Lin Chen has no doubt that if the amount of these precious blood is large enough, there will be a realm that will allow a Battle Sovereign with the limit of body refinement to hit the realm of'the flesh and shell sanctification'!

"It's a pity, I originally wanted to leave it to myself to impact the body refinement Five Tribulations realm, but now I can't let the Dragon Emperor refining first. The task of attracting the attention of the holy shark depends mainly on the Dragon Emperor. Performance!"

After absorbing the attribute light balls dropped from the Blood Plains, the total value of Lin Chen's'high level qi and blood' attribute has exceeded 1.7 million points, and the pure power is at a critical value of 79.99 million!

However, there are only two ways to increase the formidable power of the division ability of'Tianyu Yinghai', to increase the bloodline attribute value, and the second is to enhance the user's strength.

If Lin Chen breaks through 80 million dragon power, the formidable power is almost the same as that of the dragon king, so we should give priority to improving the strength of the dragon king.

"It depends on my baby Dragon King!"

Lin Chen sighed and unlocked all the jade bottle seals. With a bang, hostility arose in the Taoyuan planting sac Monstrous power.

A low roar and roar, traveling through the ages, echoed from Lin Chen’s Taoyuan planting sac!

"Myriad forms swallow divine ability, all refine for me!"

Activate the divine ability, driven by the dragon king, swallow all the Immemorial gold luan, barbarian dragon, pure The blood of the ancient giant creatures such as Xue Suan!


The heavy qi and blood of Qianjun Wanyue turned into a blood dragon, like ten thousand volcanoes erupting in the dragon emperor's body!

Swallowing twenty bottles of precious blood in one go, even the wild genius of cream of the crop can't do it!

The surface of the dragon emperor's body oozes a faint blood stain, and there are some signs of'eating to support'.

Lin Chen Avatars all surround the Dragon King, mobilize the Bloodline Strength to maintain the Dragon King, build a'bridge'-like channel, and assist the Dragon King in refining these Qi and Blood Energy that are as violent as the sun!

A'blood dragon' condensed from violent Qi and Blood Energy was pushed into the Dragon Vein, fast refining and absorbed. At this moment, the Dragon Vein is madly open, faster than ever!

8.25 million, 8.26 million! A Dragon Vein is 10 dragon power, and the further the Dragon Vein grows, the greater its destructive power!

Avatar and the body are integrated together, with the assistance of the five major Avatars, the Dragon King’s'myriad forms swallowing divine ability' is more than ten times faster!

"It originally took about a month, so it only takes two days..."

When Lin Chen was planning to cultivation, a bright light appeared!

"Yes...Why did I try to use the enhancement function to enhance the Rain Dragon bloodline attribute value? Purple Gold Eye bloodline can be enhanced, there is no reason why this can't work!"

Lin Chen Asked the system: "system, are my other bloodline attributes?"

[system answers the host: Yes. ]

Lin Chen: "Then...what about rune and innate talent? Can it also be enhanced with enhanced functions?"

[System answer host: Not currently supported, the current version has enhanced functions Cannot be used for rune function. In addition to 100% passive enhancement with innate talent points, innate talent cannot be strengthened. 】

Lin Chen: "I have lost a loss... I have lost at least 100 million."

"If I can strengthen the rune, I strengthen the one-handed charge rune, that taste..."

Lin Chen clicks on [bloodline status bar]

[bloodline status bar: Purple Gold Eye bloodline 10,000 points (+13), Rain Dragon bloodline 3.29 million points, Azure Dragon bloodline 318 Points, Hongyan Sanhuang bloodline 47.5 million points. ]

[Consume 90 enhancement points, strengthen Rain Dragon bloodline +1 success...]

[Consume 87 enhancement points, strengthen Azure Dragon bloodline +1 success...]

[Insufficient strengthening points, start to convert 1 million blank attributes into strengthening points, and get 1 million strengthening points. ]

[Consume 2810 enhancement points, strengthen Rain Dragon bloodline +14 success...]

[Consume 2780 enhancement points, strengthen Azure Dragon bloodline +14 success...]

