Many geniuses are arrogant, it can be said that the atmosphere is extremely tense, Lin Chen's core method has been strengthened successfully?

"hahaha! It's cool, it's so cool, come on! Nangong is destroyed, do you want to fight again?"

Someone Lin used the Nine Tribulations Battle Qi to condense into a nine 'Less basketball', there was a wave of'crotch dribble' in front of Nangong Mie!

This man is so cheap!

How did he live so far without being beaten to death?

After the core method +15, Lin Chen clearly felt that the origin of the Nine Tribulations had soared and doubled, and another shot of the "Nine Tribulations Stars" would not regress the cultivation base! That being the case, why not let go and threaten him?

Lin said with a smile: "Aren’t you very hanging? Come on, I want to see if you can protect yourself. I don’t know if you can protect you all day. Moon Palace?"

Lin Chen awakened everyone!

Yes, the people of Sun Moon Palace may not be able to protect them from the destruction of Nangong!

If you come back to the previous moment, come to either the fish dies or the net splits, how many people will the genius of the Sun Moon Palace have to die?

After that, Lin's eyes swept away, and the geniuses of the Sun Moon Palace dared not speak.

"This kid’s core method formidable power has skyrocketed by a large amount. I want to come to his ultimate move to be related to his core method, otherwise this kid would dare to be so arrogant, damn it, should he bet on the Master The killing move left for everyone......"

When Nangong was hesitant to kill, the woman in the Lianxin Palace took Lin Chen and retreated!


Sun Yueer released the bloody poisonous cloud of several hundred zhang in one go, and all the geniuses complexion slightly changed!

It turns out that Jiang Yun has been letting Sun Yue'er brew this mortal trick!

"Not good, retreat, this toxin is no small thing!"

Nangong Mie waved his hand, Hundred Holy Sect and the geniuses of Sun Moon Palace retreated and retreated, Lin Chen entire group borrowed This cover evacuated to the other side.

"Want to escape?"

Dongfang Yao murderous aura rushing to the sky, to catch up, Nangong Mie waved his hand--"Don’t worry. Our goal is not just him. After completing our purpose, we will work together to concoct him again! Otherwise, we will have to accumulate our strength before again."

Nangong Mie’s secret sound transmission Dongfang Yao: "As long as you obey my orders, Then Ning Qingxuan must belong to you. You should know that the foundation of my Sun Moon Palace is not that simple..."

Dongfang Yao startedled and took a deep look at him, "Then I believe it. You once."

"Lin Chen, you are the first time I let Nangong kill me. Next time, it will be your death date! As long as I find that place,"

A trace of gloom crossed the eyebrows, and Nangong Mie led the geniuses to another place to the east!

All of the fifty-plus genius teams were gnashing teeth, burning with anger, but looking at the bloody poisonous cloud and recalling the nine-color light beam, they couldn't help trembling!

"Ai, forget it, don’t fight them to death. We have been fighting with the Sun Moon Palace for so long, although there is no gain, at least the Sun Moon Palace did not take down the pile concocting handprints, this is A fight without a winner, let's go!"

The headed genius comforted everyone, and more than fifty geniuses withdrew to the other side.

Lin Chen entire group retreated to the edge of the blood plain.

After repeated battles in the system, ninety-nine percent of the treasures dropped by the Rainbow Skybridge were robbed, and there was almost nothing left.

The death and retreat of the fierce beasts, the geniuses also suffered a lot of casualties.

Injuries accounted for the majority. Except for the geniuses killed by the Dark Horse Club, only two people really fell. One of them was the 30,000-ranked genius.

The severely injured Dragon King took away all the remaining attribute light balls, and against the super-class genius, just delaying time almost fell!

After all, none of the 10,300 geniuses are vegetarian.

Even if the Dragon King integrates three kinds of bloodlines, it is difficult to defeat this kind of opponent. The ultimate battle strength is at the level of more than 20,000 geniuses on the genius list.

The Dragon Emperor collected a large number of'high level blood' attribute light balls, and returned to Taoyuan to plant the capsule.

In the planting space, the dragon emperor urged myriad forms to devour divine ability, began to refining a large number of seventh rank Peak Healing Medicine Pill and swallowed 10 dragon qing fruit and a large section of red golden vine, closed Eye closed-door cultivation.

Beside the Dragon Emperor, there is a small shadow of closed-door cultivation, floating into a black cloud, surrounded by purple electricity.

Lin Chen instructed it, the silver sacred dollar coins produced by the three spirit plant every day, it can swallow one-tenth of it for cultivation.



Lin sighed deeply.

Jiang Yun thought he was sighing because he ruined the half-orange pill concocting handprint, and couldn't help but be comfortable.

"Lin Chen Young Master, you and everyone in the Dark Horse Club are already very strong. At least we didn’t get the half-orange pill concocting handprints from the Riyuedian gang. In some respects, we are already considered a victory. Now."

That's true, all the geniuses of the Sun Moon Palace are as strong as monsters. If there were no more than 50 geniuses who hadn't delayed the other 22 people, the battle would be even more dangerous!

"It's not this I sigh. I blame myself too weak. In the situation just now, if I were stronger, I might be able to drive them to a desperate situation, and it would be possible to destroy them in one fell swoop."


Lin Chen's words are amazing, and even Jiang Yun feels shocked!

Annihilated in one fell swoop? Does he want to kill Nangong in one breath?

That's the super genius in Peak Grade 5 sect... She can't even think of killing this kind of character!

"This Lin Chen Young Master is really boldness of execution stems from superb skill..."

Jiang Yun gave a wry smile in her heart, and then said with a serious tone--"Lin Chen Young Master, do you have any plans next? According to past indications, there are at least four days left before the next Rainbow Bridge may appear."

"More than four days..."

Lin Chen meditated, and said in doubt: "There is no arrangement, why, what do you have to go for? I am not familiar with this Rainbow Island."

Jiang Yun is happy.

"Whether Lin Chen Young Master is walking with us, our predecessor Palace Lord had a relationship on Rainbow Island. We need to find a cave in the deep sea. If we can find the owner of the cave, we must I can get a lot of help, but I need to go through some extremely dangerous areas in the process of going to Cave Mansion..."

When Jiang Yun and Lin Chen talked in detail, Sun Yueer moved lightly and came to' Zhen Deshuai's side asked shyly and courageously.

"That...My name is Sun Yueer, really Young Master, you are not injured, right? Grandma left me some better Healing Medicine Pill, if I don’t dislike it..."

Sun Yueer's nervous jade hand trembled, Xiaran's cheeks, her eyebrows curled up, she took out the medicine pill and secretly took a look at'Zhen Deshuai'.

In this scene, many women in the Heart Refining Palace chuckled chuckles, charming and trembling, and couldn't help but glamorous to many Avatars.

"It's okay, I don't need it. The people in our dark horse club are able to recover very quickly."

'Zhen Deshuai' politely said with a smile.

Sun Yue'er is curious: "Why?"

True Deshuai: "Because we are not human."

Sun Yueer: "..."

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