow up."

Anyone who sees this scene will sigh.

Even if they are thousands of miles apart, the mother's longing for her will not diminish with the distance.

"What's wrong, Killua, do you miss your mother?"

"Wait for a while, then we'll go back."

Yunye saw Qiya's envious eyes.

"I didn't."

Kiya pouted and said indifferently


Faced with Killua's stubbornness and suffering, Yunye has long been accustomed to it. He hasn't been back to this house for a long time. If he doesn't go back, I'm afraid they will come out to look for him in person.

"Who are these people?"

The woman wiped her tears and looked at them with some doubt.

"They are my friends.

Gra introduced them one by one.

From this, I learned that Gra's mother's name was Sheila.

"Mom, how have you been these past few years?"

Back in the cabin, Gra kept asking

"Nothing happened, just like before."

Sila answered gently.

While the mother and son were talking, Yunye's eyes were on the dilapidated wooden house.

The walls were made of wooden boards. Because of the humidity of Whale Island, the wooden boards were already a little moldy.

This also caused the risk factor of the entire wooden house to increase extremely.

Once a stronger storm or wild beasts were encountered, accidents were likely to occur.

"Lai Ke."

Yun Ye called Lai Ke over and whispered something in his ear.

He nodded, took the knife and left the house, heading deep into the jungle.

Soon, a large area of landslides sounded.

"What happened!"

Gra quickly stood up and looked around.

"It's okay."

Yunye motioned him to sit down and explained the situation.

"The boss is still very careful!"

Because of his excitement, Gra obviously forgot some details.

In the distance, Lecter was already carrying seven or eight trees more than ten meters high and walking towards him.

The spectacular appearance made the small animals on the side dare not even approach


Seven or eight huge pieces of wood were suddenly placed on the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

Leck's eyes slightly opened, and he instantly drew out the long knife from his waist.

In an instant, the trees in front of him turned into small pieces of trees of uniform size and neatly arranged.

It was just enough to repair the cabin and expand it to a certain extent.

Gra also raised his sleeves and began to help.

Yunye was also not idle. He controlled the black shadow to buy a lot of useful materials.

And Killua was responsible for hunting on the side and preparing the next ingredients.

From sunrise to sunset, after everyone's concerted efforts, a brand new wooden villa appeared in the field of vision.

Compared with the past, it was just a pin for a villa, completely new.

At the same time, Killua came over dragging the body of a brown bear.

A bonfire feast is about to begin.

Shira's craftsmanship is indeed not covered. The roasted meat made several people unable to stop eating.

It's almost catching up with the level of gourmet hunters.

It's still the same saying, masters are among the people.

After everyone had eaten, it was already evening.

"Let's go back and rest."

Yun Ye saw that it was getting late and asked everyone to rest.

When they returned to the room, Silla was watching a brand new TV.

The cabin was about to collapse, not to mention such a high-end thing as a TV.

"Mom, it's time to go to bed. Come back tomorrow."

Gela said helplessly.

Finally, under everyone's persuasion, Silla returned to her room to sleep.

"Let’s go see Xiaojie tomorrow."

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