Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the entertainment circle is my latest chapter of [Rebirth]!

The cake is exquisite and small, with small leaves made of chocolate and plump cherries on top of the cream. When the wind blew, the candle flame was blown up and down, almost extinguished. Cen Feng subconsciously reached out to block the wind.

The candle burned silently between his palms, with a shallow temperature, melting the coldness of the phalanx.

He looked down at Xu Zhexing, and for a long time he whispered, "Your birthday?"

Xu Jiexing lied with no heart and heartbeat: "Yes! But I was the only one in my family. I didn't even know who to buy with me when I bought the cake. Fortunately, you were there."

She smiled happily and sincerely. Cen Feng had no doubts and accepted this reason. He glanced at the gradually burning candle and reminded: "Then wish."

Xu Jiexing nodded and closed his eyes slightly. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and looked at Cen Feng radiantly: "Brother, you can make three wishes for your birthday. I made two. , There seems to be no other wishes. I will give you the rest of the wishes, OK? "

Cen Feng was stunned.

Xu Zhexing urged: "Hurry up, the candle is about to burn out, make a wish!"

Cen Feng closed his eyes subconsciously.

The brain is blank.

What wish?

Will the wishes come true?

If the wish can be fulfilled ...

He hoped never to have been in this world.

Turned into a stone, a tree, even if it is a wind that blows away, as long as it is not a person, everything is good.

But he has no choice, this world has never given him the opportunity to choose. He also struggled hard and wanted to live a good life.

He had really believed that the future would be better.

It is the world who told him time and time again, do n’t be delusional, it will never be good.

When I was young, I thought that as long as you are obedient and eat less, your father will like him, but he is still greeted by endless beatings.

Later, the man went to prison, he was free, he thought he would not be beaten at least in the orphanage, but because he was the murderer's son, countless violent bullying was waiting for him.

The teacher told him, Cen Feng, you have to laugh more, smile more, and then someone will like you and be willing to adopt you.

So he endured the pain all over his clothes and bent the corner of his mouth obediently.

Later, a couple actually adopted him. The day they came to take him home, they changed him into warm and soft clothes, and brought him a lot of cookies and sugar. At that time, he thought that it would be different.

But in that family, there was another brother who had nothing to do with him.

Brother didn't like him, Cen Feng knew from the first moment he stepped into that house.

He was too familiar with that disgusting look.

He lived cautiously in this family. He didn't dare to speak loudly, his footsteps didn't dare to be heavy, he didn't fight for anything, but his older brother, two years old, still hated him.

In the middle of the night, he secretly urinated on his bed, tore off his homework, and the boys in the school pressed him into the toilet bowl.

Young malice doesn't make any difference. Adults can never imagine how malicious a child can be.

Cen Feng couldn't talk to his adoptive parents, what their most precious son had done to themselves. They adopted themselves for food and clothing, and sent him to school. They were kind to him and he could not destroy this home.

The adoptive parents think that those are just two children's petty things. When the children grow up, they will pass.

They didn't understand why he wanted to escape this home.

Until he was discovered by Zhongtian's scouts, he didn't care to be an improper star. For a fifteen-year-old boy, he left the place like silent **** and was willing to give anything.

But until I became a trainee, I realized that it was just a jump from one **** to another. Everyone here is a competitor, friends will betray you, and the Brotherhood will step on your head and climb up for the opportunity to debut.

He did not retreat.

The adoptive parents have cut off contact with him because he dropped out as a trainee.

This is the way he chose, he has to prove it to himself, to show the world.

He also gritted his teeth and refused to lose.

But what is the result?

It was reality that gave him one slap after another, hitting him until he was sober.

Looking back at him all the way back now, it's ridiculous to make people laugh.

The reality is telling him constantly, don't work hard, it's useless. Stop chasing, you can't chase the beautiful ones. People like you are not worthy of being born with light.

And he did not believe, he went forward and again and again, ran, reached out, tried to touch the light, and finally fell into the abyss.

So now, there is no longer hope.

He accepted his fate.

