
The Saint You shark's pupils trembled, it was both shocked and angry, but it was suddenly taken aback in the end!

next moment, ecstasy and brutality flooded with its beast pupils!

"Dead? Hahaha! It turned out to be an empty shell, with eighth rank fierce beast core remaining!"


Behind the stone gate, A faint purple cloud drifted inside, and everyone entered a Cave Mansion.

Cave Mansion all around has a splendid and transparent water curtain, which separates the entire Cave Mansion, so that the outside sea has never poured in.

"These mists are abnormal, don't breathe!"

Suddenly, Jiang Yun and Lin Chen noticed the abnormality at the same time, but it was too late!

All the women inhaled a little bit more or less, but the most important thing is that these mists seem to penetrate human skin and enter the body directly.

Purple mist entered the body, and a group of evil fire burned from the body, stimulating the most primordial impulse.

Shen Lingshuang and Ning Qingxuan are fortunate. The former is suppressed by bloodline and has not been provoked. The latter is the core method of cultivation suppressing evil fire.

The 13 female disciples in the Palace of Refining Hearts are a little bit difficult. All of them have red cheeks, their cheeks are dyed, and their eyes are stained with water mist.

This glamorous horizontal wave, that eyebrow dai Chun Shan, this biting Zhu Dan, and that face like hibiscus, all looked towards Lin Chen in unison, all looking towards Lin Chen, all seemingly charming and beautiful.

Even Lin Chen has a bit of heart and soul, biting the tip of his tongue, and forcibly stabilizing his mind!

"Damn, wouldn't it be such a nonsense, I'm worried that the arsonist will be set on fire today by others?"

Lin Chen has been taking Long Qingguo for a long time to nourish the'Optimus Dragon' The King Spear' originally contained the purest male breath.

Furthermore, the women in the Palace of Refining the Heart had more or less good feelings for him, and as soon as he was attacked by the purple mist, they felt like pushing the boat along the water, and both psychologically and physically developed a desire.

"Lin Chen Young Master, I..."

"Whenever I see Young Master, I will fall..."

The eyes of all the girls are blurred, Bi The mist surging in the eyes, the Ying's voice whispered, and the fragrant orchid lightly spit out.

Ning Qingxuan stood quietly beside Lin Chen.

Sun Yueer looked at with blue eyes and looked for something...

A beautiful Junior Sister who was a female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts blushed and turned to Jiang Yun The tangled saying--"Jiang Yun Senior Sister, I, I seem to like Lin Chen Young Master..."

Jiang Yun bit her white teeth--"Do you like that? You are greedy for him. Body, you are scumbag!"

"No, if this continues, everyone will have to fall."

Ning Qingxuan frowned and turned to stare at the Cave Mansion, the Cave Mansion door slowly turn on.

The beautiful shadow walks out slowly, the blue long dress is like a butterfly, the person is empty and the orchid is quiet and elegant, appearing in front of everyone!

She flicked her sleeves, more than a dozen streams of light shot into everyone's body, her eyes gradually restored to sobriety and calmness and reason.

Many women still blushed, feeling ashamed of what they were just now.

"Everyone, this is the defensive method of the dreamy snails, don't be offended."

The woman bowed her waist politely, and then invited Lin Chen and the others into Cave Mansion Inside.

Cave Mansion is dreamy and gorgeous, with countless corals swaying like dancing lightly and gracefully elves. The women in the Heart Refining Palace are full of excitement and awe.

Lin Chen turned his eyes around looking for attribute light balls. There are ten high level Water Element energy attribute light balls.

In Cave Mansion, everyone sits down.

The blue clothed woman was a little sad, and said to everyone.

"Everyone, frankly, the dreamy snail you are looking for should be my mother. But she died during meditation Cave Mansion. One hundred thousand years ago, she suffered from lovesickness and suffered losses and losses. Like a knife twist, only the me in the egg is left. The beast core warms me to my birth, and the snail shell protects me, so that the Saint You shark outside does not dare to rush."

"Previously, it was not my old love token when I did not recognize my mother, but if I turn on the Cave Mansion prohibition, I may be seen through the fact that the mother died during meditation by the Saint You shark. If it knows that mother is no longer alive, this snail The Cave Mansion erected by the shell can block it for a while, but it can't stop it for a lifetime."

hearing this, the complexion of the girls slightly changed!

"Then, girl Qiluo, why do you want to open Cave Mansion!"

Jiang Yun asked anxiously.

This is a situation they did not expect. An eighth rank Sacred Beast and a life essence for tens of thousands of years, unexpectedly they would die during meditation.

The previous generations of Palace Lords of the Palace Lord of Lianxin Palace, seem to have been tortured by'suffering lovesickness', after imparting a skill, died during meditation Palace Secret Realm.

This is a straightforward sigh of what love is, a lovesickness that crosses gender and race, which eventually led to the fall of the two holy realms...

"Because of this Young Master. "

The gaze of the blue clothed woman fell on Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was taken aback!

Next, Lin said with a serious face: "Girl, what you like, my dark horse club has it!"

The faces of the women in the Refining Palace flushed.

Sun Yueer is inexplicably anxious!

Shen Lingshuang asked innocently: "Master, is there any other type like you."

"You Master is the only one in my holy world. No, the next one. "

The blue clothed woman hurriedly waved her hand—"No, no, Young Master misunderstood it, because Young Master has the air luck planting pouch..."

"Because mother set Under the restriction, I can only leave this place by refining my mother’s beast core, but this is the most important part of mother. With it, I always feel that mother is by my side, and I don’t want to absorb it, so please Young Master put me in the air luck planting bag and took me away."

The blue clothed woman’s eyes showed a look of yearning--"I have grown up here for 100,000 years, and I am very longing for the outside world. In the world, the last word that my mother left to me is that after refining her beast core, she can only leave after being sanctified."

Lin Chen suddenly realized.

This woman is now exuding the breath of a seventh rank Peak fierce beast, and has reached the level of a critical point. If there is a big opportunity, there is indeed a chance to step into the ranks of Sacred Beast.

She can only be sanctified if she wants to leave, but she must absorb the most important things from mother if she wants to be sanctified, but not sanctified, she yearns for the outside world.

"I can take you out, but you first explain to me the core method of the former master."

Lin Chen asked straight to the point. Although this woman has lived for one hundred thousand years, but the actual experience is not high, she throws out her intentions as soon as she meets, allowing Lin Chen to take the initiative.

"Well, when I was raised by my mother, my mother once followed a Human Race powerhouse. The core method of his cultivation is somewhat similar to that of you two, but the core method of the former master is relatively Higher-level, but incomplete...it's what kind of cultivation technique called Taiyi..."

Lin Chen's heart is agitated!

Can’t be wrong, it’s his yearn for something even in dreams’ "Heavenly Art"!

"Where did the master go before now!"

Lin Chen asked anxiously.

The blue clothed woman shook her head—“In the later records of mother, he died in a place called the mountain range of the burial saint. I don’t know where it was. However, mother mentioned that before The master’s fall is related to the extremely incomplete core method of his cultivation. This weak spot was revealed when fighting in the high-level sacred realm......"

Jiang Yun and Ning Qingxuan were surprised!

Lin Chen is a bit uncomfortable-"Damn, it's all this time, and there are so many things, what is this mountain range of the burial saint!"

Too much Heavenly Art is the best way for him to become stronger. Lin Chen has been pursuing it for a long time, and it is difficult to be completely calm in his heart!

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