The Lin Chen now has a vicious and fierce temperament between his eyebrows.

Lin Chen doesn't like killing, but he never relents in the face of enemies. If others want to hit his idea, the murderousness hidden in his heart is gradually showing!

"It seems that this time I can use full firepower!"

Severe light crossed Lin Chen's eyes.

Lin Chen blasted all kinds of geniuses and gained 91 intermediate innate talent points. Not only did he make up for the cost of using the "light and split shadow", he also earned dozens of points!

Before, Lin Chen would not easily use'Blinking Light Splitting' because of the consumption of orange-level innate talent.

But this time he can do it with full firepower!

Because the attribute values ​​dropped by these peak genius are very impressive, the innate talent points are not afraid to run out!

"Instantly killed 21, and then killed 4, only 6 people really ran away."

Lin Chen frowned, in a way, the previous encounters The red robe young man in the Temple of Heaven is extremely strong.

'Monarch Overlooking The Whole World''superimposed' instant light split shadow' failed to kill him, and he even had room to escape in the hands of Lin Chen!

"Master, the collection of all the rings is complete."

Shen Lingshuang was holding ten rings in excitement.

"Let's go and go to the location of the Rainbow Bridge."

The three of them flashed and rushed to the direction of the Rainbow Bridge.

On the way through, Lin Chen encountered seven or eight teams along the way. Most of them were the same as the geniuses of Profound Domain, lest they would not gain any single-player action, and form a team.

There are also powerful lone rangers, all rushing in the direction of the yellow rainbow flyover.

As the Lin Chen entire group was approaching the thousands of miles of the Rainbow Skybridge, a Battle Qi green mountain of several hundred zhang was like Mount Tai crushing the top, suddenly suppressed from the top of the entire group!

"There is a sneak attack? Master, I'll come!"

Shen Ling's body guards against the scared rainbow, her fist is like a dragon, and she strikes out in anger!

Shih~! Bang~!

The green hills are broken, exploding into the aftermath.

"Lin Chen, what else can you do besides hiding behind a woman? Except for Ning Fairy today, your master and disciple are going to die today!"

Reverberating Sunday.

Twelve silhouettes float in the air, coming from the east, overlooking Lin Chen and the others.

The young Master of Tsing Yi headed by, the handsome white face was twisted and hideous with anger, said with a malicious smile — "This time, I want to see who can help you, a woman hiding The waste behind."

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, "Oh? Dongfang Yao, you brought it to your door."

Dongfang Yao, 10099 on the genius list, is in the super first class. Among the geniuses is also at the Peak level!

These twelve geniuses are all the geniuses of Hundred Holy Sect!

enemies on a narrow road! How long did the two sides enter the Rainbow Island, they encountered it immediately!

Ning Qingxuan is calm, standing beside Lin Chen, no matter what happens, she will choose to stand beside Lin Chen.

"Master, I will blow him up again."

Shen Lingshuang is gearing up.

Lin Chen reached out to stop her-"little girl, let me come, you go to deal with other people"

Lin Chen's fighting intent was writhing in his heart, but he was more vigilant.

Dongfang Yao once lost to Shen Lingshuang, he would not have expected that he would send Shen Lingshuang to deal with him.

"He took such a confident move against us, he may come up with a stronger killer than before when he played against Shen Lingshuang. If so, Lingshuang can't take a risk."

Lin Chen's Avatars are running'Extreme Return to Origin', fully armed!

"Asura Jiuhuang change·8th layer change!"

Lin Chen's handprint changed, Battle Qi skyrocketed, and temporarily climbed to a realm that is no less inferior to the Four Tribulations Battle Sovereign!

"Rainbow flyover has appeared, Senior Brother, do it quickly."

"Everyone, kill them, let these guys see our 100 Holy Sect..."

Dongfang Yao hasn't finished speaking, and a sense of crisis covers his heart!

【Consume 10 points of advanced talisman energy to activate Level 6 days of hiding, charging, and penetrating rune. 】

Dongfang Yao subconsciously motivates his own'Tianyin Blood Armor'!

clang! clang! clang!

Four throwing knives are like streamers of lore, slashing the blood-colored armor without warning!

The blade glow made a deep knife mark, and Dongfang Yao was blown away thousands of meters away, hit the mountain peak, and shattered a piece.

"Senior Brother Dongfang?"

"Sneak attack! Hit me!"

The 11 geniuses of the Hundred Holy Sect suddenly furious, facing Lin Chen and the others raided away!

"Blue Ocean Flood Dragon!"

Three geniuses violent three blue sea dragons, Battle Qi giant waves are sent head-on, and the giant dragons in the sea slaughter everyone.

Shen Lingshuang body turned into a faint startled rainbow, a whip leg ignited the red flames, and the three-headed blue dragon was torn at her waist!

"I won't let you disturb the Master!"

Shen Lingshuang fights three geniuses with one battle and three geniuses!

"Sneak attack?"

Dongfang Yao raised his eyebrows and glared, gnashing teeth. Pull out his eighth rank holy sword from the body!

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, this flying knife formidable power would be enough to hurt him seriously if he was caught in a sneak attack without defensive means!

"For someone like you who sneak attack my discipline after the war, should I still fight you fairly?"

Lin Chen sneered and saw his eighth rank The armor quickly activated the phantom rune, which made up for the weak state of'Avatar' using Jueying's four bursts.

"Qingxuan, be careful, just postpone them."

Lin Chen exhorted, flapped the Saint Phoenix Wings, and the Dragon Transformation shadow, as if shocked and shocked. Dongfang Yao's area!

"White Shark Knife Wave!"

"Sword Bite!"

Seven geniuses exhibited their stunts, and many half-orange battle skills poured like torrents I want to stop Lin Chen!

The five avatars stepped on the dragon flash, charged the rune and the innate talents of the'instant light and shadows' in full display, face-to-face confrontation with the seven geniuses in a group!

In the sky, there are only the devastatingly beautiful Hundred Holy Sect women who are like snow jade trees, and Ning Qingxuan.

"As long as you kill you...Senior Brother will change his mind. It is your presence that obsessed the Senior Brother and die!"

The woman's killing intent is revealed, fingertips Swaying, the Battle Qi wind swept across the wild!

"Thousand Winds and Fury!"

The woman released dozens of ink-colored Battle Qi hurricanes, which enveloped Ning Qingxuan.

Her strength, second only to Dongfang Yao.

Ning Qingxuan is calm, the slender jade hand traverses the colorful brilliance, and points a little, a five-color finger light smashes the ink-colored Battle Qi hurricane on the front!

Ning Qingxuan's strength is far more than just superficial ranking.

On the other side; two extremely fast flashing rays of light collided together, confronting again and again, wherever they passed, the air flow emptied, the vitality exploded, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and many of them passed by The genius nearby!

One of the rays of light exudes a terrifying Devouring Power from time to time. The sword light flashes like a sky, swallowing all obstacles when it flashes.

A little bit of red stab, Lin Chen stabs his spear, like Spear Art, like a mad bee, rushing out again and again, every time a charged stab shoots out Yutian Seventh Gold Qi!

"This kid is really fast, but wanting to suppress me with speed is the most stupid choice!"

Dongfang Yao sneered, and the speed of the sword technique has skyrocketed!

clang! clang! clang!

The invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable Golden Tribulation is swallowed by the scarlet sword light every time, and the guns and swords collide like two giant dragons in a confrontation So!

Lin Chen meets Dongfang Yao, it can be described as "enemies meet", he is extremely jealous, since the shot is murderous intention, both sides want to do it quickly!

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