
In an instant, a gray talisman fell from the sky, bursting open from the space behind Shen Lingshuang, sealing the void and solidifying the space!

The speed of Liuli holy sword has become 90% slower! But the point of the sword is only five feet away from Shen Lingshuang, so close at hand!

Swipe~! Bang~!

A purple red fire light and a blazing dragon shadow flashed past, and the colored glaze holy sword was blown away!

Everyone was shocked, and a silver robe appeared in the Qiyuntai. A pair of purple phoenix wings flapped behind him. He hugged Shen Lingshuang, who was still in shock with one hand, and his left shoulder was bloody.

Shih~! Boom~! With a red spear in hand, the power of the silver robe has skyrocketed!

When that young and white face looked towards Dongfang Yao, a violent and surprising murderous aura emerged!

"I'm fucking Dongfang Yao of your mother, you are courting death?"

Lin Chen blocked Shen Lingshuang behind him, and Long Ying rushed towards Dongfang Yao with a red spear in his hand. Angrily hit Dongfang Yao's top of the head.

"Wait for little friend Lin Chen!"

Sage of Fengquan and Sage of Yimei immediately stopped in front of Lin Chen and Dongfang Yao.

"My little friend, it is true that he violated the rules, but you can't punish him."

Sage of Fengquan immediately advised, but there was shock in his heart!

The sword just now couldn't even keep up with Saint, this kid's speed and methods are simply outrageous!

He didn't know what means he used to intercept the holy sword, and then he quickly rushed to Shen Lingshuang!

"Dongfang Yao, you violated the rules and you took a sneak attack after the game. The Rainbow Island quota you currently have is abolished!"

The One Eyebrow Sage solemnly announced the result, and the audience Uproar!

The abolition of the quota, which means that the quota obtained by Dongfang Yao's four-game winning streak in the primary election is no longer valid, unless someone wins the top ten in the future and allocates the extra spots to Dongfang Yao.

Dongfang Yao is gloomy, but Lin Chen murderous aura rushing to the sky!

at the crucial moment, really at the crucial moment!

Lin Chen's reaction, if he takes a tenth of a breath slower, Shen Lingshuang will have to die on the Qiyuntai.

This bastard obviously couldn't afford to lose. After losing, he deliberately retaliated.

Shen Lingshuang's last wave of decisive surprise attacks, even after dozens of punches, only severely wounded him, but did not kill him.

After this person lost, he wanted Shen Lingshuang's life!

In the face of Fengquan Saint, Lin Chen suddenly smiled.

"Hehe, how can this be fair? His sneak attack is a trick of my discipline, so he should also receive my move sneak attack."

His laughter, Extremely cold, like a hell demon without emotion.

"The conference does not have this rule. We have already punished him accordingly. For this accident, on behalf of the Heaven Ranking Conference, I would like to apologize to you sincerely."

It is rare for the Spring Sage to be softened, and Lin Chen did not continue to pursue it for the time being.

Now I have not broken the power of authority.

Lin Chen put away his red spear and looked plain.

"Dongfang Yao, right, your life, I want it."

"hmph! boasted shamelessly, you just have to move the method a little faster, what do you take with this Young Master Fight, you can hide behind the woman and bark screaming!"

Dongfang Yao sneered. He recognized Shen Lingshuang's strength, but it didn't mean that Lin Chen could also fight him!

Lin Chen disinclined to pay attention to this mad dog, staring at Shen Lingshuang.

"Is it all right? Is there any injury?"

Shen Lingshuang shook her head, glanced at the wound on Lin Chen's shoulder, lowered her head, and the slender jade finger was twisted together, like She opened her mouth like doing something wrong—"Yes...I'm sorry, Master, Lingshuang did something wrong. If she didn't keep her hands..."

Lin Chen squeezed her delicate face, said with a smile: "You did nothing wrong, and no one can predict the outcome of each choice. It is your judgment that you did not kill him."

"No one knows that he will sneak attack after the game is over. You, what if he didn’t sneak attack you? Besides, it’s not a good thing to kill. Master would rather you stay alive without killing."

Shen Lingshuang hugged Lin Chen and shook her head like A rattle—"No, Lingshuang promises that there will be no next time! I don't want the Master to be hurt!"

The top ten of this second battle ended in a sigh.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Chen approached the Qiyuntai because of saving Shen Lingshuang, and was able to release the Dragon Emperor to wipe out all the attribute light balls in one net, and his strength soared again!

Qiyuntai's attribute light orbs are mostly strengthened. With this wave of looting attribute light orbs, Lin Chen gained 2.91 million strengthening points in one go!

Secondly, there are a few geniuses who are wary of Lin Chen.

The speed he exploded is extremely terrifying and tricky. It is not at all the speed that a Three Tribulation Battle Sovereign should have!

And the people of 100 Holy Sect have become objects that everyone despise. Although there is no words on the surface, the eyes cast on them secretly are full of contempt.

Especially Dongfang Yao, the poor character of this person has been seen by everyone, and he is truly ruined!

The next top ten matches, there are eight more games, in turn, the genius list has changed many times!


Divine flame palace, boudoir in the palace.

A red robe is as beautiful as a fire, and the beautiful lady lifts the snowy white jade legs, raising the list and taking a closer look.

"What's the matter with this little girl, Lingshuang, she has been on the 10099 ranking. She doesn't have the strength to reach this level. Could it be that..."

Qin——"The news of Lin Chen appeared in the Southern Region, and the Heaven Ranking Conference was also held on Qiyun Island in the Southern Region. Could it be because of...Lin Chen?"



There is a strange silence in the Qiyuntai.

At the moment when Liu Quanying, who was only 10288 on the list of the day, was severely injured by a sword and shouted for surrender, a gradually raised star shocked the audience!

Grade 5 sect geniuses such as Hongtian Hall, Hundred Holy Sect, and Sun Moon Hall showed fearful eyes.

Mai youth holds three feet azure edge, sword edge into the sheath, and leaves, like a cultivator of painstaking cultivation, walking the world to experience.

At this time, a brand new name is on the holy light list.

10288 on the genius list·Ling Jian!

This person is the only one who has gone from a ranking of more than 30,000 to the top ten!

"This is the biggest dark horse in the audience..."

The genius of Hongtian Temple showed violent fighting intent and grinned.

The White-robed Young Master of the Sun Moon Palace frowned—"The person who can defeat Liu Yingquan with one move, among the geniuses present, can count with one hand."

Lin Chen looked solemnly, and looked at each other with Ning Qingxuan, and they both saw the trouble in their eyes.

If nothing happens, this Ling Jian is one of the strongest geniuses in the audience!

"Now, the top ten quotas have been born, please choose the person who wants to use the quota by yourself, and then give it to me."

The Fengquan Sage declared that he won the top ten The talented geniuses raised their hands and shot out a stream of light.

Shen Lingshuang naturally chose Lin Chen.

The Fengquan Sage stretched out his hand and grabbed the name of Guanghua Middle School. After reading it, the complexion slightly changed.

He frowned and looked at the Young Master in white at the Sun Moon Palace, who smiled: "Senior, does Junior violate the rules?"

"There really is no violation of the rules..."

The list of Fengquan Sages is announced, and the result is startled!

One of the two additional quotas obtained by the Sun Moon Palace was actually used by Dongfang Yao!

This operation shocked many geniuses!

Will the invincible Sun Moon Palace take the initiative to associate with other forces?

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