Without chasing, there will be no pain, without hope, there will be no disappointment. Everything good is a false illusion, the sugar that lures him, the hand that pulls him into the abyss, the poison that breaks the bowel and erodes the bones.

He will not be fooled again.

Cen Feng opened his eyes.

Xu Zhexing couldn't prevent it from crashing into his cold eyes, and was shuddered by the sharp and sharp chill.

In just a moment, Cen Feng withdrew his hand protecting the candle and took two steps back, full of indifference and exclusion: "I have no wish."

He turned around and left.

Xu Zixing was at a loss for a while and was stunned.

Cen Feng walked two steps and stopped. He looked up at the empty street, and after a few seconds, turned and walked back. Xu Zhaixing was still stunned, looking at him blankly.

Hearing him ask, "How do you go home?"

She stuttered and said, "Take a taxi."

Cen Feng looked indifferent: "Come with me."

Xu Zhexing held the cake and kept up with him.

Going to the street and waiting for two minutes, when a taxi passed, Cen Feng beckoned the car and helped her pull the car door: "Get in the car."

Xu Zixing had no resistance in front of Aidou, who was fully open in the aura, shivering and crawling up the car. After climbing halfway, thinking of something, I quickly turned around and handed the cake over: "Brother, you haven't eaten the cake yet."

Cen Feng frowned, as if impatient: "Don't eat."

Xu Zhexing was still not stubborn, and whispered, "It's very sweet, can you try a bite? Just a bite ..."

She looked at Cen Feng's expression and wondered that she might be killed.

As a result, Cen Feng stretched out a finger and scraped the cake quickly, then put it on his lips and licked it.

He said, "Alright?"

Xu Xingxing was content and sat on the car holding the cake. While the driver hadn't started yet, he asked pitifully by picking up the door: "Brother, can I still come to hear you singing next time?"

Cen Feng looked down at her, his eyes dark and unclear: "I haven't been here since the snowstorm warned recently."

Xu Jiexing quickly nodded: "Oh, okay! That brother, you should pay attention to your body and take care of yourself. When the weather gets warmer, I will come to you again!"

Cen Feng did not answer.

When the car started, she reluctantly looked back at the car door, and saw the teenager standing upright. The shadow was pulled long by the street lamp, and cast coldly on the ground.

Her eyes were a little sour and she waved her hand slightly and said softly, "Brother, happy birthday."

The car drove halfway, and Xu Yan's phone came over and reprimanded her as soon as I connected: "I went to the company to sign a document, and you are gone? I didn't tell you not to go out of the snowstorm warning tonight?"

Xu Zhaixing quickly acknowledged his mistake: "I will be back soon. I will go out and buy a cake, and I will get home soon!"

Xu Yan stroked his forehead with headache, and went to the entrance to change shoes: "I'll wait for you downstairs."

Ten minutes later, Xu Jiexing jumped out of the car holding the cake and shook the cake in his hand in Xu Yan's suspicion: "I am greedy, sorry."

Xu Yan glanced her indifferently, "Run again next time, I will tell your mother."

Xu Dixing said: "Brother, how old are you and still make small reports? Can people still have some basic trust?"

This girl talks back and forth. Xu Yan was about to strike her head with a warning, but turned her head and saw that the girl's face was smiling, but her eyes were low.

He changed from knocking to rubbing and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Zhexing ran over and pressed the elevator: "Ah? It's alright. Hurry and go, it's cold."

If she didn't say it, he wouldn't ask.

After returning to the house, Xu Zhexing took out the cake, squatted on the side of the coffee table and ate and ate with a spoon. When Xu Yan went to the bathroom to take a shower, she was in that posture. After washing, she was still in that posture. She didn't even change her look, and she looked a little bored.

Xu Yan wiped her hair and walked over to ask her: "Will you go to the company with me tomorrow?"

Xu Jiexing seemed to be stunned for a while before he realized what he said and nodded: "Okay, then I'll set an alarm clock."

Xu Yan didn't say anything, smiled: "Go to bed and go to bed early."

The next morning, Xu Jiexing sleepily climbed onto Xu Yan's Big Ben.

