Time goes back to when the yellow rainbow flyover just appeared.

Qiyun Island; inside the venue.

The remaining more than 40,000 geniuses, more than 200 Ancient One, Saints, and the incident of Hongtian Temple came back to his senses.

In addition to the Hongtian Temple, there are two other geniuses whose names are dim during this period, but no new names are on top.

Either die in danger, or die at the hands of a genius ranked higher than them.

On the list of holy light, every disappearance of a name represents the fall of an extremely talented from 36 domains!

This is the path chosen by Heaven's Chosen Child. The geniuses who can live on Rainbow Island will open up a lot of others even if they become holy in the future!

But there are waves of accidents!

The holy light list starts to float again at a high speed!

"What's the situation? Here again?"

"This time it is the genius of Profound Realm...My grass!"

The geniuses and the Saints were stunned!

The list of disappeared geniuses has started to increase again!

More names disappeared from the holy light list this time! Of the 20,500 to 21,300 geniuses, 13 disappeared in one go!

13 peak genius fell all at once!

It’s not over yet!

After that, there were 12 more names that dimmed. They were 19,300 to 19,700 geniuses!

On the holy light list, it replaced two new names and ranked at the forefront of the disappeared names.

"19307 on the list of geniuses, superb craftsmanship, true virtue leader. Belonging to: Dark Horse Club."

"19301 on the list of geniuses, a master of swordsmanship and true virtue, belonging: Dark Horse Clubhouse."

"19,300 on the genius list, Heavenly God, Lin Chen, belongs to: Dark Horse Clubhouse."

Everyone's scalp exploded!

Kill 25 geniuses instantly?

The corners of the Saints’ mouths trembled...

It's the dark horse club again!

Lan Ruoxue and Mo Qing are regarded as their pupils trembling.

This scene is too shocking and too familiar!

That day, Cangyue Secret Realm, when the name "Black Horse Club" was first sounded in the 36th Domain of the Holy Realm, it was the same!

History is surprisingly similar!

How long has it been since then? It’s been less than five months from the Cang Yue Secret Realm to the Heaven Ranking Conference!

It took only five months to kill more than 90,000 geniuses on the genius list, then to instantly kill more than 20,000 geniuses, or even more than 19,000 geniuses!

The growth rate of the Dark Horse Club is unprecedented!

"But, how is this possible? Even the genius of Grade 5 sect can't kill 25 peak genius instantly!"

"It's one thing to beat it. If you want to escape, it must be no problem!"

The geniuses trembled in horror, and their minds were once blanked!

"It is him, Imperial Father, it is him!"

Yue Qingli and Yue Youlan stood up excitedly, tears flashing in the corners of the eyes of the two sisters.

Zhen Deshuai has taken a shot! Prove that he has no life worry!

"My God, actually killed 25 geniuses, it is Heavenly God who descended from the world..."

The lord’s teeth trembled in shock,

There is a hunch that the Rainbow Island at this time will be brewing an unprecedented horrible storm!

"This is too outrageous...Is it possible to kill dozens of geniuses than 20,000?"

"I still don’t believe it, after all, Rainbow Island is too dangerous. Now, maybe this dark horse clubhouse is just picking up bargain..."

"Do you have a pit in your head? Can you pick up bargain once or twice? This is obviously the great generosity of dark horse clubhouse!"

The geniuses who stayed to observe have a lot of excitement and quarrels!

"My discipline is also dead?"

Some Ancient Ones were a little hysterical because of the fall of their dísciple, such as prepare for there funeral.

Some holy realms are also panicked!

"Well, the geniuses of our Profound Domain this year are weak. We originally asked them to form a team and twist them into a rope. We worked together to find opportunities. Didn't expect was killed by more than half!"

"It's over, kill like this, this dark horse club is crazy!"

"Fuck, bastard, what are they doing to mess with the dark horse club!"


With Saint's experience, it is natural to think out more details. Even if facing the geniuses of Grade 5 sect, if the 31 geniuses of Xuanyu want to run, the opponent can't stop a few people.

The only probability is that the geniuses of Xuanyu take the initiative to fight!

Undoubtedly, combined with the genius of the Hongtian Temple, the people in the Dark Horse Club have this ability to instantly kill them!

Just like the beginning of a blood screen, a few hours after the opening of the yellow rainbow flyover, the fierce quarrels in Qiyun Island have not stopped, and the holy light list has once again ushered in a lot of changes.

Swipe~! Brush~! Brush~!

A lot of names have dimmed, this time the speed is much fiercer than before!

Whether it is the holy realm, the geniuses, the sect Ancient Ones, staring at the rolling death list, the scalp is tingling!

Yes, it's the real scalp tingling! Forty names dimmed in this tone, and the momentum has not stopped!

"It's crazy! It must be crazy!"

"What's the matter, is this a Sacred Beast crisis? How many geniuses have fallen at the same time!"

" p>

"Look, the geniuses who fell this time are all from the barbaric domain! The names of other barbaric domain geniuses have gradually faded. This must be seriously injured!"

They were shocked and trembling, and lost their voices in shock.

"No, my sons of the barbaric domain! You are the hope of the new generation to regain the territory!"

Several Ancient One from the barbaric domain roared heartbreakingly , Eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, killing intent riot!

"No, there is a new name to replace it!"

Among the rapidly fading names, everyone clearly witnessed several names like arrows from the string, rushing to the top peak!

"16665 on the list of geniuses, a sword-dominant, true virtue."

"15001 on the list of geniuses, Pill Saint, true virtue."

"13136 Heavenly God on the genius list, Lin Chen!"


Weird silence!

I don't know which man squeezed a word from his teeth.

"It's crazy, it's all crazy..."


Xuanyu, Xuanhuang monument.

Boom~! A starry sky exploded, Wan Daoguang's light shattered, Heaven and Earth trembled, and the sea rolled up. The ten thousand zhang high mysterious yellow stone tablet permeated the atmosphere of primitive vicissitudes and absorbed the surging energy aftermath.

"hahaha, Old Guy, you are getting stronger and stronger."

"You are not bad, you always have thousands of rounds to tell the winner. "

Two men with pride and passion, wearing one blade one sword, step out from in the sky.

These two are actually the sword saint and the sword saint!

"Unless we fight a decisive battle, we will win and lose. It seems that you and I divided into high and low, we have to leave it on the shoulders of our mutual discipline."

The two shook hands and smiled at each other.

At this time, golden light appeared in the Gold List in the arms of the two, unanimously showing a single view of the list.


"My discipline fell on Rainbow Island?"

"Xiang'er is dead? What's the matter?"


Many domain, the mountain range is winding and straight, like an angry dragon lying down, like a tiger with teeth, imposing manner majestic.

The barbaric domain is inhabited by a large number of beasts and a large number of beast families. The war between the beasts and the Human Race has continued for thousands of years.

The Barbaric Domain is the weakest area of ​​the Human Race civilization in the Holy Realm, and it has almost become the territory of the beasts.

Above the mountain, the five silhouettes stand with their hands behind their hands. They are three feet tall and stand like a giant. They are shining with a dozen holy lights that are as bright as stars, like a Sacred Beast transforming into a human, breaking into the void!

"In the past hundreds of thousands of years, our Human Race has become weaker and weaker. This time we finally have a group of shocking and stunning geniuses!"

"haha, that group of little ones! Fellow dare to fight and kill, I will definitely bring back new opportunities for my wild domain..."

Suddenly, the golden light is gorgeous, and the five silhouettes unanimously took out the Gold List to check the status of the genius list.

After a while...


"My wild domain has lost dozens of geniuses!"

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