Lin Chen strengthened the two bloodlines to +14 in one breath. As for +15, the probability is too low.

Only 270,000 points remain for 1 million enhancement points.

The Dragon Emperor’s Angzang dragon body has actually transformed into dark green thick dragon scales, which reveals an overbearing invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

The tail section also derives blue crystal-like chips, all over the dragon tail, especially sharp, dragon claw bursts, and dragon teeth become sharper!

According to the growth brought by the enhanced functions, the +14 bloodline has increased by 320% compared to the original basis! More than tripled!

"Try to strengthen the bloodline attribute of Hongyan Saint Phoenix."

Lin Chen continued to strengthen.

【Consume 655 enhancement points to strengthen the bloodline of the Hongyan Saint Phoenix +1 success, increase: 10%. 】

Lin Chen's mouth twitches slightly. How many points are needed to strengthen Level 1?

If this is strengthened to +10, wouldn’t it cost more than 10,000?

Lin Chen continued to strengthen the points all the way, and the 270,000 points of strengthening were consumed before the bloodline of the Hongyan Saint Phoenix was strengthened to +10 level.

Sanhuang bloodline attribute, overall improvement: 110%. If Lin Chen and Dragon Sovereign use the Saint Phoenix Wings again, their speed will inevitably skyrocket.

"really strong! The innate talent at the ultimate moment cannot improve the divine ability formidable power of the Dragon King, but the enhancement function does it! All of the divine ability of the Dragon King has undergone a qualitative change!"

Lin Chen was pleasantly surprised.

Lin Chen hardly wasted a minute and a second. After strengthening the bloodline, he immediately refining a large amount of silver sacred dollar coins.

After going through round battles and the attribute values ​​dropped from the Heaven Ranking conference, Lin Chen feels that he is not far from the Four Tribulations cultivation base, and the breakthrough opportunity is just recently.

Two days later, the Dragon Emperor absorbed all the Immemorial blood sooner than Lin Chen expected!

The pure power reaches 99.99 million dragon power! Dragon Vein has opened up 9.99 million Dragon Veins, only 3 Dragon Veins are short of, and 10 million Dragon Veins can be broken through! Degenerate Sacred Dragon, ascending to the skies with a single leap!

"With five Avatars and a Dragon King, it should be able to gain enough time."

Lin Chen's thoughts flashed, and he took all the Avatars and left Taoyuan to plant the sac.

ten thousand zhang In the deep sea, a palace made of multicolored crystal jade-like rays of light is gorgeous and exudes a terrifying baleful aura. Hundreds of seventh rank Peak Peak beasts transformed into human forms are stationed here.

All the beasts passing by, keep quiet out of fear, sneak through this area. This palace is the site of the Saint You shark!

In the palace, the Water Element Spiritual Qi gathered around a huge monster like a vortex, and it was all incorporated.

Its shark body is several hundred zhang long, the blue golden marks on the body surface are intertwined, the teeth are like thorns, the fish ridges are straightened, the wings are like guillotines, and the power is like the overlord who suppresses the ocean, every time Suffering and absorbing, it will roll up a horrible air current.

Sky Saint You shark!

The fierce beast has a natural advantage. In the deep sea, the exposed body can automatically absorb the Water Element Spiritual Qi without any special control. The Saint You shark sleeps for thousands of years, and is also equivalent to automatic cultivation for thousands of years.


Suddenly, the waves rolled, and the sacred shark opened the dim-blue eyes, passing a humanized contempt.

"How dare several ants break into this king's area, and a Dragon Clan? Interesting, it seems to be a good dragon body, you can make some appetizers..."

The holy shark twisted its huge body and rushed out of the palace like a stream of swords!

"All orders, East, South, West, North four directions, there are Human Race more than 500 miles away, all of them are taken!"

Sacred Shark roared , All his subordinates led their orders, blasting out one after another seabed with afterglow.

"This Dragon Clan, give it to the king to enjoy. It is a price to dare to disturb the king's sleep."

The Saint You shark sneered and swiped. With a charge ahead, the infinite ocean current is rolled to form a vortex, and the entire seabed trembles because of it, and the speed is terrifying!

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