Xingchen's office is located in the city center. Although it is not a whole building like the other big companies, the newly built office building has been rented from the first to the seventh floor.

Although the company is small, the facade is sufficient, which is also conducive to the signing of artists and cooperation with the management.

As soon as he reached the door, the security guard greeted him: "Mr. Xu."

Xu Yan nodded gently and came all the way. The younger sister at the front desk, the auntie cleaning and the employees who were rushing to check in all greeted in unison: "Mr. Xu.

For the first time, Xu Zhexing came to the entertainment company he helped to marvel at everything. In just half a year, Xu Yan was able to achieve the company's scale, and he is indeed the big brother of the future.

She was looking around, and the people around her were looking at her.

The company's internal group soon chatted:

——Mr. Xu brought a super young little sister to the company!

-Is that called young? That's called small. The baby fat hasn't faded yet. I look at most fifteen.

——It looks so cute, so big eyes!

——Is it a newly signed artist? Did Mr. Xu say to whom? I lack this type of men, don't rob me with anyone.

——Sister Su, you have changed. You also said that I was your only baby last night.

——There is a shortage of this type in the circle now. Where did Mr. Xu find the treasure? Brother Yun, aren't you going to take Jinjin to try Guo Dao's play today? Ask Mr. Xu to bring this little girl together, which is quite in line with the set of the play.

——It ’s hard to say if people sign or not, I ’ll go to Xu ’s office to ask.


Xu Yan saw Xu Zhexing looking east and west, excited, and no longer last night's downfall. He finally felt relieved. I went to the custom elevator and said to her: "I'm going to a morning meeting. You can just stroll around and get familiar with it. Later, I will introduce the company's employees and artists to you."

Xu Zhexing waved his hand: "No, don't use it. I will introduce it when I graduate and come to the company. Go ahead, I'll go shopping by myself."

Xu Yan nodded and got off the elevator. Xu Zhexing rubbed his hands expectantly and decided to punch down from the seventh floor.

On the sixth and seventh floors are the offices of Xu Yan and several agents. Xu Jiexing walked around the seventh floor, and there was no one. Then he walked down the safety stairs to the sixth floor.

There are many posters hanging on the corridor on the sixth floor, all of which are artists signed by the company. Xu Jiexing is very interested in this and looks at each one.

In addition to the few artists she recommended to Xu Yan in the planning book, Xu Yan also signed five people, three men and two women, all very young, and they are very good at playing.

The poster on the beginning was a black, straight girl with a pure and well-behaved appearance. She smiled very sweetly at the camera. In the future, she called her first love face. The signature on the poster was Zhao Jinjin.

Xu Zhexing was looking at it with interest. The elevator door next to it opened, and a girl wearing sunglasses led the two assistants out, and said angrily as she walked: "What does Ma Zhe mean? Brother Yun brought the new follower I ’m going to audition together? It ’s not that when the artists were grouped, I chose to go to Yunge group instead of him, did he hate me? Dare to block my way, hum, what ’s the newcomer, the group said Yet?"

The assistant hurriedly replied: "There is no news yet, President Xu and they will go to the meeting early."

The girl sneered: "When I first came to the company, I put my hand to me. I was really bullied? I want to see what a big face like a ghost, a snake, and a ghost, Mr. Xu personally received a great deal? I am not Mr. Xu. of?"

Just finished, I saw a pretty girl not far away, staring at her poster with an inexplicable smile on her face.

Zhao Jinjin stepped in and cast an inquiring look at the assistant.

The assistant quickly took out his mobile phone and flipped through the group news. He turned over the photos that he didn't know who had just taken it. After comparing them, he nodded firmly to Zhao Jinjin.

That's right! It's her!

Zhao Jinjin was instantly angry.

What do you mean by staring at my poster?

Is it provocative? ? ?

come! I am here! Come right!

She raised her voice with a sneer: "Some of the newcomers are not very capable now, but the thighs hug fast. I want to fight with me, and don't weigh myself a few pounds!"

Xu Jiexing, who turned back when he heard the voice curious: Who is this pretty lady with long legs and thin waists scolding?

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